Sun Systems LEC 315 - Reviews?

Haven't seen any grows or mention of those 630's. Running 2 side by side is pretty good coverage over a 3x6, could probably stretch it to 3x7 if you could feed it in one go and keep an even canopy. You get a lot of cross-over running them side by side.

I'm curious about a couple of aspects of the 630 fixtures:

1. I'd like to know their performance (PAR readings etc.), as I imagine there would be a helluva lot more intensity/output in the core area of 3x3 or so than the 315, plus, my guess is it should cover a slightly larger area effectively. Although it would be nice to know at what cost, in terms of additional heat output, which MUST be greater with 2 non-cooled lamps together like that.

2. It would be good to hear of any potential benefits of being able to mix/overlap the 2 different coloured bulbs (3100k/4200k) for a period as opposed to jumping from 4200 in veg to 3100 in flower e.g. using one of each lamp in the hood for the first 3or 4 weeks of flowering - seems like a logical experiment to conduct, perhaps mimicking to some degree the changing of the seasons as a more gradual process as in nature. I imagine this mixed spectrum might also be something worth experimenting with throughout flowering or indeed complete grows, especially for people using more than a single fixture, due to the "cross-over" you mentioned. I have previously read that some commercial growers like to mix MH into predominantly HPS grows.

For noobs like me, looking around for 1st set-up options, this tech' seems potentially more cost-effective (and thus attractive) than top of the line LED (which is a BIIIIG investment for someone with no grow knowhow yet!) but still offers lower consumption and less heat than traditional MH/HPS. It's tough trying to add it all up without the benefit of experience. And even tougher when there's no goddam information about products!!! I'm surprised not more grow journals feature these Sun System LECs - The reflectors look stunning! And the reviews/journals I have found all look pretty good.
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I'm curious about a couple of aspects of the 630 fixtures:

1. I'd like to know their performance (PAR readings etc.), as I imagine there would be a helluva lot more intensity/output in the core area of 3x3 or so than the 315, plus, my guess is it should cover a slightly larger area effectively. Although it would be nice to know at what cost, in terms of additional heat output, which MUST be greater with 2 non-cooled lamps together like that.

2. It would be good to hear of any potential benefits of being able to mix/overlap the 2 different coloured bulbs (3100k/4200k) for a period as opposed to jumping from 4200 in veg to 3100 in flower e.g. using one of each lamp in the hood for the first 3or 4 weeks of flowering - seems like a logical experiment to conduct, perhaps mimicking to some degree the changing of the seasons as a more gradual process as in nature. I imagine this mixed spectrum might also be something worth experimenting with throughout flowering or indeed complete grows, especially for people using more than a single fixture, due to the "cross-over" you mentioned. I have previously read that some commercial growers like to mix MH into predominantly HPS grows.

For noobs like me, looking around for 1st set-up options, this tech' seems potentially more cost-effective (and thus attractive) than top of the line LED (which is a BIIIIG investment for someone with no grow knowhow yet!) but still offers lower consumption and less heat than traditional MH/HPS. It's tough trying to add it all up without the benefit of experience. And even tougher when there's no goddam information about products!!! I'm surprised not more grow journals feature these Sun System LECs - The reflectors look stunning! And the reviews/journals I have found all look pretty good.
Yeah, I'm running the 315's and have a journal, not many around though logging their grows. There are a few around, just not necessarily posting/journaling, once in a while a post shows up in here. Won't find many real-life grows with those 630's though, haven't seen anything but literature/web info.
I would definitely take two 315w vert fixtures over the 630w hort panel, price dif is minimal & better coverage obviously.

240v is the most efficient way to go if you have the option.

These bulbs are designed for running in a vert position for optimal performance. You will suffer a spectral shift and faster lumen depreciation in a hort setup, granted it's probably minimal. MH arcs aren't completely stable(yes, even ceramic) and should be handled as such.
I would definitely take two 315w vert fixtures over the 630w hort panel, price dif is minimal & better coverage obviously.

240v is the most efficient way to go if you have the option.

These bulbs are designed for running in a vert position for optimal performance. You will suffer a spectral shift and faster lumen depreciation in a hort setup, granted it's probably minimal. MH arcs aren't completely stable(yes, even ceramic) and should be handled as such.

Thanks for that info. Much appreciated.

Just an aside though, the 630 fixtures are a fair bit cheaper at monster gardens.

I will now go away and look up spectral shift.

EDIT: Admittedly, I found that confusing, especially in its application to this context. Does spectral shift basically mean that by re-orienting these lamps, the spectrum they emit will be distorted in an undesirable or unpredictable way?
I would definitely take two 315w vert fixtures over the 630w hort panel, price dif is minimal & better coverage obviously.

240v is the most efficient way to go if you have the option.

These bulbs are designed for running in a vert position for optimal performance. You will suffer a spectral shift and faster lumen depreciation in a hort setup, granted it's probably minimal. MH arcs aren't completely stable(yes, even ceramic) and should be handled as such.
Agree on 2x 315's vs. 1x 630. Not that I have the room, but if I were going to add more lights I'd go with 2x 315's for coverage, flexibility and back-up for bulb/ballast failures.
Thanks for that info. Much appreciated.

Just an aside though, the 630 fixtures are a fair bit cheaper at monster gardens.

I will now go away and look up spectral shift.

EDIT: Admittedly, I found that confusing, especially in its application to this context. Does spectral shift basically mean that by re-orienting these lamps, the spectrum they emit will be distorted in an undesirable or unpredictable way?

On the allstart cmh line(205&330w) spectral shift was noticeable to me between hort/vert position, philips rep said 3-5% faster lumen depreciation running horizontal. IDK exactly the 315w agro bulb behavior between the two positions, all I was told that it was designed to run vertically (preferred but it is universal) like the all/starts. I have NO personal experience with the 315w cmh agro line.

Then their is the issue between having half of your bulb's light output being reflected(hort) VS basically all of your light being reflected in a vert/reflector setup====% losses??? or go bare-bulb??many variables to think about......ha

I prefer vert imo............others will probably disagree===== its your $$$ and your decision in the end.

You could try to contact phillips directly for an answer on spectrum shift/lumen maintanance between the two positions
So I went with 8 of the 315's, simply because the 630 wasn't available when I purchased. But after very minimal readings I convinced myself that I'd rather have the 315's for flexability on light placement.

Heres my incomplete setup. A bunch of things I still need to finish, run co2 lines, mount 2 inline fans, 4 moving fans, and the biggin', AC, Then reseal the seams on the inside with reflective tape.

I ditched the rope ratchets. Saved about 8 inches.
20141216_142709 - Copy.jpg 20150101_150150 - Copy.jpg
So I went with 8 of the 315's, simply because the 630 wasn't available when I purchased. But after very minimal readings I convinced myself that I'd rather have the 315's for flexability on light placement.

Heres my incomplete setup. A bunch of things I still need to finish, run co2 lines, mount 2 inline fans, 4 moving fans, and the biggin', AC, Then reseal the seams on the inside with reflective tape.

I ditched the rope ratchets. Saved about 8 inches.
View attachment 3329572 View attachment 3329574

nice setup grower!!===== should give you some major buddage

enjoy and be safe
I just was looking at others reviews for the SunSystem 300 watt ceramic plasma. I bought one 500.00 I think at our local hydro store. I also bought the new GrowLab 10x6 grow tent (something like that) with an 8 foot light runner. It was suggested that I allow the plasma to track the whole 8 feet for veg. Here's my experience: it's super easy to set up as its all included. Plugs right into the wall. No adapters needed. The bulb is vertical and the whole thing is cool. In fact it's cooler than my t-8. My set up was originally for just a "mother" tent. So I put babies in, set the runner to track 8 feet and fired it up. The plants grew FAST and I mean fast!!! They actually liked the light movement and grew length and bushy. I was able to start taking hundreds and hundreds of cutting quickly. I had BD and GSC under it. Everything was great. Then I started spraying my plants with neem trying to get rid of root gnats that I think came in some crappy soil. However the plants started throwing hairs, which I thought they were trying to bud. So I stopped the track at 4 feet. My mothers still tried to pinch up. I have noticed this after a lot of trail and error. The t-8 the plants reach for leafs first. I have 1/2 my tent and plants under a t-8 and half under the plasma. The plants under the plasma want to bud in my opinion even though the spectrum is for veg-bud. The SunSystem pulls less power than my t-8, and defiantly is a different colored light. The t-8 is bright. White light. The plasma is intense cool, and darker. Plants reach for both. But I'm thinking of just begging babies under the t-8, and then buying another 300 watt plasma and having both track 4 feet for flower. It's what the plants seem to want to do under it. Anyone else notice this? As far the SunSystem design and overall plant health, heat, and durability the plasma wins!
Can make these lights for £275.00 pounds if any one is interested good light give off little heat and great for 1.5 metre tented and 6 day old seedlings
Buds dont look that big though.... not to knock your plants. Is it comparable to a 1000w hps? How many gpw? Can you mix the bulbs in the 630?
Size of buds is relevant to the strain you're running, feed, grow method, too many variables. I don't grow by size of buds, I grow for a hobby and quality meds in soil with some supplemental feeding, running same strains in hydro would probably produce bigger buds but I'm not interested in that. I don't know if that 630 is equivalent to 1000 hps, haven't done a side by side which would be the only way to know. Just offering what I've seen/experienced and they are much more efficient and watt for watt they beat the shit out of hps, I setup my son to replace his hps watt for watt and he's producing ~25% more on average depending on strain with the same wattage he was running under hps, that's all I know first hand.
I was looking at the 630 because to 315's wont fit in a 4x4. But are these good for flowering? From what i heard there better veg lights.....
Hey big puff wouldn't go 630 due to over heating issues depending on size of reflector heard of 630 failing on one side great for vegging but question is will it produce on the yield current put in a gavita 600 next to the cdm got 2. Weeks of veg left then on to the next stage