Rate the last movie you watched 1-10

Hope I didnt offend you man, just thought the show format changed in season 2...was wondering if you thought that too...enjoy bro!

No that's fine dude, I fell asleep. Just got home from an overnight.

We've seen alot of those.

Aww really? That's shit.
the ridiculous 6 got 6 minutes of my attention before I shut it off.
I watched straight outa compton, it was good, cept I kinda felt like i knew what was going to happen,lol
I watched someones mum get fucked for money as i passed by car, well at least i hope it was for money.
Ok ill give it a go I watch a lot of movies and have to be special to stand out or quickly forgotten ,but never gave a review. my faves are mind fucks like momento, or clock work orange, inception,shutter island, to name a few Dances with wolves i really enjoyed and know Graham Greene through my bro in law. between gigs he builds boats at his home in ont.
The Martian.
the other night i watched the martian and thought it was ok and wouldn't watch it again,it was rather long, but was able to watch it right through.Matt Damon well hes Matt Damon not much variety in his acting ability but is ok i guess. I can see why it was nominated in the comedy section for this years golden globes because the little pieces of humor strung through out the movie is the only thing that kept me watching.7 stars outta 10.
the ridiculous 6 got 6 minutes of my attention before I shut it off.
I watched straight outa compton, it was good, cept I kinda felt like i knew what was going to happen,lol
Between 1 and ten I'd give that fucker a big, fat ZERO. It's a piece of shit movie! lol The actors and actresses must've been like, "do we have to go on?"
The judge! With Robert Duvall and Robert Downey Jr.

Give it a 4 out of 5. Great performance by both Roberts and the story line kinda hit home with a current situation I am going through? Good watch!

      • upload_2015-12-19_9-12-59.jpeg
    2015 film
    93%·Rotten Tomatoes
    After rising through the ranks of her male-dominated profession, idealistic FBI agent Kate Macer (Emily Blunt) receives a top assignment. Recruited by mysterious government official Matt Graver (Josh Brolin), Kate joins a task force for the escalating war against drugs. Led by the intense and shadow… More

    Initial release: September 17, 2015 (Chile)
    Director: Denis Villeneuve
    Running time: 2h 1m
    Cinematography: Roger Deakins
    Screenplay: Taylor Sheridan

    I just finished watching Sicario and i will go with the flow and rate it 7.5/10.
    Pretty decent watch.
    Would i watch it again? No
    Acting-Good all around performances. I enjoy most movies with Benicio Del Toro in them, Emily Blunt put in a solid performance as a fish out of water.Josh Brolin is solid like a rock as always.
    Story line-kept me watching with no long pauses in the action to lull me to sleep.
    Final word- Probably closer to the truth than you would think in regards to the way governments work.


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