Breeders Boutique

Dam Green217,that's pants man. What stage are you at with them? 1 1/2 of lights cutting out is never a good thing. I would have expected to see some reveg growth if the lights where doing that....I hope you can pull something out of the bag.
no they were cutting off for an hour when they were supposed to be on, then they came back on. so their lights on period was being cut down. They were in the dark for 12 hrs. then lite came on for 2 hrs, then went off for an hour and a half and then, they came back on. They were getting 12 straight hours of dark, but not 12 straight hours of light.
Live and learn, my timer is right at the entrance of my room, and it can be bumped easily. I am guessing that is what happened and screwed my light schedule up. I still have the one in there, but it might not stay long, if I keep finding nanners on it. Only found 2 on the nicesest plant hope it can stabilize. But it's hard for me to keep a plant that is throwing out balls in the room. I know some people say pluck em off, but I will probably chop it down to save my other strains from being pollinated. those 3 plants were going to be my next harvest, now i am set back another month till the others get finished.
My timer is built into my ballast these days. I run solis-tek matrix led ballasts. It hasn't happened to me since I started using them. Can't say I miss the timer problem. I can recall loseing it and screaming at least a couple times from timer problems..
Proper light timing is critical to prevent hermi's. I recently changed to 220v and hard wired an industrial timer into the system. The timer and three plugs are mounted on plywood which is over 6' from the floor.

Here is a preveg update on the BB gear I got going... They were topped early so I can clone one main cola and flower the other. I'm debating sexing them. I may just toss them all in 5's and take the loss with the males. I'm only getting the male vibe from one or two of them.....

Dippy Ellsy

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Hotdog x SOur cherry

This plant has the coolest shape leaves. I would walk right by it not ever realizing it was a cannabis plant they are so round.

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Deep blue x sour cherry

The one on the right got burned when transplanting. It didn;t take the the tea that followed too well but has since turned around. I have a feeling its a male tho. I'm usually 100% right when I get this feeling and since it is so sensitive I'm all set with its pollen if it is a male so it will be taking a walk if so. I may sex this one and the dog kush to make sure they are not male/hermies...

You think the one on the right might be a male? lol, :potfly: I do...

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Deep blue x sour cherry continued...

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This is the burnt one,... Seems to have turned around but its probably got nuts tho, :)

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DOg kush

Well... I didn't think it was going to live but it did pull through eventually. I learned to pop this strain in a paper towel next time for sure.

After nearly dying it was way behind the rest of the plants when I was going to top them so I said fuck it and attempted topping it anyway and missed with the pinch because it was so small. When that happened it got even further stunted. Obviously, lol.

FOR WHAT THIS PLANT HAS LIVED THRU IN TERMS OF MY ABUSE IT IS FUCKING HARDY REGARDLESS OF LOOKING LIKE A RUNT. That caps lock was an accident. Too lazy to fix it.. :) You can see in the tips of the leaves where I missed the pinch. yikes.


Last but not least the fireballz... :)

These are looking mighty nice....

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Nice fresh green growth there Prof....they are moving right along.

Clean man.

Very sorry to hear about the light mishap.

This resonated with me:

The timer and three plugs are mounted on plywood which is over 6' from the floor
yeah i need to move the receptacle up higher, it would help alleviate these unfortunate accidents.
Although I chopped 2 of the 3, I only found 2 or 3 male pods forming on this last one, and I am pretty determined to see it through. so far I haven't been seeing any new male flower development on it, I check thoroughly dailly. I do still have the cutting of all of them going and they will be back in the flower room soon. Here is the one BP I have left, it was my favorite out of them, and I have two cutting that are flourishing in the veg room. 20151216_171923.jpg 20151216_173255.jpg 20151216_173316.jpg 20151216_173328.jpg 20151216_173338.jpg
44 days in...

Deepblue x Livers #1, one of the tops
dB X l #1.JPG

SourCherry front, Hotdog x SourCherry back left
The SourCherry buds have some real girth to them, expecting some weightage off these.

Hotdog x SourCherry,
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Under one of the tops
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Some recent cuts, Hotdog x SourCherry, SourCherry, Dog #1, Dog #2, Deepblue x Livers #2
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The local store has stopped carrying sunshine mix number 4 Advanced, the stuff I've always used. So I just got a few bags of roots organic original about the transplant a fireball in the Sun and it's outgrowing its one gallon pot. Anybody have any experience with this roots organic soil?
Some guys on the 600 Club thread where talking about it the other day. Ask over there bru. But those guys seemed happy.
That's a great line up of strains @pin head.

She's looking great @green217

Thanks bro. I will admit I did give the dog to my buddy to flower at his spot. It was too far behind the group and it would have ended up not getting enough light here in the canopy. I'm going to get a cut from him before he flowers it and pop some more dog in the next round of seeds.
This time I'll know to treat them with a little more care.......
The local store has stopped carrying sunshine mix number 4 Advanced, the stuff I've always used. So I just got a few bags of roots organic original about the transplant a fireball in the Sun and it's outgrowing its one gallon pot. Anybody have any experience with this roots organic soil?

Every pic I've ever posted here was grown with roots organic...

I use it every grow. I have 2 kids so it saves me time mixing my own.

I add perlite / neem cake / oyster shells / worm castings to amend it..... 2 quarts of the perlite, 1 cup of each of the others per 1.5 cu/ft bag...

If you skip the neem you'll get a fungus gnat explosion. Roots organic comes with them free of charge.

You'll want to use cal-mag with it in between teas in veg and into mid flower to get as much nitrogen into the plants as you can or your plants will start to yellow out really fast starting week 4....... This is assuming you are feeding with organic teas...
Prof, would you mind sharing your neem cake source?


Hey jd, sure thing bro.

Weller turned me on to it. Neem seed cake is awesome. Fungus gnats really hate the stuff....

Like I said I mix 1 cup per 1.5 cu/ft bag but I forgot mention I also top dress with 1 tablespoon per 5 gallon pot when I transplant...

Here's a pic of the stuff I use. I get it at the local hydro shop. .


Here is a link to the exact cake I use but I'm not sure about this site. I never used them before....
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Hey jd, sure thing bro.

Weller turned me on to it. Neem seed cake is awesome. Fungus gnats really hate the stuff....

Like I said I mix 1 cup per 1.5 cu/ft bag but I forgot mention I also top dress with 1 tablespoon per 5 gallon pot when I transplant...

Here's a pic of the stuff I use. I get it at the local hydro shop. .

View attachment 3568665

Here is a link to the exact cake I use but I'm not sure about this site. I never used them before....

I have a few questions about the neem cake
Does it raise PH?
How many cups per 5 lb bag?
Hoes it hep to prevent mites?