Texas, the new haven for terrorists

Is Texas a new haven for terrorists?

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CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Welcome to the New World Order, Texas style.

Open carry is just what the terrorists have been waiting for. Now they can walk around in Texas, fully armed to the teeth, and nobody can ask them why.

Why does Texas love the terrorist so much that they make it easy for them to slaughter innocent citizens? Granted when the terrorists attack a mall in Texas they will probably kill mostly Texans so we got to look on the bright side with that, but there might be some tourists included in the body count and that ain't right.

Should we make Texas take a Patriotic Loyalty Oath so they can explain why they let terrorists walk around with guns and shoot everybody.
You have to have a handgun license first before you can open carry a handgun.

"Constitutional carry did not pass in Texas, so a police officer has the right to ask you to prove that you have a HL (Handgun License). If you are asked by a police officer to prove that you are allowed to carry a handgun, you must produce identification."

Now I can carry my revolver on a belt holster instead of in a shoulder holster under my work shirt. That's about the jist of it.
You have to have a handgun license first before you can open carry a handgun.

"Constitutional carry did not pass in Texas, so a police officer has the right to ask you to prove that you have a HL (Handgun License). If you are asked by a police officer to prove that you are allowed to carry a handgun, you must produce identification."

Now I can carry my revolver on a belt holster instead of in a shoulder holster under my work shirt. That's about the jist of it.
From what I have been reading, the police or other law enforcement do not have the ability to ask an open carrying citizen to show proof that the person has a permit or license to carry any gun. The police are not too happy about that because they can't tell if you are carrying your gun to make a point or you are on your way to Denny's to pick off a few people

Most police chiefs in Texas were against this new law.
op is laughable.

i mean tourists in texas?
come on..


No really, some people go there sometimes. Like the Austin music scene and the Alamo. These are very popular tourist destinations and I think people visiting the state of Texas should be warned that Texans, of all people, are walking around with guns and nobody knows what they plan to do.

Obviously they've made it very easy for fully armed terrorists to blend into the general population and execute everybody they don't like.
It's only day one. Let's just see what happens.
I think if lots of people are openly carrying guns, the criminals would be less likely to do anything. It would make them think a little more about what they're about to do.
My ex disagrees. She thinks everyone out showing off their gun is just another trigger happy psycho ready to blow someone away.
It's only day one. Let's just see what happens.
I think if lots of people are openly carrying guns, the criminals would be less likely to do anything. It would make them think a little more about what they're about to do.
My ex disagrees. She thinks everyone out showing off their gun is just another trigger happy psycho ready to blow someone away.
The criminals would just be on the lookout for middle aged white men with delusions of cowboy-itis.

The criminal would blend in until they decided not to and everybody around them with guns would be the first one's shot. Sure that is an over simplification of the truth but I got to keep it simple so the gunistas will understand what I say and respond.
The criminals would just be on the lookout for middle aged white men with delusions of cowboy-itis.

The criminal would blend in until they decided not to and everybody around them with guns would be the first one's shot. Sure that is an over simplification of the truth but I got to keep it simple so the gunistas will understand what I say and respond.
Middle aged white folks with cowboyitis IS Texas. They're waiting and hoping for someone to make a move.
I think it will be interesting to see how it all turns out.
It's only day one. Let's just see what happens.
I think if lots of people are openly carrying guns, the criminals would be less likely to do anything. It would make them think a little more about what they're about to do.
My ex disagrees. She thinks everyone out showing off their gun is just another trigger happy psycho ready to blow someone away.
Hey will, is the disagreement the reason she's your ex ?
You know open carry of long guns such as rifles and shotguns has been around for a while now right? Is there some reason the terrorists were waiting specifically to be able to open carry a handgun? I guess an AR or an AK is too heavy to lug to Denny's to pick off a few people.
Middle aged white folks with cowboyitis IS Texas. They're waiting and hoping for someone to make a move.
I think it will be interesting to see how it all turns out.[/QUOTE
You know open carry of long guns such as rifles and shotguns has been around for a while now right? Is there some reason the terrorists were waiting specifically to be able to open carry a handgun? I guess an AR or an AK is too heavy to lug to Denny's to pick off a few people.
I don't know what the terrorists are waiting for.

When you say long gun carry is legal does this include AR's and AK's?
I don't know what the terrorists are waiting for.

When you say long gun carry is legal does this include AR's and AK's?

"Long guns (rifles / shotguns) do not have to be concealed, but must be carried in a manner not calculated to cause alarm, and do not require a license."

"Texas abides by Federal law which at this time has no restrictions on so-called “assault weapons” such as semi-auto AR15, FAL, G3 / HK91 rifles."
"Long guns (rifles / shotguns) do not have to be concealed, but must be carried in a manner not calculated to cause alarm, and do not require a license."

"Texas abides by Federal law which at this time has no restrictions on so-called “assault weapons” such as semi-auto AR15, FAL, G3 / HK91 rifles."
Thanks for the info.

But why is Texas aiding terrorists?
OP is disgusted with the gunaholics who feel more guns is better guns.

You should be scared because the government is coming for your guns and you won't be able to stop them

No, I'm not freaking out. I wrote and posted signs on my doors today not allowing them in my places here. I sell alcohol, wtf! If people get in fist fights with alcohol, I don't want anything to do with guns.

And I don't think the government is coming to take my guns, I don't own anything they'd see as unnecessary.
You do realize plenty of states have had open carry in ace for a while.

There are four states that allow conceal carry without a permit. If your allowed to own a gun, you can conceal.

Kind of shoots that theory to shit.

I live in an open carry state, been that way for a while. No terrorist.

Texas is the 45th state to allow it. So if your poking fun of a state for open carry, which of the five states that don't allow it do you live in?