Halide revisited.


Well-Known Member
Some of you have already heard the language I'm trying too speak and since I'm here to freely help the willing, needed to share something.

Some have asked;" rev, if a high kelvin halide bulb is best for proper ripening and flavors and smells and yet sacrifices a bit on yield, why not run the 7200k or 14000k hamiltons with a sodium for a bit more yield?"

You can brothers, however the problem is you still have that high red nanometer and especially far red working against your ripening time a bit and you guys flip out when I tell you how long you need too give them, so you don't want too extend it further.
Also the trees next too the halide will be better and you get no UV from the sodium, just not worth it or I'd say it is.

So is there an answer and possible way too increase yields with the 14000k and not increase ripening time? Yes, there indeed may be.

I've been running 6500k or actinic blue in combination with standard 4100k in a t5 unit and getting incredible results compared too other combinations we had tried.

Thought, why not try the one halide combination we have not tried yet, so too say we did.

Slapped an old standard Phillips home depot 4100k special right next to the 14000k Hamilton beach and suddenly seen the most incredible spectrum I've ever seen and the fastest response from the plants I've ever seen as I watched them grow a node the first five hours I slapped it on.

I'm talking colors of pink and violet and other colors I never even seen before.

Makes total sense as i smiled with the lord in mind as always.

Two different halides that one puts toward the much needed blue nanometers and the other has most the par in the middle range and neither one has too much red or far red and both release nice uva/uvb.

Nope, I'm not stamping this yet, I'll be back lord willing in 30 days to give another report and have those pictures some have harped about.

Just letting those know that have asked, we may have found the answer so stay tuned.

One love, rev.the natural....I love cactus! LolIMG_20160102_065429363.jpg
I would appreciate if moderators would take care of Mr. Estevez and his contempt.

The moderators are fully aware that if my presence is not welcome here, all they need is to ask and I'll leave.

You however have no reason too show the out right disrespect that you have shown.

Its a screen, I'm just a man laying in the floor in pain right now.

Nothing here for you sir as you have already shown your mind is closed right now.

Do you really need too continue comments on my posts with my pitiful trees and wako advice?

No, you may need however too do some looking inside as too why you respond the way you do.

Everyone here is adults, they don't need you too watch out for them and the crazy nonsense advice I give, that's what moderators are for.

Blessings, rev.thenatural
The prob is you espouse bullshit, and you claim you're here to help us pitiful folk. You suspend science with pride.

That makes you not worth two shits. Critics come here because you offend the sensible. Critics come here to set newbies straight that might wander here thinking there's some great info here

There isn't. Too bad we can't put a warning buoy on your thread titles so people will know to avoid the utter bullshit
Lastly. I have brothers all over the net that will be glad too show off big beautiful green trees and all their crazy and wonderful unorthodox ways of growing this ole cursed tree so many believe they understand.

I'm not here for that.

I'm here to share for free too the willing the truth of this tree and its ripening so they can save theirs or someone else's life.

The teacher cannot always perform what he teaches as well as the students he teaches and how it should be if one is a real teacher...make more and better teachers.

I'm cramped in a two bedroom apartment right now finishing my healing of cancer and making an oil too give my wife's eyes back and take care of two elderly people as we moved here 18 months ago with hopes too share a testimony.

A life saving testimony too the willing as I've already stated.

There is no criticism that will come from this site, that will compare too what is coming.

The fight too get the truth out about many things in this life, has not even begun and yet this little bit here shows what is too come.

Why? You try to help people for free and they cannot hear as they live in a world made into a dump for the love of money and power.

Ask me again brothers!! Ask me again why I am not a rich man with this info and how to cure every degenerative disease on this planet!

Love, one day soon you will awake also and know not one lie came from me.

See you in 30..rev




Then why are you here?
Its actually a good question as Mr estevez.
Think about it just one moment.
You have no reason at all too reply too my nonsense. None at all.
Now, anybody with that avatar of yours should comprehend that with all understanding.
Nothing here for you. Simply stop and move on. Blessings, rev.
You're offensive, that's why we're here. You promote deep bullshit and non-science.

You let us all know how you're doing us such a big favor. Cause you're so smart and we're all so unenlightened.
You're offensive, that's why we're here. You promote deep bullshit and non-science.

You let us all know how you're doing us such a big favor. Cause you're so smart and we're all so unenlightened.
Why on earth does it scare some of you that I may be right?
What if I'm wrong, so be it, move on I'm a joke and we can take a picture of me and put it on cannabis magazines as the biggest lie and this guy will lead you astray.
My life will continue after all is laughed at and forgotten and so will all of yours...imagine that.

If I'm right, just remember it was free.

Never came on here too make anybody feel stupid or inferior or any of that.

This info is going to be controversial until proven, which will be in just a few weeks when my wife is no longer blind. THC oil is junk and cannabinoids oil is the healer.

Your scientist are not really too blame. The growers are and when you try too correct them, many take offense and want to compare brain pans and let ego and pride over ride.

You think I'm prideful just for sharing the truth even though you did not learn it elsewhere?

Come spend a week with rev john Johnson. I'll gladly give my address.
You'll leave well fed and feeling good and very enlightened indeed. You will quickly see that my pride and ego have already been reckoned with.

When this happens in just a few more weeks and you hear about this and all of you will as its not something I'll be able too keep secret. You will all know I've told truth for months now and this tree will be free and the true understanding will be given.

I will have pictures in a few more weeks of what this tree looks like when ripened through its stages for cannabinoids and those cannabinoids when making cannabis oil, are the true healers.

It cannot be achieved with sodium lights period.

When scientist test bud that has been grown and ripened properly, they will have a better understanding of its healing potential and then write up one of those nice long papers so many of you love so much and depend upon as we buy em books and send em off.

You'll have it, all the proof your little left brains can handle and then uh oh change will have too happen.

Either way, nothing I say should offend anyone and I'm not here too judge ones enlightenment or IQ. I'm here too help the willing or too provide a good laugh or something too curse at for the rest of you.

Throughout history, the ones who doubted the most, were the ones fastest converted too the truth when it was finally presented and could no longer be refuted.

It will happen again.

Just remember one thing, the very most fastest way to prove a man wrong, is to try his suggestions.

Nobody whom I've talked too face to face and them listen, has come back and told me I'm a liar when they try it.

I'm done for a few weeks and for those whom have listened and are trying the things I've mentioned last few months, will see I've spoken truth.

This is about saving lives and not impressing a bunch of guys that are afraid I may be right and have to throw away their sodium bulbs.

If high pressure sodium worked for the ripening stages, I'd say it does as I sure don't work for the halide company.

I've explained already why and the importance of it and for those men and women whom are suffering I hope you will listen and cure yourselves as these men bad mouthing this message are just fearful even though I'm sure they'll come back and bash me more for saying so.

The net is full of people whom would rather back lies, than too humble and listen to a deeper truth.

They try to make it a battle of wit and ego and it happens on every forum not just this one.

Those people who have nothing better too do than too use profanity and hateful comments toward anyone that brings new info that goes against common bull crap knowledge.

I've took the time and looked on this and other forums and they quickly try too destroy some of the best info given by true old timers and men and women who were willing too sacrifice and experiment too learn in order too help themselves and others.
It does not take a rev or a shirk or rabbi or imam or dishwasher too figure out that people are very fearful.

And how does it come out most every time?... Misdirected anger..imagine that.

Move along, rev.
They won't put a picture of you in any magazines for being wrong or right so let's get that off the table..

Who entitles themselves rev. anyways?
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Use too look just like this guy. 340 pound dying man.
Survived cancer, diabetes, heart disease, septic infections and west Nile virus, spinal injuries that should have left me dead or paralyzed permanently and no doctors.

People don't hear testimony anymore. Thanks for the reminder as I teach people more than just cannabis, but how not too look like that and live long happy lives and I didn't learn that either from college or jenny Craig, god showed me truth of health through Torah and proper understanding of adultery. Oops, hush rev, they get mighty upset when you try to help them.

Some do, some don't.

My neighbors listened too gods wisdom and are now healthier than ever and having the best sex of their lives.

Works for who works it, but ya thanks for the reminder of why I hang in there and help the willing too grow proper ripen healing herb and how not too look like that and convince themselves its OK.

Today, outside of some loose skin, I look like a triathlon and walk everywhere and can climb a tree at over 40.

As I've said before, the true teachers of gods wisdom are not teaching their own wisdom and give it for free and not found in churches, mosques, synagogue or tabernacle.

Just average folk that learned the hard way and for some reason have a desire too help the next person who is willing.

Seven years to heal from it all and still have one more issue too heal and I'm new.

I do not look my age and my diet is pure and my blood is neon pink as my family and no longer crimson red.

You won't find that in the books either brothers.

Does that make me better?
Absolutely not.
Does it perhaps make me educated on things others are fearful too explore or just too busy and distracted? Yes indeed.

I am the testimony. I lived through what has killed now 10 of my family and many others around the world and proper understanding of the ripening of this tree and eating the leaves and seeds " manna " was part of it.

As I stated in another post " and you wonder why the high ups keep secrets."

Its pretty easy as I've discussed and then the poor ole feller that just wants too help has to overcome one hurdle after another.

Anyway great reminder of what I will never return too.

Loosing the fat is easy, loosing the cocky little smart mouth prick, took time and humility.

Some are not there yet, they will be.
One love, rev.thenatural