The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
This is by far the laziest grow I've done. Probably gonna pull em all out tonight n give em one last look for sex on the others n clean the tent n take a few cuttings but only from two at most as I've some girls visiting me n ill probably just do a full run of em next crop but if the dbxl is the same one I grew a while back she's a keeper...only took like 15+ beans to find her lol..fucking hate pheno hunting but it's my own fault


Well-Known Member
Mine usually root in 7 days n i just focus on high humidity...never fed a cutting. Lemme know how it goes
Takes me around 10 to 12 at this time year I thinks it's the cold but they have a heat mat I don't usually have a blemish on them but for some reason they pulling off the tips nothing a spray won't stop really I'm just fussy lol


Well-Known Member
Yeh I'm gutted I lost my ssh m8 that was lovely selling £230 oz lol I was liven it I fucked it up abut this time tho as I was trying to give all the plants same nutes pp could handle more so next run have to mix 2 feeds up


Well-Known Member
That's why it's taken me so long to get clones I wanted to make sure I can keep em for good so ive a tiny tent I'll keep em in that I use to store my cuttings. Gonna setup my 3x3 aswell just need to get a light for it,was thinking of a 300wcfl but ill probably go for a t5 they've gotten quite cheap
Yeh I'm gutted I lost my ssh m8 that was lovely selling £230 oz lol I was liven it I fucked it up abut this time tho as I was trying to give all the plants same nutes pp could handle more so next run have to mix 2 feeds up


Well-Known Member
I tried taken clones in a unheated propagater out if 5 one rooted but had stem rot but since I got the airocloner I'm getting 85% prob get more if I left them a bit longer


Well-Known Member
That's y I liked them used a diy one for for about a year only thing what put me off was it was easy to break the roots when planting in pebbles


Well-Known Member
Yeh I broke a few taken them out the net pots so I hat to cut all the bottoms off I only go in to coco so it's alright for me I wanna try dwc so think I'm going to buy the one pot plantit and see how it goes