The dreaded wait.

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Waiting for seeds sucks. They should be here in about 2-3 days (hopefully). That would put me at 15 days.

I was ok for about the first 8. I dicked around prepping soil, tents, lights, etc. I even drug it out much longer than I should have. Now it's just waiting... And waiting.

Hell, I even threw in some old bag seeds just for the hell it. One sprouted today. I can't even train the damn thing yet lol. Waiting for seeds is much worse than waiting for harvest for me.

Just had to rant. Thanks.
I'm at the same point as you are... Just sitting here twiddling my thumbs waiting. Haha. At least on Tuesday I can take clones and start getting the next run ready. Going to try SOG instead of big plants...
When is it too late to take clones??
Well I've gotten the impression you can really take them any time. Most people seem to aim for week 3 of flower if they'll be taken from a flowering plant (see monster cropping). I have a clone that has been vegging for a few weeks that I grew with the intent of breaking down into 8 clones. From a plant in veg, you can clone at any time, really.
Waiting for seeds sucks. They should be here in about 2-3 days (hopefully). That would put me at 15 days.

I was ok for about the first 8. I dicked around prepping soil, tents, lights, etc. I even drug it out much longer than I should have. Now it's just waiting... And waiting.

Hell, I even threw in some old bag seeds just for the hell it. One sprouted today. I can't even train the damn thing yet lol. Waiting for seeds is much worse than waiting for harvest for me.

Just had to rant. Thanks.
where did you get them? i ordered from herbies (UK) and it came to me (boston) in exactly a week. super discreet too, granted i only got a couple
where did you get them? i ordered from herbies (UK) and it came to me (boston) in exactly a week. super discreet too, granted i only got a couple

Herbies too. It's no fault of theirs. USPS picked them up in NY, shipped to NJ, then to MA, now back to NJ. WTF? It's definitely USPS, just hope they weren't nabbed.
Herbies too. It's no fault of theirs. USPS picked them up in NY, shipped to NJ, then to MA, now back to NJ. WTF? It's definitely USPS, just hope they weren't nabbed.
Complain online on the USPS web site. I have had to do that 3 times with items stuck someplace. Give them just the tracking number and ask them WTF? I got all 3 orders kicked loose and got them in days. All intact.
Complain online on the USPS web site. I have had to do that 3 times with items stuck someplace. Give them just the tracking number and ask them WTF? I got all 3 orders kicked loose and got them in days. All intact.

If they aren't on the way here by the end of the day, that's exactly what I'll do. Thanks for the heads up.
I got all 3 orders jarred loose and delivered to me in AK in the same week. All 3 times. I gladly answered their satisfaction survey."You fellers did right good now ya hear?"

Haha. I'm in PA. Just pisses me off because it sat in Jersey for 2 days, went to Mass and now back in Jersey. Shit, I would have made the 4 hr drive if I knew they were gonna dick me around another week.

I'm just hoping they didn't get whacked. Then I'd have to wait all over again. I ordered from OSSC a while back. They got confiscated and they wouldn't resend or refund. They sent them in travel brochures... Real discreet lol. They gave me store credit. That's why I went with herbies this time.

If I don't see progress by 5 pm I'll email them.
Well, they just made it to Harrisburg. I imagine they will get shipped to the local post office tomorrow and be here Thursday... Hopefully.

I tried emailing usps but their site wouldn't allow me to. Then I called them... Fucking automated. Another dead end.

I have to revamp my setup though. Air pump for the bubble cloner took a shit and wiped out my clones. Switching to aero since I have back up pumps. The rest of the parts arrived today. Hopefully I'll have that done tomorrow.