$1k purple kush cut

what's up my brothers and sisters

Long story short, I know a guy selling an amazing, amazing no...legendary :) cut of purple kush. The high is solid, the taste is incredible and the bag appeal is thru the roof. The plant itself is impressive, bushy and branchy. But is it worth a cold G?!

what's the most you've ever paid for a cutting/plant? I've bought so many seeds and only ever found one plant that rivals this PK...
1k is nothing to a dispensary.... more of an investment....
know peeps that are holding on tight to their do si dos. and askin big money and i would too if i spent 800 on a pack....
Is it worth it to you? To one man a 40000 watch does the same thing as a 10$ timex does for another (for all intensive purposes )

OR a Chevy vs a Mercedes. Feel me

I personally wouldn't unless I was a dispenser and my customers wanted it.
Or if it was my all time favorite smoke that I didn't get used to after about an once or 2 (doesn't exist so far :) )
OR think of it this way would you regret it enough later to where a G seems small compared to not having it

Just my 2
Is it worth it to you? To one man a 40000 watch does the same thing as a 10$ timex does for another (for all intensive purposes )

OR a Chevy vs a Mercedes. Feel me

I personally wouldn't unless I was a dispenser and my customers wanted it.
Or if it was my all time favorite smoke that I didn't get used to after about an once or 2 (doesn't exist so far :) )
OR think of it this way would you regret it enough later to where a G seems small compared to not having it

Just my 2

I used to think it was "intensive purposes" too.. I found out last year its " intents and purposes"

Purple Kush is great smoke, very potent but not worth 1k.
recently a friend shared their seed order of some Rare Dankness Seeds. 501st OG and Ghost train haze #1.

If these turn out mediocre like a lot of other seeds then I'll pickup the purpkush. no doubt one of my favorite smokes.
recently a friend shared their seed order of some Rare Dankness Seeds. 501st OG and Ghost train haze #1.

If these turn out mediocre like a lot of other seeds then I'll pickup the purpkush. no doubt one of my favorite smokes.
I am pretty sure the GTH#1 will be up to your standards. I've not seen the 501st much, but that company is dropping bombs.
I tried RD Dark Shadow Haze, I found that Sativas don't really seem to finish in my environment so I didn't really like the ones I grew out but I am gonna give it another shot and pop the rest of the DSH after I pop all my Dungeons Vault Genetics. I really wanna get a nice haze that finishes in my room. I went like 12 weeks with purple trainwreck and it didn't seem finished either :-\.

I would go with what you love, if you absolutely love purple kush than the money might be worth it to you. I mean there are people buying a rock with letters on it for 3.99 at the hallmark store so no one can really degrade you for it. Especially if it is the number one favorite thing of yours.

value is subjective, if you feel it is worth a million dollars than maybe it is?