price of raw drugs by u

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Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
And no what we have here is one loud mouthed mother fucker trying to be cool by talking about how much ( or little) he has. you dont have shit kid and you're not impressing anybody here . I dont talk about my finances with friends and damn sure not going to try to impress people like you by dropping number or pics, I'm not self snitching nor am I going to paint a target on my back .good luck son you'll need it :) This is my last post , I aint fucking with you anymore :) BB

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
You see what we have here is a bunch of hateful jealous bitch made no risk . No rewards ass mother fucker who say 100k ain't shit but will never have that much money at one time I. There lives. Bunch of paycheck to paycheck living vics.still paying off college loans and shit Lmao.I'm cut from a different cloth.
Calmate white chocolate.


Well-Known Member
Where is your 100 grand pussy. How bout this . Any mother fucker that tries to rob me or cooperate with law enforcement will be shot with a .308 ar10.. lol@ small bags... I'm breaking down keys every month bitch..
You're pushing kilos and all the pictures you've shown is of a few grand and a few small bags? Might want to put some of those guns to use on yourself. You talk more trash than the kids that just sling a few pills and weed here and try to claim 'turf' as their own


Well-Known Member
You're pushing kilos and all the pictures you've shown is of a few grand and a few small bags? Might want to put some of those guns to use on yourself. You talk more trash than the kids that just sling a few pills and weed here and try to claim 'turf' as their own
those small bags I show that I cut off the brick are a class x felony non probationable and 6/30 years in da joint.. that brick that I cut them off is a super x felony.. 9/45 years in prison same time as attempted murder


Well-Known Member
so what are yall mad about anyway
That I got 100k and they don't I can barely spell. Lmao fucking tools get out there and get that money. Go rob a armour vehicle. Flip work like me . Do something different cuz what your doing isn't working. You must be a sad little girl if you gott a hate on a mother fucker who came from nothing and still made it.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
That I got 100k and they don't I can barely spell. Lmao fucking tools get out there and get that money. Go rob a armour vehicle. Flip work like me . Do something different cuz what your doing isn't working. You must be a sad little girl if you gott a hate on a mother fucker who came from nothing and still made it.

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
I'll kill anyone who tricks off. It's been working so far. It's probably better to just keep your mouth shut and take your weight like . Because they don't even solve 25% of the 500 murders 3000 people shot last year.. You can and will get fucked up
you wouldn't know until the cops bust down your door and find all your fine high quality dope and coke


Well-Known Member
This is Hallucinagins section... Admin neetds to move this to a new forum.... Pushers, pimps, and Dbags forum.... Or the I'm Going Up State Forum... I'll be murdered by the cartel before you reply forum.
I'm 30 if it was gonna.happen it already would have


Well-Known Member
well the dormin has arrived time to put in some work with playing cards and a coffee grinder... love to those who got love for me.amor de culebrassssssssssssss 773 all damn day bitch cook county crazy
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