A Stoners Dilema..


Well-Known Member
So, the end of summer is within sight now and my plants are doing wonderfully, however my plants are not what this thread is about. I live in a small town with lots of woods and small trails that are rumored to have many patches of cannabis growing in them. My friend knew directly of a specific neighboor of ours that grew in the "Plains" as we call them, which is state owned land. So three of my friends and I decide to take a days trip through the vastness of "The Plains" just to see if we get lucky. (Three college kids looking for pot) We trip back there own 4 wheelers and once we feel we are in deep enough we find a trail to park, i bring my GPS to help find the way back. After a few soild hours of searching we decide to split up, also carrying walkie talkies we feel we wouldn't get lost. After about an hour of roaming the plains, each by ourselves we lose contact with one of our friends, so the other guy and I meet up and try to locate him. Now take into account that this is state owned land taht stretches miles and acres upon mlies and acres. Now, we finally get a distress from my friend as were travling in the direction he went. Its staticy and we can't make out the words, we pick up the pace to try to close the distance between us and we hear him say he found "it." Right away i start to yell his name and after about 5 minutes we find him and a patch of 32 plants all females, I know I grow too and yes 32, we counted at least 5 times. My friends and I are in this together and will take a 3 way vote the end of August in what to do, any Stoner intutuion on this would greatly appreciated. 32 plants, I leace you with that.

P.S. Every minute of the day this patch haunts me.
well i have been told dont touch whats not yours with out asking hehe so if you feel the need to take them keep in mind someones put alot of hard work and time into growing them think about this what if you put all this time in and someone stole them from you :) jeff

maybe clip off a bud are 2 when they get close that way a deer could have done it or maybe bigfoot.
leave it alone! fucking rippers... If you get caught back there by the folks who are growing who knows what will happen to you...
I like to think of it as if it was my own crop how would I feel if one day they were just gone right around harvest. So in my opinion no I wouldn't take them. However With that quantity I do believe later on I would steal a good sized nug off maybe one of the plants. Lucky I've never faced that dilemma though; must be torcher. lol

yea man if theres so much land why don't you just grow yer own 32 plants? either way be careful...
Wow, the fact that you even thought about taking those, took my buzz away! Not cool, leave them be....
grow your own....or be shot...lol
...and to all out there that thinks on the level of stealing someone else's shit...thay can all kiss-ass
This truley plauges me every mintue everyday. Had I known that I would be this torn about right and wrong I would have never went and looked for them. BTW, i do grow my own and have put the what if its mine philospy to mind, however I only grow enough for me, which this year after over nutting and burning most of my plants turn out to be two females. No one elsed faced with this dilema would even consider it?
Yeah, I guess I knew all the long that I didn't want to do it, I never really stolen anything before and I think maybe stealing from the one thing in my life that i've always tried to take a stand for would most likely lead to some seriously bad karma. I don't know, I just see that giant garden of ganja everytime I close my eyes, it will truley haunt me for all my days, I just want to make sure I do the right thing.
well i highly doubt they would miss one bud. but then again you gotta be careful cause as they start to flower they may be guarding it...you don't want to get shot over a nug
maybe just maybe if I was to see someone even close to my "patch" the only reason they are getting away without something bad happening to them is because I didn't catch em'. So take that to mind when you're thinking about stealing someone elses shit. If I catch you in my patch on "the plains" you won't like the results.
sb101 right it that would really suck to get killed for 100 bucks of weed. when you could grow alot more then 32 plants in your life time. jeff
Did they look good? How big?
God, I don't know what I would do.
I have thought about that scenario before.
It is easy to say don't be a ripper, etc...that part is easy.
Standing in a field of 32 females, now that is hard...