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Now lets talk about uvb,uva nano 365to380 as i have been watching the case study for years as we are seeing real data showing in large increase in thc using late in bloom for a few hrs a day any input on this you have would be awesome as their is a dead thread from 2014 but nothing after this and study's come out in mid to late 2015.. will post
Debates can go back and forth forever about what the exact biological role of cannabinoids in the marijuana plant really are, perhaps a more likely explanation is that cannabinoids are a natural defense mechanism to a variety of assailants from the outside world: pests, mold, disease and ultraviolet radiation. Evidence shows that ultraviolet light can increase potency and resin production, though the whole picture of what cannabinoids do for the plant still isn’t clear.

Ultraviolet radiation in all forms can be damaging, but UVB rays specifically damage proteins and nucleic acids in the cells harming processes of cell reproduction and metabolism. The energetic, short wavelengths rays of UVB radiation pack the punch, and are largely responsible for sunburn and play a major role in skin cancer.

To defend against UVB, some plants produce flavonoids that can absorb the radiation. In humans,exposure stimulates the production of melanin to defend against the sun.

Evidence shows that cannabinoids, specifically THC, may play an active role in defending the cannabis plant against UVB rays, and strains native to areas with high levels of ambient UVBradiation show higher levels of Δ 9THC.

How did they figure this out? Finding out where the best pot in the world grows naturally was the first step. Typically, the best cannabis for hash grows in elevated regions. According to a book about hash (Bergel, 1965):

“When we were still working in this field we were told that the production of the active resin, in any kind of Cannabis plant, depends entirely on the altitude of the plantation; for example, you get rich charas or bhang in northern India only at a certain height above sea level. It was also reported that in order to obtain active resin one had to plant Cannabis in Germany near Roserheim, not far from Munich, which again is above a certain altitude.”

The less atmosphere you put between you and the sun, the more light you receive, and for cannabis plants this means making more resin to defend against UVB.

Plants grown above the 30th Parallel North typically have higher levels of CBD relative to THC, and plants originating from between the 30th parallel north and the 30th parallel south have higher levels of THC with little to no CBD. The first encounter with a South African strain that had high levels of THC with not a trace of CBD in 1973 reinforced this theory given the high natural UVB light intensity in the area.


High THC is found naturally in strains between the two parallels shown in the map. Areas of high hashish production in the Rif Mountains of Morocco, the Beqaa Valley of Lebanon and the Hindu Kush are all on the cusp of the 30 °N, but are all at a high altitude. This perfect balance of climate and sun exposure allows those places to grow the greatest hash plants in the world.

Presence of cannabinoid-rich trichomes near and on the seedpods, added to the fact that male plants barely produce trichomes, it seems logical that these resinous glands function, at least partly, to protect future offspring from the sun.

A more recent side-by-side comparison of plants grown with and without ultraviolet radiation backs up these older theories. So-called “drug-type” plants (strains cultivated for their naturally high levels of THC) produced higher levels of THC, but not other cannabinoids, when exposed to UVB treatments regularly.

What does these mean for the modern grower? Indoor plants can get supplemented with UVB, but stay tuned for the specifics on how to do this, and how much of an increase it gives you. For growing outdoors, you’ll need to head for hills.

(Photo by Leilani Zerke)
Cannabis researchers in Maryland exposed pot plants to ultraviolet radiation to see what would happen. They found that increasing doses of UVB radiation, a natural part of sunlight, made the plants produce almost 28% more THC in the buds.

In attempting to understand more about the function cannabinoids serve, the scientists discovered a relatively simple way to increase potency by a great margin. They ran the UVB experiment on both high-CBD hemp and potent Jamaican marijuana to see if the cannabinoid content would increase. Curiously enough, while THC increased in the Jamaican weed, the Czechoslovakian hemp received from the University of Mississippi did not produce more CBD.

So UVB radiation plays a role in THC production, but cannabinoids as a whole still retain their mystique. One fact can’t be denied: UVB radiation increases THC in strains that already express high THC.

How to take advantage of the effect

UV light intensity increases significantly at higher altitudes; the best hash plants in the world are grown in mountains and elevated regions. According to the National Weather Service, UV light increases “4-5% for every 1000 feet ascended." This means going from Phoenix to the top of the San Francisco Peaks increases UV radiation by 50%!

States like Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado receive some of the highest intensities of UV light with little cloud cover compared to northern states. Check out this map from the EPA to see your area.

Special fluorescent light bulbs generate radiation similar to natural UV light, and were used in the study. Growers put the plants under 40W Westinghouse FS-40 Sunlamps 10 inches from the canopy. Those exact light bulbs might be hard to find now, but similar, relatively inexpensive products are available in bulk and would be the best option for greenhouse-sized grows. The lights were filtered with cellulose acetate to remove the UVC spectrum—potent, damaging ultraviolet rays that are naturally filtered out by the ozone layer.

Micro and mini grow-ops can benefit from UVB supplementation, but need smaller bulbs. Desert reptiles like the bearded dragon require the radiation to make vitamin D, just as humans do. You can purchase a small UVB-emitting lamp at most pet stores. Mineral enthusiasts also use UVB lamps to make their rocks fluoresce, but the small handheld lamps are probably not potent enough for even a single plant.
I just remixed it a day ago. On another note all my beans are popping except the Nirvana beans (90% duds) anyone else experience issues with their beans before?

ive had nothing but probems with nirvana,
swiss cheese never poped , bublicious have yet to show any form of germination,
anythat do keel over and die. same wit the maui wowie..
terrible seeds from what i can tell, wont be buying from them again,
not worth it.
OK, of the light companies that sell COB lighting, I dont care if it's CXB 3590 or the one thats 2nd best.... I decided ill spend up to $550... I want a light that has 300-400 actual watts. Which company has the most affordable light?
ok i dont know where to post my question. i was given a diy led light made from cree rapid leds. its on a 20 inch heat sink and has 2 dimming power supplies. there are 36 3 watt leds. the light was built for a fish tank. dont want to spend any money as of yet so im going to sell the light to fund a cheap led grow. i was really thinking a about Marshydro lights and get 2 of the 300 watt lights for $150. i here the lights are nothing but problems. then on on the other side some people have no problems. for The price are they worth the money
I just remixed it a day ago. On another note all my beans are popping except the Nirvana beans (90% duds) anyone else experience issues with their beans before?

If you just recently (Less than a week ago) remixed your grow medium, you need to let it set for at least thirty days before planting new seeds.
So which driver would I use to power 4 cxa/b 2530 per chamber? Is there any major down side to cheap Chinese cost is much more affordable but if it makes all the difference then I'll go cree. I think the forward voltage is 30-36 or 32-34 something like that? If the fv matched on both sets of 4 in each chamber could I user a 240 driver to run them all? Or give each chamber it's own driver?
ive had nothing but probems with nirvana,
swiss cheese never poped , bublicious have yet to show any form of germination,
anythat do keel over and die. same wit the maui wowie..
terrible seeds from what i can tell, wont be buying from them again,
not worth it.
wow. never had trouble with tem myself.
Hello guys, i'm a newbie in led growing...i wanted to know if these are good to grow 2 plants: http://www.amazon.com/Roleadro-Ligh...p/B00U2DP48I/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top?ie=UTF8 and http://www.amazon.com/Outdoor-Equiv...bxgy_60_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=1NVPG0S7DRS21V22SCEK or two of these http://www.amazon.com/100W-Power-Ou...led#biss-product-description-and-details...or maybe is better to build my own (even if i don't have a lot of instruments). Thanks guys
they are not the right spectrum, not even close
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