Settle For Nothing


New Member
Your on the right track just in the wrong forum. This needs to be taken to the public especially the one who are ignorant of the facts. This is a little website that politically is not in the for front of the public conscience. Your right of course but this is not going to get you anywhere because we here would rather fly below the radar so to speak. You've obviously done your research and know this for yourself I am sure. If your proactive enough get serious get your education and run for office and change things for the better from the inside!
i agree,, the effect of this thread in this forum is very minimal,, but these are a people i can identify with, and people that can relate to me. We all share something in common that we are not allowed to openly and freely act upon. This should be the spark to ignite the flame,, it may not be much but it's a start. I'm not trying to change the world (although I wish I could) I just hope to make more people aware of what is going on,, because sure as shit they arent teaching kids these kinds of things in school... I have my doubts they even teach how the economy goes round, and what affects it.

and I would like to make it clear that I am not attacking the U.S. or its citizens,, this kind of shit happens all over the world, I just think that north America is the main contributor to all of this bullshit. even recently here in Canada the federal government held back a "bulletin" from Environment Canada stating a rapid climate change that has happened in the past couple years. They held back pertinent information regarding the "well-being" of our mother earth.. why? why the fuck do you think? because the government doesnt give a shit about the repercussions of their actions,, they just know that if they issued a public notice of the climate change it would freak people out and people would start demanding that something be done about it. Instead they just sweep it under the carpet and wait for the next generation to have to deal with twice the shit.
this goddamn nonsense needs to stop. we have every right to know these things and it is the government job to fix these thing,, that is why WE pay them so much. We pay the gov to do a job, and they are not doing it right. they are being dog fuckers who just want the money,, not the work.

this kind of shit shows that we need change. this isnt something you can just hope will go away and fix its self.

so once again im going to drop some more Rage:

Amp up and amplify


Im a brother with a furious mind

Action must be taken

We dont need the key

Well break in


New Member
obviously 90% of ppl here don't pay taxes,, because i should be hearing some anger right now,,, i guess the kids dont yet know what it's like to have the gov take a huge amount of money (Federal tax, EI (formerly UI, which many never see), pension (which many people never live to see or only get a little of it before they die), municipal land taxes, provincial or state sales tax, and goods and services tax. Not to mention all the people who PAY to use the new highways.

and what do they spend it on??? i bet you only see 5% of that money you gave them at the absolute most

that means we are getting royal #8:::::::::: -) in our peon (|) (in other words we are taking it up the ass by our gov)

i have yet to meet a taxpayer that is not pissed off about how much money they take and spend uselessly like it was their own,, they need to stop taking so much so we can spend it here and make the economy flow,,, instead the gov takes it and blows it up their nose by funding foolish wars that gain the country nothing and buying natural resources from other countries (which helps their economy and makes ours worse) instead of putting that money into replenishing out natural resources and so on and so on...

stand up and scream at your gov!

instead of bending over and taking it up the ass
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New Member
We don't even have true capitalism. The markets manipulated by the federal reserve, subsidies and other crap that tax payers should not pay for.

People forget that our country most of us claim to love was established as a Constitutional Republic. Now most of the bill of rights have been might as well not exist. Gun rights have been infringed, people are being.

The term "General Welfare" at the top of the US constitution has been used to set up socialism in America. These are the scientific studies, which should not be paid for with tax dollars, government funded education, fluoridation of water and coming soon: Socialized medical care. Our currency and tax system is way out of line with the constitution.

Section 10 - US Constitution - Interactive "Just add tyranny" United States Constitution -
No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Lettersof Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing butgold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder,ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant anyTitle of Nobility.

Section 8
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the
Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited
Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and
Offenses against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union,
suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for
governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline
prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District
(not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; And
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into
Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this
Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
If you read the entire constitution, you will realize that you have never in your entire life actually lived in the constitutional republic that was passed down to our great great great grandfathers.

This thread is absolutely right, there are things horribly wrong with our government. Yes they build roads. And put in the stop signs. I would love to undercut the people that make stop signs, but I dont have the cash to bribe the politician that decided its ok to pay 10 grand for a single stop sign. Most of our debt is spent on defense. And even though our borders are wide open, our citizens are disarmed, and cargo containers rarely get checked, we are doing just fine. National Security is arming every citizen, not shipping our military to the other side of the world to "spread democracy". Why are we spreading Democracy? Democracy is the new christianity. Spread by force and lies, just like old times.

Like you said, that picture of the castle being attacked being the last resort. We've been settling for nothing, I think we're at the last resort, and I seriously think its a possibility that when our troops get home, if they do, and find out whats been going on, we may just have our day.

I spread info when I can, run a couple informative websites, and don't pay income taxes at all. I sold my car and now share one, not because I had to. Because I dont wanna pay the taxes associated, and I work from home anyways. To some of you not paying income taxes that makes me a bum, to me, it makes me not party to murder, war crimes, gov corruption and lining the pockets of politicians that dont give a FUCK ABOUT ME AND THEY DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU EITHER!!

FYI - Don't mind the signature, im an American Citizen born and raised. =)


New Member
you hit the nail on the head dev...the young adults today have no idea how badly they are being screwed over because they have been completely numbed. The government controls what the media says, the government controls what we learn, and they have been desperately trying to control the way we think.

im sure many people here have read books such as Brave New World by Huxley, 1984 by Orwell, Oryx & Crake By Atwood, even Animal Farm by Orwell is a great short read. these books all have one think in common. they all take the faults in our society and blow them up to what you could expect in a decade or two from current times, and this leads to the ultimate demise and crumbling of the society. The government has spent way too much time and way too much money trying to fuel the economy that they have lost sight of what is really important in life,,, human and environmental rights and protection from each other and ones self (which ties into human rights).
Animal Farm by George Orwell is my favorite due to the simplicity of the message and the comic way it is brought about. No matter how great a government starts out or claims to be there will always be corruption and corruption leads to more corruption. We are our own enemy and that is why we have set the government in place,, to protect us from ourselves,, but they do not do it to any standard of satisfaction. That last point has been repeated throughout this thread because it is the main point that I am trying to stress. We pay our government A LOT of money to do a job,, and they are not doing it properly,,, and we are still doing nothing about it. We have settled for a mediocre life based on the promise of success, something to this day I still do not understand. We work our asses off 1/3rd of our free life (by free i mean not living at home or not being old and feeble by the time you are able to retire) to have the government take a HUGE chunk of that money and blow it on useless shit or give it to other countries. And then you die and all that success you earned means nothing,, but all the sadness, depression and stress from a life time of striving for the unreachable (the so called success) means a whole lot.
We have succumbed to letting secondary factors (work, school, the gov., the media) control the way we live our life and set the "standard" on what life should be. Free choice is dead. They call it the land of the free but i will tell you sure as shit that you are not at all free... and without even having to think about it i can prove it. We are all doing something the government has told us not to, and has somehow deemed "not suitable for the public" like we all are 10 years old. you dont have the FREEdom of being able to choose to smoke and grow pot even though these actions are 100% victimless. Im not against not letting a child with an undeveloped brain (lets say under 18 years old) do drugs because they are not yet old enough to make the proper decison to not smoke pot while theyre mind is developing but telling a grown adult that he/she may not grow a plant that naturally occurs on out earth,, the earth that came much much much before any government did,, is absolutely asinine.
And that is the one example even you "non-taxpayers" can relate to.
There are many more examples but im sure you can figure them out,, and i'm getting tired of typing and somewhat feel like i am rambling.

here is one more small but relevant example that happened to me just today. In canada we pay a helluva lot more taxes than you do over there in the U.S. The main reason for this is because some of our health care is provided and paid for by the governemnt. Only problem is they are cheap bastards and dont pay doctors enough money. there is a HUUUGE shortage of doctors in Canada because they all want to go to the states if they are good, because then they can make the big bucks. Also family doctors are paid by how many patients they process, not by the hour here,,, so it becomes their goal to get you in and out of there as fast as they can, to take on the next patient. this leads to doctors constantly sluffing people off as if there is no problem, or promptly blame it on factors such as stress or depression. The other problem that we are running into is people making appointments for any and every reason because they don't have to pay a cent, so the waiting list to get an appointment is unacceptable. waiting time in ER is unacceptable,, all because our dumbass government cant figure out balance. why not ,, no longer make healthcare free and (on the other side of the border) not make the patient pay 100%... wouldnt that be a great balance? maybe something like the gov' would continue to pay doctors per patient processed, but it would be less, and the patient would have to pay a certain small amount by the hour. this way the doctors dont feel like they need to shuffle people out because every minute they "waste" on a patient is another dollar lost, and they dont feel like they need to find a problem with you because the longer you are there, the same amount of money they make, but the doctor has less stress dealing with fewer patients per day. How fucking simple is that to figure out,, yet there is other more important shit like starting wars or going into space. (which Canada will be doing soon)

this is why i am pissed

and i am even more pissed of the ignorance people have to all of this,, because if we dont all work together we will never have change and we will again settle for nothing


Well-Known Member
needs more cowbell..........................................

OK I read the whole thread. Dudes right, The gov'ts broke, but sadly it's too late to fix it. Even tho the constitution states that its every citizens duty to rise up should the gov't become oppressive, they'd label them terrorists and hunt them down like dogs. (Unless they were named Bin Laden, in which case they'd never be found.)


New Member
needs more cowbell..........................................

OK I read the whole thread. Dudes right, The gov'ts broke, but sadly it's too late to fix it. Even tho the constitution states that its every citizens duty to rise up should the gov't become oppressive, they'd label them terrorists and hunt them down like dogs. (Unless they were named Bin Laden, in which case they'd never be found.)
Bin Laden is worth nothing to the U.S. thats why he was never found and never will be,,, they found Saddam awfully quick though... no doubt the U.S. wanted to "intervene" in iraq,,, so when "democracy" comes everybody will have the U.S. to thanks.. they will thank them so much they will have no problem sharing that precious oil for a reasonable price... Saddam was a business man though, as all "communist" leaders are (unfortunately) and he would know better than to let that precious oil go for anything less than an arm and a leg... especially to the much hated and very desperate nation of America (no offense)

I wouldnt be surprised if this war was taken so far that things get massively fucked in the middle east and there will be no one to govern the people,,, and i bet sure as shit i know who will be the first to step in to start governing.. hmm take a guess.... it's all just a big massive set-up... the U.S. gov cares for no one but themselves and that has come very evident to the whole world over the past 100 years, so it seems suspicious that the U.S. will give the lives of their own citizens to fight for democracy halfway across the world in a goddamn desert.. can anyone say ulterior-motive?

its just too bad everyones brain is so warped that they cannot see the light, because big ol' uncle sam is standing right in front,, making sure you don't get too close

im still waiting to hear about the "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq.. you know,, the ones they didnt have?

and then there is the U.S who not only have weapons of unimaginable destruction but they have biological weapons.. why are you so paranoid U.S. gov? have a guilty conscious or something?

The U.S. could wipe the world out in one foul sweep,,, why they need that capability is beyond me,, if anything it is the other countries that need these weapons to protect themselves from the shit the U.S. pulls

i remember when we had the anthrax scare.. everyone (including the people, media, and gov officials) automatically blamed terrorism and terrorists(which have been publically profiled as middle eastern people) With absolutely no proof whatsoever, just like the "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq. But who would have thunk that anthrax came from an American Facility and was released by an american... but i bet sure as shit that didnt make the headlines,,, but when there was a "terrorist" scare it makes the headlines

i wonder if that douchebag ravioli came back on here and read all this shit he would still be praising and backing his government that gives him roads and street signs and aparentley fly's him to Egypt wtf?

i don't mean to be mean but he had no position even coming on this thread.. i dont think he even belongs on this site,, how can someone who smokes pot be so ignorant? fucking phony if you ask me


New Member
here is a prime example of the government greedyness.. this man, with no support from the gov't, made a car able to run off water.. he also made a product that converts your car to run partially off water that you can purchase for under 150$. it claims to double gas mileage yet the gov hasnt tapped into it yet to save our mother earth. why? because water is not a rare taxable good that can be overpriced.

something doesnt seem right with that

check out the site,, its pretty impressive,, lots of videos to go along with it

Run Your Car on Water


New Member
Why should government "protect us from ourselves?" Aren't the anti-marijuana laws exactly that? Aren't all victimless crimes exactly that?

Keep in mind, without laws to protect us from ourselves, the regulators and destroyers of liberty have no power over us.



New Member
Why should government "protect us from ourselves?" Aren't the anti-marijuana laws exactly that? Aren't all victimless crimes exactly that?

Keep in mind, without laws to protect us from ourselves, the regulators and destroyers of liberty have no power over us.

What the fuck is your precious liberty? The right to make as much money as possible without taxation? Please tell me how you are personally being persecuted outside of your felonious attempt to not pay your taxes?


New Member
Why should government "protect us from ourselves?" Aren't the anti-marijuana laws exactly that? Aren't all victimless crimes exactly that?

Keep in mind, without laws to protect us from ourselves, the regulators and destroyers of liberty have no power over us.

the government should protect us from ourselves because we are evil. i think you are taking it a little too literally. it was meant to be taken literal but not that literal.
i am talking about protecting us from the evils that we possess such as greed, envy, hatred, spite, jealousy, selfishness... victimless crimes DO NOT fit in, they are "protecting" us from dangers such as the adverse effects of inhaling smoke. You are on the wrong page or didnt read this fully.

I will give you a few examples on how the government should be protecting us from ourselves:
1. if we had the choice we would still be clear cutting trees with no plans of replanting. this is because we are greedy and we want everything as easy as it can come. the government has to place sanctions on these types of industries so greed doesnt devastate our land
2. again if we had the choice we would go around driving big SUV's with the a/c cranked going for pointless "tours" endlessly. well now people have to think twice because of the price of gas. IMO the price of gas should have gone up a long time ago, so people wouldnt have wasted all the fuel they did and needlessly kill the environment.
3. we would kill each other over every dispute if there were no repercussions set
4. we would steal anything if there were no repercussions set
5. we would kill off any animal that "got in our way" or proved to be any sort of nuisance because we are selfish (we actually have done this in the past and made many species become extinct)
6. we would fish the lakes empty with no attempt at rebreeding and restocking
7. we would hunt down every wild animal and kill it for food with no plan on rebreeding

and on and on and on


New Member
What the fuck is your precious liberty? The right to make as much money as possible without taxation? Please tell me how you are personally being persecuted outside of your felonious attempt to not pay your taxes?
1. The right to grow a simple plant.
2. The right to ride a motorcycle without a helmet.
3. The right to drive my car without wearing a seat belt.
4. The right to smoke tobacco outdoors.
5. The right to cross borders unmolested.
6. The right to money with a fixed value.
7. The right to use my money before government takes it. (withholding)
8. The right to discriminate.
9. The right to speak my mind. (hate speech)
10. The right to be left alone.
11. The right to voluntary exchange (gambling, drugs and prostitution)
12. The right to being off camera.
13. The right to negotiate wages. (minimum wage)
14. The right to work without a government approved professional license.
15. The right to own a gun without governmental approval.
16. The right to own a dog without governmental approval.
17. The right to get married without governmental approval.
18. The right to have a child without having to assign a government I.D. number to the child.
19. The right to travel without a government issued licence.
20. The right to drink a beer on the beach.
21. The right to fish without government approval.
22. The right to hunt without government approval.
23. The right to smoke a cigar on the beach without government interference.
24. The right to play poker with my friends for money with no fear of arrest.
25. The right to drink, smoke, snort or ingest anything I want to without government bans.

In addition, there are many more regulations governing our private behavior, but time constrains forbid me at this point to continue. Time to make some money.

Before I go though ... I'd like to point out to you, Med ... YOU are the one who is hung up on the money issue, not me.



New Member
Damn skippy. Land of the Free?

1. The right to grow a simple plant.
2. The right to ride a motorcycle without a helmet.
3. The right to drive my car without wearing a seat belt.
4. The right to smoke tobacco outdoors.
5. The right to cross borders unmolested.
6. The right to money with a fixed value.
7. The right to use my money before government takes it. (withholding)
8. The right to discriminate.
9. The right to speak my mind. (hate speech)
10. The right to be left alone.
11. The right to voluntary exchange (gambling, drugs and prostitution)
12. The right to being off camera.
13. The right to negotiate wages. (minimum wage)
14. The right to work without a government approved professional license.
15. The right to own a gun without governmental approval.
16. The right to own a dog without governmental approval.
17. The right to get married without governmental approval.
18. The right to have a child without having to assign a government I.D. number to the child.
19. The right to travel without a government issued licence.
20. The right to drink a beer on the beach.
21. The right to fish without government approval.
22. The right to hunt without government approval.
23. The right to smoke a cigar on the beach without government interference.
24. The right to play poker with my friends for money with no fear of arrest.
25. The right to drink, smoke, snort or ingest anything I want to without government bans.

In addition, there are many more regulations governing our private behavior, but time constrains forbid me at this point to continue. Time to make some money.

Before I go though ... I'd like to point out to you, Med ... YOU are the one who is hung up on the money issue, not me.



New Member
1. the government should protect us from ourselves because we are evil. i think you are taking it a little too literally. it was meant to be taken literal but not that literal.
i am talking about 2. protecting us from the evils that we possess such as greed, envy, hatred, spite, jealousy, selfishness... victimless crimes DO NOT fit in, they are 3. "protecting" us from dangers such as the adverse effects of inhaling smoke. You are on the wrong page or didnt read this fully.

I will give you a few examples on how the government should be protecting us from ourselves:
1. if we had the choice we would still be clear cutting trees with no plans of replanting. this is because we are greedy and we want everything as easy as it can come. the government has to place sanctions on these types of industries so greed doesnt devastate our land
2. again if we had the choice we would go around driving big SUV's with the a/c cranked going for pointless "tours" endlessly. well now people have to think twice because of the price of gas. IMO the price of gas should have gone up a long time ago, so people wouldnt have wasted all the fuel they did and needlessly kill the environment.
3. we would kill each other over every dispute if there were no repercussions set
4. we would steal anything if there were no repercussions set
5. we would kill off any animal that "got in our way" or proved to be any sort of nuisance because we are selfish (we actually have done this in the past and made many species become extinct)
6. we would fish the lakes empty with no attempt at rebreeding and restocking
7. we would hunt down every wild animal and kill it for food with no plan on rebreeding

and on and on and on
To answer your totally ridiculous assertions:

1. I am not evil. You may be, but I am not. Therefore, we have cops, courts and jails to protect folks like me from evil folks like you. I don't need a Nanny State to protect me from me.

2. So, you're saying that we need a Nanny State to protect us from our emotions and human nature?

3. I know the harmfulness of inhaling tobacco smoke. The warnings have been printed on all packages of tobacco products for decades now. That's why I don't smoke, because its harmful to my health. But, damn it ... I DO smoke a cigar once in awhile and I sure don't need some bureaucrat reaching his/her regulatory arm 3000 miles across the country to yank the cigar out of my hands.

As to the rest of your post ... I have never taken a number of fish that is over the limit. I have never cut a tree down. I don't steal. I don't kill animals. I've never killed a fellow human being. And If I want to drive a SUV, gas guzzling beasts that they are, I should be able to drive one if I can afford it. What I drive is none of your freakin' business or any other busybody for that matter.

Again, your opinion of your fellow human beings is pathetic. I suspect that you've bought into the left-wing, nut-job propaganda, that teaches sacrifice of the individual for the good of the collective.

It takes a village, my ass.



New Member
so why exactly are you creeping old threads and starting arguments? got a bone to pick? you are probably "friends" with some bitch i argued with and since you think you are such a hot shot with all your mighty "rep" you decided to come on here and give me a run for my money,, this thread was dead and like i said to that punk bitch ravioli, this is a thread for people with a free mind.. your case is slightly different but you are just looking to start shit and i got better shit to do than argue with a punk kid.

you are evil, you have just been bread otherwise... do you think if you put two primal men in a cage with a chunk of meat it the middle they would share it? not a fucking chance

and why do you think we are running out of oil? because dipshits like yourself trhink they "have the right" to drive around pointlessly in a hummer with the ac pumped and the windows down,,, you dont see the big picture, you only care for yourself,, GREED & SELFISHNESS

get a life and stay off my threads


New Member
I agree with both you guys at the same time. Both your lists jive. ViRedd posts victimless crimes, chuckbane is referring to the collective evil that some people tend to create and it can be precieved as being ALL of us since 80% of everyone votes for it. John McCain & Barrack Obama. I don't think voting will work, something else needs to be done. Both you guys are right, but ive only read these two list posts you guys made recently.


New Member
Geeze, chuck, you are really giving it to him. I'll have to agree with you, he is evil,~LOL~. I believe he is complicent in the housing market collapse, greed ya know., lets sell this house for 20K over the market value and set a precedent, then the next ten sales can be 20K higher, then we'll do it again, and over and over. Then a 70K house is selling for 350K, a 350K house is selling for 2.5 Mil. Guess what, 6% of 2.5 mil is a hell of a lot more than 6% of 70K. Then the bottom drops out, go figure, greedy real estate salesmen at their finest, and BTW that's what VI does for a living.


New Member
you are evil, you have just been bread otherwise... do you think if you put two primal men in a cage with a chunk of meat it the middle they would share it? not a fucking chance

Two little punks, like yourself, would cry and demand tofu, I'm guessing.