Its not what you give your plants as in additives it comes with experience
Experiment enjoy something that takes nothing to grow give them enough light a nutrients its not about hammering plants with everything its about keeping a plant with least amount of nutrients
People try to hard water to often and leach away most of the nutrients never really understood
So last year i made a simple soil rain water only out door
What i used was 40 percent compost 40 percent NEW top soil 10 precent grass clippings and 5 percent live worms and 5 percent cardboard worm food ( Starch worms go nuts over it }
and let mother nature water in ground plant and as for one in pot i watered with collected rain water
out door in soil plant vegged 4.5 months and flowered with no nutrients other then 2 top dressing of fresh grass clippings from lawn ,, same thing applies with the plant in pot and it grew healthy and big o nutrients added
Moral of the story is keep plants healthy stay away from all the hype of silica , or additives the plant will produce what its capable of end of story as long as you have all other factors balanced lighting , enviroment etc fnd a perfect soil recipe and better your self
And most importantly let the plant do its thing