

Well-Known Member
Okay i have a question I hear that the plant grows 2-3 times during the flowering cycle.... but yet people dispute when the flowering cycle is called the flowering cycle my question is........ Is the start of the 12/12 when the plant grows 2-3 times OR after pre-flowers start that it grows 2-3 times.... let me give you some back round

the strain isn't known but usually cant tell the sex until the 12/12 cycle is started...... if my plant is 8'' now does that mean that NOW that i know its female does it start the 2-3 times the length now or when I started the cycle of 12/12 i know this sounds confusing if I need to clarify even more I will


Well-Known Member
Basically how it works is this.....when u switch to 12/12 the plant does not go instantly into flowering mode. It takes about 2 weeks or so to show prominant signs of flowering (this is where most people will start to count their flowering weeks IE week 1). During this few weeks the plant is still growing while reciving signals to flower. Therefore, it still grows height and width, etc. (this is the stretching people talk about to 2 or 3 times, depending on strain). Once its in full flower mode, it stops "growing" and puts energy all into flowering.

hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Oh okay I think i get it...... so right now is when I am gonna see the final growing stage since I am only in a couple of days of the pre-flowers......... if its 8'' now does that mean it could be a foot and a half by the time of the full flowering stage?
Also is that when the tricombs start to show? I have a magnifier and I see some 'sparkles' I know thats probably a bad term but its the only way to discribe them. Is that the tricombs? all I can say is its bagseed and it blew my brains out lol it was sooooo damn good........ red hairs some white hairs and some blueish and it had a little bit of a fruity taste like blueberry so I have ABSOLUTLY nooo idea I wish I did!


Well-Known Member
I don't know when you say pre flowers what you are actually meaning. Pre flowers occur in the 4-6 week of veg. growth once its past the 2-3 week seedling stage. They indicate the sex of the plant without you flowering to find out the sex. This means the plant has reached maturity and is ready to flower.

If you started 12/12 before pre-flowers showed, then the white hairs developing on the shoots are the actual flowers starting to develop. SO, from the minute you switch to 12/12, the next 2 or 3 weeks is where you will get the STRETCH if your gonna get it. So yea, its possible for the 8incher to finiah at 16-24 inches by the time its done flowering. You will notice the stretch and will notice when it stops.

Trichs will start to develop...but it wont be til week 7-8-9-10 (if you go that far) till you see major crystal formation. thats when you use the scope to see the colour of the trichs to determine when to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Thank you sooooo much that definetly helps me out a lot. Okay so then they are the actual flowers. Yeah I had a friend that used these seeds before that couldn't tell the sex until after the 12/12 cycle they were 14'' and still were no preflowers...... she ended up getting all female seeds to.
So anyway after mine was put under 12/12 it took about 15-17 days for the sex to show, so its only been 4 days in and already has stretched 3 + inches and is still growing. Within 12 hours this morning it showed another half inch plus.... so i am loving this whole thing. Also white hairs are popin out everywhere :) i will have to get pictures up as soon as the buds start.........


Well-Known Member
A question that you all might hate, I know that I usually do unless I know the end height of the plant. I dont know the strain..... but was wondering if you have a plant that is a foot and a half tall and using 3 1750(lumen) clfs what is the least yeild to most yeild you have gotten from your plant. and if you didnt have a short plant like that what do you think you could get. I know that its hard to determine but if you can try to give me an idea and not mind this really difficult question that would be great thanks.


Well-Known Member
I DONT KNOW if this will help too i have right now at only 6 days into flowering 10 shoots with long hairs and looks like 5 more shoots will be up in the next 12 hours with hairs...
one more question i have a male i really really want some seed but not to take to much energy from the plant and to take over the crop i hear that the q-tip is the best way to go and to just spread it on the bottom branches.... has anyone tried this and got great results


Well-Known Member
Can you take any pics of the female? So we can see how big she is. I havent heard about the qtip method, but you can pollinate as much or as little bud as you want to, so you can save most of the plant as fire seedless bud for smokin.


Well-Known Member
Always... so much of the characteristics of the plant... the growth rate... max height... yield... are determined by the genetics of the plant. There is no way to estimate what you will yield without experimentation. Lets see some more pics so we can see your progress.


Well-Known Member
OKAY thanks for your help guys.... i will be able to get pictures up on monday or tuesday cause i need a new battery. I know a lot of people and all are about the watts.... is 120 enough for one plant ( have 2 females now but they are both under 3 cfl's with 40watts each) with at least 5100 lumens to each plant... i know its such a hard question i have a couple more in veg still hoping to get them 2' before i start their flowering cycle. And it seems as though to tell the sex i have to 12/12 them. I am a heavy smoker though so i am hoping for at least an ounce for both and i just might have to not smoke as much till the others are ready.........


Well-Known Member
Light is one of the easiest ways to improve yield. I think the HPS is your best bet for yield. If you put in 150W you won't have too much heat to deal with but will get a lot more energy into the plant.

OKAY thanks for your help guys.... i will be able to get pictures up on monday or tuesday cause i need a new battery. I know a lot of people and all are about the watts.... is 120 enough for one plant ( have 2 females now but they are both under 3 cfl's with 40watts each) with at least 5100 lumens to each plant... i know its such a hard question i have a couple more in veg still hoping to get them 2' before i start their flowering cycle. And it seems as though to tell the sex i have to 12/12 them. I am a heavy smoker though so i am hoping for at least an ounce for both and i just might have to not smoke as much till the others are ready.........


Well-Known Member
Light is one of the easiest ways to improve yield. I think the HPS is your best bet for yield. If you put in 150W you won't have too much heat to deal with but will get a lot more energy into the plant.
yeah i wish i could there is one of those heat helicopters that come over the neighborhood daily. not targeting here but I dont want to give them a reason too. and my roomate doesn't mind me doing it as long as it doesnt cause a lot of attention and thinks a HPS would........ I mean I have 5 other lights not in use should I use those as well? I am moving in the next couple of months so I will be using a HPS then, but for now I gotta stick with CFLs


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about the helicopter. The supreme court ruled that cops need a warrant to perform infrared surveillance. The case was Kylio v US (2001).

When you get the chance to grow with it you will see the difference. Keep rollin with the CFLs. There are a bunch of good CFL grows here on rollitup

yeah i wish i could there is one of those heat helicopters that come over the neighborhood daily. not targeting here but I dont want to give them a reason too. and my roomate doesn't mind me doing it as long as it doesnt cause a lot of attention and thinks a HPS would........ I mean I have 5 other lights not in use should I use those as well? I am moving in the next couple of months so I will be using a HPS then, but for now I gotta stick with CFLs


Well-Known Member
Right now Iam using a 150watt hps, and everything is going great. although Im only a couple weeks into veg, but the plants love it. I bought mine off of ebay for about $88 shipped. And the helicopters wont see a 150watter. You would have to have like a whole house dedicated to growing for a helicopter to see it.


Well-Known Member
okay thanks for the info i will try to talk my roomie into letting me change it out to HPS ..... but until then i will just up the lights so that I could see better results and try to order one soon........ i have white hairs all over the new branch growth and all over the colas..... so i am excited that the cfls i am using now is doing some good to my girl :)


Well-Known Member
one of my other ones in 18/6 is now female! so now i got 3 it actually preflowered it must of been the other strain (playing with 2 different seeds and i didn't have them labeled so guessing its the other one)


Well-Known Member
Yeah for right now cfls will do you good until you master your personal growing. All you gotta do is remember more watts=better lol. Get the biggest cfls you can and as much of em as you can. Good to hear about the females. I hope my 2 are female as well. If you want the link for the 150 watt hps I got just let me know. Cant wait to see the pics.