EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Oh lets coddle the rich. They are sooooo suppressed. Who do you think has the money? In any case, just because somebody doesn't make enough to pay much income tax, they pay taxes elsewhere. And why do you care? You don't live in the US and hate this country anyway.

What is a 'fair share' ? How much should a person be required to give the government?
People keep demanding the rich pay their 'Fair' share. When you try to pin them down on what that exactly is you usually cant get a response because they know that anything over 50% is bullshit... Nobody should work for less than 1/2 of their paycheck to pay the government.
If you are talking about income taxes, I don't completely disagree with you. 50% income tax at the top bracket isn't too far from what Bernie is proposing.
If you are talking about income taxes, I don't completely disagree with you. 50% income tax at the top bracket isn't too far from what Bernie is proposing.

He is proposing 53% at the top tier. Which means the federal government gets more than 1/2 your income. Then the state government gets to come in for a slice. Then you pay property taxes. And sales taxes in many expensive cities are 10% or even more.

Rich people do not have to stay in the United States. There are many other options. Bernie wants to add trillions of dollars in liabilities for free education through college, etc and then on the other side he wants to impose punative taxes that have demonstrably cut revenue in the past when implemented. So, he is going to make the financial situation in the country far worse if he gets elected. I dont think Trump is that stupid.
Oh lets coddle the rich. They are sooooo suppressed. Who do you think has the money? In any case, just because somebody doesn't make enough to pay much income tax, they pay taxes elsewhere. And why do you care? You don't live in the US and hate this country anyway.
What first of all lets seperate evil corporate companies like oil n gas , or lumber or even pharm companies i am talking about someone that came up with a great company idea made it happen and is well off cause of his hard work not ones manipulatiing the stock markets or putting money in politicians pockets to better there agenda's

Your thought is cause someone worked hard building a company lets use FACE BOOK they should be charged 80 percent tax to cover the rest of the losers in america
Truuth is why bother trying to live the dream just follow the rest of USA and collect Welfare grow pot and sell under the table and just get by
You guys should respect the rich that put food on millions of employees working in there organization
I'm not saying Sanders is going to work miracles, he's the most honest of all candidates IMO.. That goes along way with me. He genuinely wants to improve this country and knows the importance of cleaning up wall street and the tax code..he may dream big, but so what? I'm not worried about myself..I'm 37 with no kids.. I've got skills, I haven't held a " job" in 5 years. I could go pay 1,500$ reinstatement fee to pay back dues and get a job making 55$ an hour anytime I need to.. I'm going to continue to live my life on my terms no matter who's in office or what laws are passed.. I'm thinking about the younger generation. The biggest problems I see are the banksters and wall street raping this country and military industrial complex.. I think Sanders can tackle both and handle this mess better than any candidate.
here is a idea lets cut politicians retirement funds and yearly pay lets face it 4 years in politics to recieve what 200,000 plus a year in retirement WTF is that 4 years in screwing the country only to get a nice retirement and probably on a beach in another country to boot
I'm not saying Sanders is going to work miracles, he's the most honest of all candidates IMO.. That goes along way with me. He genuinely wants to improve this country and knows the importance of cleaning up wall street and the tax code..he may dream big, but so what? I'm not worried about myself..I'm 37 with no kids.. I've got skills, I haven't held a " job" in 5 years. I could go pay 1,500$ reinstatement fee to pay back dues and get a job making 55$ an hour anytime I need to.. I'm going to continue to live my life on my terms no matter who's in office or what laws are passed.. I'm thinking about the younger generation. The biggest problems I see are the banksters and wall street raping this country and military industrial complex.. I think Sanders can tackle both and handle this mess better than any candidate.

I dont think Bernie understands the problem much less the solution. Trump does understand banksters and has stared them down over a table and forced them to renegotiate loans that would have bankrupted him. Trump is worth 10 billion dollars, he cant be bought. He said if he becomes president he wouldnt give a crap about his company and I believe him because of the type of person he is.

You talk about honesty, what has Trump not been honest about?

Sanders paid his wife to campaign for him and has given out other favors which doesnt exactly put him in a good light where I am concerned. It shows the typical attitude of a career politician where money and influence is easy to take.
What is their 'fair' share? How much should a person pay to the government for the privilege of being an American citizen?

You never clicked that I posted a few days ago did ya.

53% is way too high, I think 39% should be max. But no more bullshit writeoffs like sports cars or yachts or private jets.
What first of all lets seperate evil corporate companies like oil n gas , or lumber or even pharm companies i am talking about someone that came up with a great company idea made it happen and is well off cause of his hard work not ones manipulatiing the stock markets or putting money in politicians pockets to better there agenda's

Your thought is cause someone worked hard building a company lets use FACE BOOK they should be charged 80 percent tax to cover the rest of the losers in america
Truuth is why bother trying to live the dream just follow the rest of USA and collect Welfare grow pot and sell under the table and just get by
You guys should respect the rich that put food on millions of employees working in there organization

This country has a low rate of social mobility -- about 8% of the population move from lower to upper income classes. My point being that you are talking about a tiny number of people in a generation that actually created new jobs and are wealthy for it. Most of the wealthy in this country were born to that status. The rest of the jobs growth is in small business. Those small businessmen are just making ends meet. So, again, you are repeating a myth. While I can understand the injustice of it all, you aren't talking about a meaningfully large group of people. I don't think you should be too worried about beggaring Gates or Zuckerberg by these changes in taxes.

Regarding that last line, that one is so tiresome. The wealthy don't put food on the tables of anybody. They only hire somebody if they think that person will produce more value than the cost. I'm not saying this is evil, but I am saying that these people are giving a job to anybody. Working people earn their keep. Unlike many of the wealthy that are actually a drain on the economy.
You never clicked that I posted a few days ago did ya.

53% is way too high, I think 39% should be max. But no more bullshit writeoffs like sports cars or yachts or private jets.

People quote the 90% top tier back in history but I read an article that explained due to writeoffs that are not permitted today 36% was the calculated top tier tax payments.

When the federal income tax was implemented, congress guaranteed that it would never exceed 2%. What a bunch of fucking liars eh?

I think we need to get rid of the income tax altogether. I think we need to institute a national sales tax. The system is in place to already collect the taxes. We could abolish the IRS tomorrow and never have to file another income tax return again. We would not have to prove to the government what our expenses were to prevent further confiscation of our wealth. There are so many upsides to this plan.
I dont think Bernie understands the problem much less the solution. Trump does understand banksters and has stared them down over a table and forced them to renegotiate loans that would have bankrupted him. Trump is worth 10 billion dollars, he cant be bought. He said if he becomes president he wouldnt give a crap about his company and I believe him because of the type of person he is.

You talk about honesty, what has Trump not been honest about?

Sanders paid his wife to campaign for him and has given out other favors which doesnt exactly put him in a good light where I am concerned. It shows the typical attitude of a career politician where money and influence is easy to take.
Ok, so Sanders after more than a decade in service of his state at Washington doesn't understand the problem. You do?????????
Ok, so Sanders after more than a decade in service of his state at Washington doesn't understand the problem. You do?????????

What has he done in that decade to fix the problem? I said Trump did. But yeah, I do as well. We need to dismantle the federal political machine.
This is just not true.
exactly wonder how mark zuckerbergs parents must be loaded running a dental clinic lol
Saying anyone can be rich its just a business plan and a good idea and your set and also just because someone is classified as rich they may not be other then assets i seen Rich NHL'rs ask another player for 10 bucks for parking once and he was a 30 million a year player so much for having cash on hand right lol
Bernie will not get the nod. Most people do not like the raising of taxes. That is the only thing Bernie is offering...oh yeah he is going to take down the establishment. Which is kinda of funny seeing how he is part of the establishment. How long has he held public office?
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Bernie will not get the nod. Most people do not like the raising of taxes. That is the only thing Bernie is offering...of yeah he is going to take down the establishment. Which is kinda of funny seeing how he is part of the establishment. How long has he held public office?

We argue alot but I dont think we disagree on as much as you think.

Immigration - Decades of promises of politicians and nothing has changed. Both sides are lying to us, this issue could be resolved by next week. Tax Reform - Again, decades of promises but thousands more pages of tax code. Again, they are lying to us. Campaign finance reform - Seriously? They cant agree on little issues, they are not going to agree to cut their campaign budgets. I keep being reminded of the Charlie Brown cartoon where Lucy always pulls the ball away at the last minute and Charlie Brown ends up on his back all fucked up... Keeps happening again and again. I am disgusted with the whole political system. It isnt for the people anymore, it hasnt been for the people in a long time.