Complete tard almost gets half a dozen people killed

RRREEELLAAAAX. Nobody is coming for your guns. Also, you described exactly what a responsible gun owner does -- leave it at home in safe storage unless planning to take it to a range and practice with it. We can differ about whether or not people with the right to own a powerful killing machine that can kill at a distance should also be willing to take a class or two and demonstrate proficiency. But I think that's a small point. I applaud that you are already doing the one thing that would eliminate most accidental injuries, fatalities and homicides.

Can you agree with @whitebb2727 that: "We, as gun owners, need to step up and provide an example for safe, competent ownership and carry."?

I keep hearing that we have a people problem not a gun problem and I understand the logic behind it. I just don't see enough gun owners take ownership for the people problem.
Did anyone Shed tears for the poor gambler, or the defenseless people buying some kale and artisanal honey or the distraught protestors of Police shooting unnarmed civilians? Why don't we make cars that only have 30 hp and re covered in 4 ft of foam to protect all these defensless citizens while we're at it lets make all cars play yakety sax over a megaphone so the blind can hear them coming? Doesn't all that sound a little ridiculous?
Did anyone Shed tears for the poor gambler, or the defenseless people buying some kale and artisanal honey or the distraught protestors of Police shooting unnarmed civilians? Why don't we make cars that only have 30 hp and re covered in 4 ft of foam to protect all these defensless citizens while we're at it lets make all cars play yakety sax over a megaphone so the blind can hear them coming? Doesn't all that sound a little ridiculous?
Oh gawd, playing the "cars are misused, why don't we outlaw cars?" juvenile argument. You don't get it, that's not surprising. Just saying that gun owners are the only people that can improve the statistics on gun death and injury. Just like car owners are the only ones that can improve statistics of car accidents. The two, however are unrelated.
Reducto ad absurdum.
Did anyone Shed tears for the poor gambler, or the defenseless people buying some kale and artisanal honey or the distraught protestors of Police shooting unnarmed civilians? Why don't we make cars that only have 30 hp and re covered in 4 ft of foam to protect all these defensless citizens while we're at it lets make all cars play yakety sax over a megaphone so the blind can hear them coming? Doesn't all that sound a little ridiculous?
Oh gawd, playing the "cars are misused, why don't we outlaw cars?" juvenile argument. You don't get it, that's not surprising. Just saying that gun owners are the only people that can improve the statistics on gun death and injury. Just like car owners are the only ones that can improve statistics of car accidents. The two, however are unrelated.
I didn't say outlaw cars we need to control them because a minute amount of people are completely careless with how they are used. first thing we have to do is get rid of these "tinted sports cars" unless the user can afford a special tax stamp. All existing sports cars will be grandfathered in and also we should have a buy back program. All sales from here on out should have a maximum of 4 cylinders. Because what kind of logical person needs a v8 unless they are planning on driving illegally and this isn't even getting to those people with v12's why would any one ever need that. That should only be used on war machines. We should also have a system in place where the citizens can only buy 50 gallons of gas per year because if you buy more than that you are likely to be a pyro terrorist. They coming for the cars after they come for the guns
I didn't say outlaw cars we need to control them because a minute amount of people are completely careless with how they are used. first thing we have to do is get rid of these "tinted sports cars" unless the user can afford a special tax stamp. All existing sports cars will be grandfathered in and also we should have a buy back program. All sales from here on out should have a maximum of 4 cylinders. Because what kind of logical person needs a v8 unless they are planning on driving illegally and this isn't even getting to those people with v12's why would any one ever need that. That should only be used on war machines. We should also have a system in place where the citizens can only buy 50 gallons of gas per year because if you buy more than that you are likely to be a pyro terrorist. They coming for the cars after they come for the guns
Still a juvenile argument. You are boring, dude. Say something meaningful.

We are about 80% in agreement regarding gun safety. I'm ok that we disagree over the bit about training and demonstration of proficiency. If you can't deal with somebody that only disagrees with you a teensy bit then you have other issues.

Just saying that gun owners are the only people that can improve the statistics on gun death and injury.
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Barbershop gets robbed, two suspects, one with a handgun, the other with what looks like a shotgun. The guy with the handgun walks through the barbershop stealing everyone's money as the guy with the shotgun does a half-assed job of standing guard. Handgun guy gets to the front of the barbershop, then turns his back and one of the customers sitting in the chair pulls out his gun and shoots at handgun guy while shotgun guy still has the gun pointed at everyone. The clip ends shortly after that.

Not only did the guy shoot in the direction of other customers to try to hit handgun guy, he completely disregarded the other suspect pointing the shotgun at everyone, including a small child seen at the beginning of the clip. Had this situation gone any other way, everyone in that room could have easily been murdered over at best, a few hundred dollars.

Does what the customer did in this clip make any of you feel more or less safe in society?

Interesting to note, this is coming from a right-wing website, this is what they're promoting as smart, responsible gun use (read some of the comments)

Newsflash... A GUN WORKED HERE.

I know you feel the need to rewrite the story and tell us how bad it could have gone and how the shooter could have killed everyone in the store by accident but.... IT DIDNT HAPPEN!!!

Suck it up and deal with the fact that guns can and are used for self defense on a regular basis.

I wouldnt say the shooter here was a tactical genius but he certainly got the job done.
Still a juvenile argument. You are boring, dude. Say something meaningful.

We are about 80% in agreement regarding gun safety. I'm ok that we disagree over the bit about training and demonstration of proficiency. If you can't deal with somebody that only disagrees with you a teensy bit then you have other issues.

Just saying that gun owners are the only people that can improve the statistics on gun death and injury.

Crime, gun death and injury have been going down steadily for quite some time. Of course, that never gets acknowledged like our ever cleaner environment, etc.
so have you guy's cured this "People Problem" yet?........
I'll keep my guns then
Working on it. Hang onto those guns, JJ, That's not my agenda. I'm just looking at US gun safety statistics and asking why the US has to be so bad compared to other developed nations.
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Crime, gun death and injury have been going down steadily for quite some time. Of course, that never gets acknowledged like our ever cleaner environment, etc.
Take a look across our northern border and tell me how we are doing. To look at US statistics and say we are doing great because we moved the needle a tiny bit is ridiculous. It's kind of like being proud of failing better.
Then you are anti gun, 2nd amendment.
no I'm not I'm pro gun but I'm also agree if you commit a crime as a felony you loose your right to possesses a a felon just for the record and i made a mistake now i have to deal with it one took my rights form me ..i messed up and took my own.. as in gun ownership..
no I'm not I'm pro gun but I'm also agree if you commit a crime as a felony you loose your right to possesses a a felon just for the record and i made a mistake now i have to deal with it one took my rights form me ..i messed up and took my own.. as in gun ownership..
So you have no right to protect yourself with a gun?
Take a look across our northern border and tell me how we are doing. To look at US statistics and say we are doing great because we moved the needle a tiny bit is ridiculous. It's kind of like being proud of failing better.

First of all, who made up the statistics are are they really true? We have freedom of speech and there is freedom of information in the USA like few other countries. This is why when we get into discussions of national healthcare and people want to compare it is impossible. They are different systems with different reporting methods, definitions and standards. It is like trying to compare apples and oranges. Lets not even start talking about the possibility that the government 'statistics' are manipulated by the 'government' to say what they want.

Our unemployment rate looks great because we stop counting people looking for work after a while. It is not a representation of the actual unemployment rate, rather some mathematical creation used for political purposes. Inflation seems really reasonable when you ignore all the things that are going up in price like food. If you are not actually tracking all of the inflation then the number is meaningless.

We are not in competition with Canada to see who can be more socialist. Well, I am not, maybe you are. But if you look around and see the standard of living we have, the free access to emergency health care and the fact that our poor have televisions and TV's we are not failing at all.