Water in Flint and other general problems in our political environ

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
He released a pile of recent emails, just not the ones from earlier on when the decisions were being made. Why not release them?

Snyder hasn't released emails from that time. Care to speculate why?

For me, it really doesn't matter if we have a smoking gun or not. The leader sets the tone and direction of his administration. He also sets objectives. One of which, we know, was Snyder's aggressive cost cutting objectives. Flint's water supply was redirected as one of these cost cutting initiatives. In other words, this is one of Snyder's initiatives. Its his and his team botched it. Again, if he takes praise for aggressive cost cuts, he has to take blame for initiatives to cut cost that go wrong.
I'm not going to speculate. That is pointless.

His Emergency manager and the people in charge of water quality are to blame for sure.

Until we have proof of knowledge on Snyder, we cannot blame him. We can be suspicious but we have to wait for evidence to damn him.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
So is the president to blame when the secretary of state runs an illegal private server for delicate government documents?

What if the president had no knowledge of it?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
When a resource is provided / administered by a central coercive authority (government) there are usually unintended consequences.

This problem would not have occurred on this scale if the water had been provided via a competition based free market, which nearly always produces better quality at better prices.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
By the way even Synder himself said hes ultimately responsible. And how do you get iam offended by asking what your point is in posting? Because iam not.
You asked me why was I here and what was the point of my questions.

That tells me that you are annoyed/offended by it.

I'm not being rude, I'm not defending anything but the need for information before judgement.


Well-Known Member
By the way even Synder himself said hes ultimately responsible. And how do you get iam offended by asking what your point is in posting? Because iam not.
Yep, sounds like a good man and now that his path is unencumbered by information hiding critical facts he will and has taken the bull by the horns.

Your question was either superfluous or a weak attempt at trying to make it look that we did not care about the people in Flint. I think I can speak for @Flaming Pie when I say that the people of Flint deserve everything due them and more. You, however, get nothing however...with ALL the information out there, and with your obvious insight and brainpower... And with your buddy, the ex-Mayor keeping you up to date with every development...you had to have steered clear of any damages.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If it isn't marked classified it isn't.
And receiving it unmarked isn't a crime either
It is a violation of her work agreement to have any of her emails relating to government affairs on a private server. They do not have to be marked classified. Sensitive information is sensitive information.

My husband's new job made him sign a work agreement to not export any information that was emailed to him on his work email. It is grounds for being fired and depending on the information, he could be prosecuted.


Well-Known Member
So is the president to blame when the secretary of state runs an illegal private server for delicate government documents?

What if the president had no knowledge of it?

trying to take the heat off of your failed republican leadership by repeating a made up, fox news non-scandal?


benghazi. planned parenthood. kenyan born muslim. birth certificate.