My 8-3590 cob diy.

see the way the fins are ..pretty sure fans ar only made to spin one flip over ..if you want to spin it opposite way
I just realized I forgot to tin the wires of the 18awg wire before I stuck em into the ideal holders. The ideal video doesn't say to do jt, but I've heard it's not a bad idea.
You don't have to tin the wires, it just makes it easier to get the wires in that way. As long as all the strands are in and none are sticking out you are fine. Do look closely at each connection because those tiny strands do like to bend if you don't twist them first. Question for you, how did you mount the fans to the heatsink?
You don't have to tin the wires, it just makes it easier to get the wires in that way. As long as all the strands are in and none are sticking out you are fine. Do look closely at each connection because those tiny strands do like to bend if you don't twist them first. Question for you, how did you mount the fans to the heatsink?
Well it's solid core wire so that makes it a LOT easier. And as for the fans, I followed Green Genes method. I drilled 4 holes in the fan since the screw holes it came with were cylinders. So then, I lined it up to the very middle of the fan to the very middle of the HS. Then drilled holes in the very end fins right below the holess near the top of them and then used the very smallest black zip ties they make and just zipped and clipped.
I have more pictures but there is a serious problem with uploading for me right now. Once I select a photo, the page just refreshes. Im lucky to even get one up.