EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Let's say he wins the primary.. You think he loses to Cruz, Rubio, or Trump?

I don't see any conservative winning anything.. But let's say he does lose to Cruz or rubio.. What's Cruz or Rubio going to not do that Hillary is? She's run by the same sleeze that Cruz n Rubio are..


Well-Known Member
Let's say he wins the primary.. You think he loses to Cruz, Rubio, or Trump?

I don't see any conservative winning anything.. But let's say he does lose to Cruz or rubio.. What's Cruz or Rubio going to not do that Hillary is? She's run by the same sleeze that Cruz n Rubio are..
The Democrats win back the Senate this year. The house is stays with the republicans. Sanders in guarantees another 4 years of gridlock. And that is if he wins the general . Which he cannot.

Can you really not see what Cruz or Rubio in the white house would be bad for the USA? I don't want to trade anymore blood for oil never did.


Well-Known Member
Hillary is the biggest hawk in this race. Vote 4 Bernie if you are tired of pissing trillions away in the M.E and seeing our 18-19 year olk kids used as pawns for oil.


Well-Known Member
Let's say he wins the primary.. You think he loses to Cruz, Rubio, or Trump?

I don't see any conservative winning anything.. But let's say he does lose to Cruz or rubio.. What's Cruz or Rubio going to not do that Hillary is? She's run by the same sleeze that Cruz n Rubio are..
Bullshit. Now you talking stupid again. Hillary is nothing like Cruz or Rubio


Well-Known Member
So cannot wait to see results i think lot of people are going to be shocked lets face it its all a show sanders is not even in the race what do you think the rich corporate giants going to do to his cause tax the rich more haha think about it
there going to crush him like never seen before money talks BS walks


Well-Known Member
Bad answer, Bernie won't run independent and Bush and Gore were polar opposites.. Hillary is not really any different than those conservative clowns.
Sanders doesn't have to run independent. If he wins the primary he is in the general. I can see a lot of republicans voting for him just to get him in.
He is a
: socialist
: Jew
: Far left liberal

he has no chance of getting the majority of votes in the general


Well-Known Member