EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Since when does not knowing how a politician plans to pay for something stop people? The Republican party hasn't paid for a damn thing in my entire lifetime and they still get votes!

Everyone of those dickbags is screaming about two things.

Rebuild the military-:spew:

And lowering taxes- impossible to accomplish both.

Since when does not knowing how a politician plans to pay for something stop people? The Republican party hasn't paid for a damn thing in my entire lifetime and they still get votes!
Yeah Bernie wold get his money from taxing people like me. People like you who just wait for the first of the month have no worries. You are the very problem with this nation. Have you ever thought to get out and grind/work, instead of waiting for handouts.

You're desperately misinformed on this. You aren't a one percenter, so you needn't worry about Mr Sanders raising your taxes.
Since when does not knowing how a politician plans to pay for something stop people? The Republican party hasn't paid for a damn thing in my entire lifetime and they still get votes!

The republican party (although deserving of their share of criticism) has not promised free college, free health care, free child care, free everything, like Bernie has.

I absolutely LOVE Bernie's ideas. I do. But then there's the catch: we transfer our freedom to "Big Brother" and let him take care of us. And we give him our money so he can give us all the free stuff he promised.

Capitalism has failed us, in my opinion. But what's a proven better alternative that would work in a country of 300+ million people? I don't know, but I hope we eventually find it.
The republican party (although deserving of their share of criticism) has not promised free college, free health care, free child care, free everything, like Bernie has.

I absolutely LOVE Bernie's ideas. I do. But then there's the catch: we transfer our freedom to "Big Brother" and let him take care of us. And we give him our money so he can give us all the free stuff he promised.

Capitalism has failed us, in my opinion. But what's a proven better alternative that would work in a country of 300+ million people? I don't know, but I hope we eventually find it.

Republicans asked us to trust Big Corporations and that hasn't worked out too damned well, either.

Maybe Mr Sanders will be able to break the stranglehold big corps have on taxes and subsidies; specifically, not paying the first and getting too many of the second. I certainly don't trust republicans to do it.
The republican party (although deserving of their share of criticism) has not promised free college, free health care, free child care, free everything, like Bernie has.

I absolutely LOVE Bernie's ideas. I do. But then there's the catch: we transfer our freedom to "Big Brother" and let him take care of us. And we give him our money so he can give us all the free stuff he promised.

Capitalism has failed us, in my opinion. But what's a proven better alternative that would work in a country of 300+ million people? I don't know, but I hope we eventually find it.

They are promising to rebuild the already bloated military and they WILL find a place to send the troops..that's just as expensive as free community college...
They are promising to rebuild the already bloated military and they WILL find a place to send the troops..that's just as expensive as free community college...

Yeah after watching that abortion of a debate last night, you prolly had defense contractors jizzin all over their big screens..
I'm planning to be a millionaire someday. I don't see the Republican party as any kind of an ally in my quest. In fact, they make it harder for small business to succeed.

And you know what..a good point was made by Clinton..small business are the job creators.

I couldn't believe she actually said it..she was also given 30 seconds to comment on Sanders to discredit and she wouldn't do it..you'd never see that from the GOP.
You're desperately misinformed on this. You aren't a one percenter, so you needn't worry about Mr Sanders raising your taxes.
you are desperately uninformed. I suggest you go look at his tax plan. It raises everyone taxes. Who the hell votes to have taxes raised ? Are you not taxed enough ? Here is an article if you dare to read http://www.fool.com/retirement/gene...nders-income-tax-brackets-how-much-would.aspx
Before raising everyone's taxes look to our military waste, corporate loop holes, congressional waste...etc
