EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

i'm going to assist in the most major way to change the course of history in america..i've not had my 15 minutes yet..what better than to spend them on?
Vermont would be a nice state to live. I bet its really scenic and clean.

ive been researching.. its the most progressive in the nation..i need to be with other like minded individuals...not until after florida primary..i can do more here..obvi he has vermont locked.
California is high rent district, its valuable real estate... If they want to move to Georgia or North Carolina or Texas..fine and their workers could have moved with them..but they don't want to go to Texas or Georgia. The jobs will be filled eventually, I remember all the red carpet treatment Boeing got in Chicago to lure them there... It was embarrassing And the State us going bankrupt... If you rely on the federal titty for defense contracts to thrive or even survive than you won't last.
defense contracts ??? Not all Aerospace is about defense. Have you ever heard of commercial aircrafts like 777, 787...etc. you no what never mind. You are certainly sounding like Sky
How is Sanders polling in Florida ? I think he's winning Illinois from everyone I talk to.

tbh i havent even checked..work it first..polls later..they dont mean a thing.

i talked to two dudes yesterday who aee changing parties to vote him in the primary.

thats huge here..and if any indication.
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Tricked me into a download eh,

Okay.. On page 14 it shows that California took a dive on the job losses but they were across the board. The U.S. defense spending went through the roof after 911.

I can't empathize with companies that rely on the tax payer dollar for survival.. Defense spending should continue to plunge and that money won't be there.

Government depends on taxpayer dollars for survival. Do you empathize with them?
you too damn nosy to put people on ignore. Just like you reading this. LOL stop with the different accounts. or at least stop having conversations with yourself .

To be fair, you can be really annoying ;]
Government depends on taxpayer dollars for survival. Do you empathize with them?

To be fair, you can be really annoying ;]

really? you mean taxes from certain populace..while cutting taxes for the wealthy unfunded.

i know..i know..SOMEDAY you PLAN on being wealthy..better prepare now.

to be fair you can be really redundant.
Government depends on taxpayer dollars for survival. Do you empathize with them?

To be fair, you can be really annoying ;]

No, no empathy for the government, they created this mess..unfortunately we have to sleep in it. The government needs a major overhaul and extreme downsizing in many areas.

I'm just not concerned with California, its a gorgeous state with beautiful weather ..nearly everybody wants to live there or vacation there.. Losing aerospace jobs is nothing that can't be overcome..Water and natural disasters are a different topic but I applaud Cali for not buckling to these behemoth corporations and making a poor decision.
Iowa claims sanders shorted delegates..geese do you think that's a real possibility? this is 'murica that shit doesn't happen here..

this was how bush/gore was decided..depth of punches..Jeb was governor I wouldn't be surprised if they rigged the punch hole in gores spot so it wouldn't go through..you have a whole bunch of gore punches that didn't break the paper but clearly punched.
that were disqualified.

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California is high rent district, its valuable real estate... If they want to move to Georgia or North Carolina or Texas..fine and their workers could have moved with them..but they don't want to go to Texas or Georgia. The jobs will be filled eventually, I remember all the red carpet treatment Boeing got in Chicago to lure them there... It was embarrassing And the State us going bankrupt... If you rely on the federal titty for defense contracts to thrive or even survive than you won't last.

Why not? Even with a pacifist in the White House we still need a defense industry. What we don't need is to give it political power to determine foreign policy for our country!
Iowa claims sanders shorted delegates..geese do you think that's a real possibility? this is 'murica that shit doesn't happen here..

this was how bush/gore was decided:
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Fascinating story about how this nationally scrutinised event is still so backward. Clearly, lots of Clinton supporters were doing everything they could to make sure their gal got the nod.

Just because she's female doesn't make her a better candidate, her foreign policy chops are just to the right of Attila the Hun and she's clearly going to jump right in bed with Wall Street and corporate America the day she takes office, judging by her own campaign contributions.

America is heading in a different direction and Mrs Clinton has missed the train.
ive been researching.. its the most progressive in the nation..i need to be with other like minded individuals...not until after florida primary..i can do more here..obvi he has vermont locked.

Colorado can use your progressive outlook. This is both a very purple and a strong bellwether state, your enthusiasm would get maximum leverage here.
Nobody is saying eliminate the military or defense. It's got to shrink 75% though. I don't think I'll see it in my lifetime but it will happen.
Nobody is saying eliminate the military or defense. It's got to shrink 75% though. I don't think I'll see it in my lifetime but it will happen.

China's military is growing, as is Russia's. I think we can even let the defense companies keep working, but give them space development contracts instead.
Colorado can use your progressive outlook. This is both a very purple and a strong bellwether state, your enthusiasm would get maximum leverage here.

well colo was a consideration some time ago if you recall..that's why I provided my resume for your business venture Tty..I'm not sure what happened..I never heard back from you one way or the other..I took it as lack of interest but we're friends and I wasn't going to press you on it.

thank you for the compliment though..
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I think bill stumping for Hillary is going to backfire, I expect backlash from his criticism of Bernie.. He would have helped his wife out by distancing himself from this campaign..it didn't work in 08 and it comes off worse in 16'.