Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
How is you repeatedly making idiotic assumptions making me look idiotic? Oh, yeah, you don't have the ability to believe you're mistaken.

simple.....i take what you post and explain how you're wrong. i don't make assumptions, i'm using your story


Well-Known Member
simple.....i take what you post and explain how you're wrong. i don't make assumptions, i'm using your story dumbfuck
Meanwhile, his game is to argue with you, derail this thread and attempt to obstruct the conversation amongst those who want to hear more about Mr Sanders.

With your help, he's succeeding.


Well-Known Member
fuck man.........you need to stop posting. nothing like proving you're a dumbfuck

you think they embrace short sales like you and your dumbfuck pal? he somehow talked them into taking his loss?

holy shit
i clearly was talking about your pal dumbfuck. there are 2 of you retards
You were clearly talking ABOUT me TO him. You can't even get straight who you are talking about to whom.


Well-Known Member
Its debt- earning ratio but the banks really tightened the purse strings the last 7 years..no chance a guy gets foreclosed on and sells short and gets a new mortgage in the last 6 years. Something just isn't right.. Unless you came upon a financial windfall somehow.
There is no such thing as a foreclosure short sale. It is one or the other. A short sale is nowhere near as bad a credit ding, especially after the chaos of 08-12 or so.

You are saying what is mostly true but there were exceptions. I got on the phone and told the bank I wasnt paying anymore. I own my personal house outright but they cannot go after any assets other than the property that is collateral and then they can get a judgement against you that you can ignore for 7 years and move on.

I saw a lot of exceptions during this time and have no reason no to believe what he is saying. Especially since he paid cash for a house and you could foreclose on a home tomorrow and still buy another for 100% cash the next day. Credit wouldnt even be a factor in consideration.


Well-Known Member
So there never was a real estate bust? That didn't happen in 2008?
Banks were loaning money hand over fist in 2006. God, you people grab at any baseless assumption to try to prove a (wrong) point.
I spent most of 08 and all of 09 inspecting foreclosed houses...


Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as a foreclosure short sale. It is one or the other. A short sale is nowhere near as bad a credit ding, especially after the chaos of 08-12 or so.

You are saying what is mostly true but there were exceptions. I got on the phone and told the bank I wasnt paying anymore. I own my personal house outright but they cannot go after any assets other than the property that is collateral and then they can get a judgement against you that you can ignore for 7 years and move on.

I saw a lot of exceptions during this time and have no reason no to believe what he is saying. Especially since he paid cash for a house and you could foreclose on a home tomorrow and still buy another for 100% cash the next day. Credit wouldnt even be a factor in consideration.

I think the guy is full of shit, if he had cash( I don't think he did) you can buy anything..there is no financing.. Why let a home slip into foreclosure so you can short sell if you have the money? Banks don't let you sell short until you fall behind on payments..then they usually work out a payment plan on the balance.. In very rare instances you can get them to eat it..but you usually have to show proof you are truly fucked and can make no payments.


Well-Known Member
I think the guy is full of shit, if he had cash( I don't think he did) you can buy anything..there is no financing.. Why let a home slip into foreclosure so you can short sell if you have the money? Banks don't let you sell short until you fall behind on payments..then they usually work out a payment plan on the balance.. In very rare instances you can get them to eat it..but you usually have to show proof you are truly fucked and can make no payments.
"Why let a home slip into foreclosure so you can short sell if you have the money?"
Why make payments on a house you're no longer using?
"they usually work out a payment plan"
Not at the time they didn't, until the Feds made them.
After the crash in 2008, banks "ate it" on hundreds of thousands of homes
You don't have to prove you can't make payments. All you have to do is not make them.


Well-Known Member
very true. my apologies
Please don't stop the conversation about Mr Sanders and his presidential prospects, I think it's important to dissect and examine them.

He isn't the perfect candidate. Someone brought up some past affiliations with organizations that might land him in hot water, were this still a McCarthyist state.

I say so what? Associate with everyone! Decide what's right for yourself.


Well-Known Member
very true. my apologies
No, not true. Another dolt making baseless assumptions and you jump on his bandwagon. Do you see anyone posting about Bernie? Not much. Reason: only sycophants believe you can "save" the economy by spending trillions of borrowed money.

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
i was about done with the dumbfuck anyway. i can only deal with so much stupidity and i overindulged

i'm looking into those assc too. now that hillary is scared by the primary results i'm surprised her camp hasn't made them an issue if it is even true. on the other hand i really don't give a fuck if he did either. his plan makes sense and we can't afford more of what's become the norm in partisan politics


Well-Known Member
No numbnuts, After the short sale you make payments to the bank on the house you sold short.. If its 20k its financed over 10 years.. I've bought n sold a half dozen homes..I've been foreclosed on.. You are talking out of your ass, short sell is when you are in foreclosure and you owe say 175k.. You are upside down and home is worth 150k ..A foreclosure can take 6 months or 18 months when the paperwork is slow because the courthouses are full dockets of them like in 08 or 09... Then a buyer buys your home for say 150k.. You make payments on that 25k almost always... Rarely you can get bank to eat it..I've seen it but the guy was in a wheel chair from a motorcycle wreck n fucked up.

That was for Red BTW-

@ NL5 .. Foreclosure is worse on credit..but not by much.. My credit is fucked cause one foreclosure..I've never owned a credit card in my life.
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Well-Known Member
No numbnuts, After the short sale you make payments to the bank on the house you sold short.. If its 20k its financed over 10 years.. I've bought n sold a half dozen homes..I've been foreclosed on.. You are talking out of your ass, short sell is when you are in foreclosure and you owe say 175k.. You are upside down and home is worth 150k ..A foreclosure can take 6 months or 18 months when the paperwork is slow because the courthouses are full dockets of them like in 08 or 09... Then a buyer buys your home for say 150k.. You make payments on that 25k almost always... Rarely you can get bank to eat it..I've seen it but the guy was in a wheel chair from a motorcycle wreck n fucked up.
After awhile, he wins just by filling the thread with shit. Ignore him and eventually he'll go away.

Let's talk issues, relevant ones. Better use of time and space than lies about real estate deals.

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as a foreclosure short sale. It is one or the other. A short sale is nowhere near as bad a credit ding, especially after the chaos of 08-12 or so.

You are saying what is mostly true but there were exceptions. I got on the phone and told the bank I wasnt paying anymore. I own my personal house outright but they cannot go after any assets other than the property that is collateral and then they can get a judgement against you that you can ignore for 7 years and move on.

I saw a lot of exceptions during this time and have no reason no to believe what he is saying. Especially since he paid cash for a house and you could foreclose on a home tomorrow and still buy another for 100% cash the next day. Credit wouldnt even be a factor in consideration.

it's called a deficiency judgement and it's in all mortgage contracts.

a judgement is collectable against assets everywhere in the us

you don't just call a bank who loaned you the money in good faith and tell them "i didn't do my due diligence and bought a money pit and i'm not making the payments any more even though i have assets, money etc and am not behind on my payments so my bad buy is your problem" and think they'll just roll over

everyone would do it and the market would collapse over night


Well-Known Member
i was about done with the dumbfuck anyway. i can only deal with so much stupidity and i overindulged

i'm looking into those assc too. now that hillary is scared by the primary results i'm surprised her camp hasn't made them an issue if it is even true. on the other hand i really don't give a fuck if he did either. his plan makes sense and we can't afford more of what's become the norm in partisan politics
Agreed. The partisan thing has become the wedge that split the American electorate and allowed the ultra rich to slip in their agenda.


Well-Known Member
So just to ask the question; exactly what the fuck is wrong with strong worker's rights policies, anyway?

Won't higher wages lead to more spending and a larger, stronger economy?

Wouldn't universal health care take care of all Americans affordably and increase productivity?

Wouldn't shifting the burden of taxes up the income scale and back onto corporations help create tax revenue to build a stronger nation, through everything from infrastructure improvements to education?

Wouldn't the end of corporate political influence lead to the end of subsidies, which would lead to lower taxes for individuals?

Unions, a national employment contact that isn't a swift kick in the crotch for the employee, mandatory benefits, sick time, childcare reimbursement.

I think it's time we examined these ideas more carefully, as I think they'd work better than our current kleptocracy.


Well-Known Member
If he got them to waive deficiency, they can never come after him for the balance he owed. All I had to do was just ask for it. Most people don't tho, and years later the bank may come after them for it.
That's exactly what I understand, he came out smelling like a rose considering.

The people arguing with you haven't a clue it would appear. My brother didn't make a payment on that home for year. So many were behind the bank never got around to foreclosing on it.

I don't know if you could do this today, but at the time you could. It wasn't a money issue, they just made a calculated decision to do exactly this and pulled it off.
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