2014 was definitely the hottest year on record

Do you understand the denial of the greenhouse effect is on par with the denial of gravity, the theory of evolution, the moon landings, ect.?
I don't think AGW deniers are nearly as cracked up as people who think the world was created 7000 years ago. Heckler is a smart guy and I'm interested in his reasons why. Thus far, he's disproved something nobody said and put forth a flawed equation that fit his mis-perception so I'm still waiting for something useful from him.

That said, there is still a lot to be done before scientists can say the science is settled. More funding!
I don't think AGW deniers are nearly as cracked up as people who think the world was created 7000 years ago. Heckler is a smart guy and I'm interested in his reasons why. Thus far, he's disproved something nobody said and put forth a flawed equation that fit his mis-perception so I'm still waiting for something useful from him.

That said, there is still a lot to be done before scientists can say the science is settled. More funding!
I disagree, denying the greenhouse gas effect on the atmosphere is just as flawed as denying each of those other examples. This is literally 2nd grade science;


The surface conducts "heat" to the air, not the other way around...unequivocally. Ergo, by extension, atmospheric gases--including CO2--COOL the surface via conduction.

AGW Scorecard:
Conduction FAIL

Convection ?to be determined

First by definition, energy transfer between the surface of a soild and any gas like environment is convection. Conduction is general considered via a mechanical link between solid or liquid bodies. Trivial but important.

I think you're poking down the wrong rabbit hole.

The issue isn't about where the energy to heat the planet is coming from, but rather what attribute is responsible for attenuation of re-radiation of incident energy. Mind you, that is only an issue if you believe, as some do, that the attenuation has increased as a function of the habits of man.

The claims re CO2 being the major modulation factor contributing to attenuation is the issue. So the discussion should be, what is it modulating and precisely how is it accomplishing this? But that only matters if there's a reliable reference to base the claim that long term thermal changes are actually occurring to begin with.

The problem I have with all this is that backward looking simulation can be designed to confirm anything one desires. Once predictions with accuracy and repeatability looking forward are demonstrated, then and only then, can one consider the science mature.

We aren't there yet.

Sorry, misty, but you messed up. I also expected that counter argument (I know your side better than you do). ;)
It's not 4pi, and you can't argue otherwise.
That was the point of my analysis. There is no throughput for the incoming radiation (which is what the 4pi implies). The Earth is not a blackbody, and it certainly is not a perfect conductor (see the prior post for details if you can't remember that far).
Try again.

However, you are correct I took a shortcut by eliminating the cos(theta) dependence. But it is still more correct than what you are showing (and you also failed to incorporate the cos(theta) in your equation, eh). Try reducing the radius of your "disc" to an infinitesimal at the normal to incoming radiation and you will see that (you will get the same answer as I). Also, go look at the moon's temperature data via the LRO for reference on how wide the effect is on a hemisphere. Unless you think NASA is lying. O_o

If you need me to draw a cartoon to explain it, I can oblige.

Also keep in mind, without an atmosphere, there is no optical path length to consider. In which case, subjects such as Rayleigh scattering come into play (that's why the sky is blue).

I do commend the fact you are making an effort, although grossly mistaken. That's certainly more than what anyone else here does.

PS Read the comments from the SkepSci articles you try to use. It might give you pause for merely regurgitating whatever they feed you.
Sorry, misty, but you messed up. I also expected that counter argument (I know your side better than you do). ;)
It's not 4pi, and you can't argue otherwise.
That was the point of my analysis. There is no throughput for the incoming radiation (which is what the 4pi implies). The Earth is not a blackbody, and it certainly is not a perfect conductor (see the prior post for details if you can't remember that far).
Try again.

However, you are correct I took a shortcut by eliminating the cos(theta) dependence. But it is still more correct than what you are showing (and you also failed to incorporate the cos(theta) in your equation, eh). Try reducing the radius of your "disc" to an infinitesimal at the normal to incoming radiation and you will see that (you will get the same answer as I). Also, go look at the moon's temperature data via the LRO for reference on how wide the effect is on a hemisphere. Unless you think NASA is lying. o_O

If you need me to draw a cartoon to explain it, I can oblige.

Also keep in mind, without an atmosphere, there is no optical path length to consider. In which case, subjects such as Rayleigh scattering come into play (that's why the sky is blue).

I do commend the fact you are making an effort, although grossly mistaken. That's certainly more than what anyone else here does.

PS Read the comments from the SkepSci articles you try to use. It might give you pause for merely regurgitating whatever they feed you.
So now you diverge from science. If you want to use your own made up stuff that's ok but its not science.
First by definition, energy transfer between the surface of a soild and any gas like environment is convection. Conduction is general considered via a mechanical link between solid or liquid bodies. Trivial but important.

Your definition appears to be a misunderstanding and the effect is certainly not "trivial".
Convection BEGINS with conduction at the interface (cf. "laminar flow"). Reduce it to an interfacial layer on the level of Angstroms in thickness, and you'll see it is there (remember, gases are considered a "liquid" in the aggregate). However, Salby sees it as less relevant than LWR:

Most of the energy transfer between the earth's surface and the atmosphere occurs through LW radiation. In addition, energy is transferred through thermal conduction, which is referred to as the transfer of sensible heat, and through the transfer of latent heat, when water vapor absorbed by the atmosphere condenses and precipitates back to the surface. (Atmospheric Physics, 1996, p.44)

So, no. I cannot agree with your synopsis as it stands. The fact is, water is part of this process. So even by your loose definition, it is happening as I implied: conduction, then convection. Unless you want to argue that gases are not matter with potential for phonon transport. To which, what happens when gas molecules collide? How is it they are able to pass energy sans radiation? O_o

If you want to argue about the existence of phonons, you're welcome to give it a go. I will consider the argument with care and respect.

The issue isn't about where the energy to heat the planet is coming from, but rather what attribute is responsible for attenuation of re-radiation of incident energy. Mind you, that is only an issue if you believe, as some do, that the attenuation has increase as a function of the habits of man.

There is little "re-radiation" (certainly nowhere near the ~300 W proposed by the GH hypothesis and even the source from measurements is not well-defined although the values I've seen dispute it, regardless), to which one must distinguish between spontaneous and induced emission. In the former, the idea is wrecked by the multiplicity of probabilities (cf. Markov chains and "mean free path" in Stat Mech), and the latter can only work with the vector of LWR from Sol (which is already accounted for by the surface absorption measurements). The concept of "back-radiation" to the surface is a gross tautology invented by the AGW faithful meant to account for their screw-up in calculating the initial radiative transfer from Sol (never mind their wispy grasp of the LoT).

I've seen an argument where the only way for it to happen would be through quantum tunneling, and that definitely is not consistent with observations, never mind the hypothesis. I'm also confident the idea of quantum mechanics doesn't even touch the lips of AGW "scientists" outside of their cursory discussions of vibratory modes in poly-atomic molecules, so the thought can be dismissed outright.

If you are familiar with how "heatsinks" operate, and can analyze the boundary conditions (THAT is vital in this type of analysis), you'll understand how the attenuation functions. Engineers (oddly enough) understand this--dare I say it--better than Physicists, in general. That is why the night is warmer than what a pure radiative transfer would imply. There is not only convection but advection (i.e. horizontal diffusion). There is also the case of inversion to consider, although, that is rare (mainly from volcanic activity IIRC).

Just remember to keep the 2nd LoT in mind at all times. Entropy must increase or remain 0! The higher up you go, the lower the density state. The ozone layer at the Tropopause is the radiative transfer boundary in this case, the troposphere is the "Arctic Silver", and the ground is the LED baseplate. (You are a COB'er, right? Or am I confusing you with Guod?).

Your definition appears to be a misunderstanding and the effect is certainly not "trivial".
Convection BEGINS with conduction at the interface (cf. "laminar flow"). Reduce it to an interfacial layer on the level of Angstroms in thickness, and you'll see it is there (remember, gases are considered a "liquid" in the aggregate). However, Salby sees it as less relevant than LWR:

Most of the energy transfer between the earth's surface and the atmosphere occurs through LW radiation. In addition, energy is transferred through thermal conduction, which is referred to as the transfer of sensible heat, and through the transfer of latent heat, when water vapor absorbed by the atmosphere condenses and precipitates back to the surface. (Atmospheric Physics, 1996, p.44)

So, no. I cannot agree with your synopsis as it stands. The fact is, water is part of this process. So even by your loose definition, it is happening as I implied: conduction, then convection. Unless you want to argue that gases are not matter with potential for phonon transport. To which, what happens when gas molecules collide? How is it they are able to pass energy sans radiation? o_O

If you want to argue about the existence of phonons, you're welcome to give it a go. I will consider the argument with care and respect.

There is little "re-radiation" (certainly nowhere near the ~300 W proposed by the GH hypothesis and even the source from measurements is not well-defined although the values I've seen dispute it, regardless), to which one must distinguish between spontaneous and induced emission. In the former, the idea is wrecked by the multiplicity of probabilities (cf. Markov chains and "mean free path" in Stat Mech), and the latter can only work with the vector of LWR from Sol (which is already accounted for by the surface absorption measurements). The concept of "back-radiation" to the surface is a gross tautology invented by the AGW faithful meant to account for their screw-up in calculating the initial radiative transfer from Sol (never mind their wispy grasp of the LoT).

I've seen an argument where the only way for it to happen would be through quantum tunneling, and that definitely is not consistent with observations, never mind the hypothesis. I'm also confident the idea of quantum mechanics doesn't even touch the lips of AGW "scientists" outside of their cursory discussions of vibratory modes in poly-atomic molecules, so the thought can be dismissed outright.

If you are familiar with how "heatsinks" operate, and can analyze the boundary conditions (THAT is vital in this type of analysis), you'll understand how the attenuation functions. Engineers (oddly enough) understand this--dare I say it--better than Physicists, in general. That is why the night is warmer than what a pure radiative transfer would imply. There is not only convection but advection (i.e. horizontal diffusion). There is also the case of inversion to consider, although, that is rare (mainly from volcanic activity IIRC).

Just remember to keep the 2nd LoT in mind at all times. Entropy must increase or remain 0! The higher up you go, the lower the density state. The ozone layer at the Tropopause is the radiative transfer boundary in this case, the troposphere is the "Arctic Silver", and the ground is the LED baseplate. (You are a COB'er, right? Or am I confusing you with Guod?).


I want to do a reality check here:

Assume no atmosphere, what is the behavior of the planet in terms of energy transfer, if you believe there is any?

A couple of sentences should be fine.

Btw, this isn't a trick question. I'm looking for some common ground.
Your beliefs are based on (continually distorted) fabrications.

you don't even believe CO2 is a greenhouse gas.

that means you don't even accept the elementary tenets of science.

even deniers like lindzen think you are a fucking nut, and with good cause.

maybe go find a muslim hatred thread instead, you don't belong in this debate.
He said air does not heat earth...

And then he proved it mathematically.

What else is there to understand? Simple physics....


you think forest fires cause global cooling.

tell us more about your degree in climate science.

in the meantime, i will get busy drawing a map to demonstrate to you iran's route to the sea, as you had requested previously.
The claims re CO2 being the major modulation factor contributing to attenuation is the issue.

then what is causing it, termite farts?

KKKynes already tried that one, to embarrassing effect.

but feel free to embarrass yourself as well.

Once predictions with accuracy and repeatability looking forward are demonstrated, then and only then, can one consider the science mature.

We aren't there yet.


should i show the graphs, or do you just want to whimper away now before that embarrassment to you takes place?


eugenicist hitler wannabe. take your fake intellect over to stormfront where it will be lauded as genius.
I don't think AGW deniers are nearly as cracked up as people who think the world was created 7000 years ago. Heckler is a smart guy and I'm interested in his reasons why. Thus far, he's disproved something nobody said and put forth a flawed equation that fit his mis-perception so I'm still waiting for something useful from him.

That said, there is still a lot to be done before scientists can say the science is settled. More funding!
Ok, I recant what I said. Heckler is about as fringe lunatic as bible thumpers. I didn't want to say it but he proved otherwise.
so here's the deal.
If we assume the earth is a hemisphere
If we assume the earth doesn't rotate
If we assume the sun is cup shaped and shines radiation perpendicular to the hemispherical non rotating earth at all points
If we assume the earth is free of air

then Heckler MIGHT be right.

Climate science denial isn't as good as really fine kush. Science denial is good at scrambling brains but doesn't have the same euphoria.
I want to do a reality check here:
Reality? O_o

If you have something to say, just say it. I'm not interested in testing "psychic" powers. If you disagree with my prior response, then critique it at your leisure. Likewise, if you have something to add which would broaden the discussion--including my understanding-- please do so. I'm not claiming to be infallible, just the hypothesis of the GHE is seemingly unfounded with respect to first principles and experimental observations, in situ. I have demonstrated the former, and no one has offered a substantial rebuttal.

Ergo, the science is anything but settled. To that point, you seem to agree.
Reality? o_O

If you have something to say, just say it. I'm not interested in testing "psychic" powers. If you disagree with my prior response, then critique it at your leisure. Likewise, if you have something to add which would broaden the discussion--including my understanding-- please do so. I'm not claiming to be infallible, just the hypothesis of the GHE is seemingly unfounded with respect to first principles and experimental observations, in situ. I have demonstrated the former, and no one has offered a substantial rebuttal.

Ergo, the science is anything but settled. To that point, you seem to agree.
not sure who you were talking to. so, walk me through your assumptions:
If we assume the earth is a hemisphere
If we assume the earth doesn't rotate
If we assume the sun is cup shaped and shines radiation perpendicular to the hemispherical non rotating earth at all points
If we assume the earth is free of air

How in hell does this represent the system we live in?
Bulldhit Post, part II


Could you support your claim with some valid argument?
Do you understand the denial of the greenhouse effect is on par with the denial of gravity, the theory of evolution, the moon landings, ect.?

At one point the scientific consensus was that the earth was flat and the sun revolved around that flat plane... 97% of scientists agreed!!!

Do you understand that science is never settled?
At one point the scientific consensus was that the earth was flat and the sun revolved around that flat plane... 97% of scientists agreed!!!
Those weren't scientists. They were priests.

How are you doing with the "earth is about to go into an ice age" theory? Anything you want to say about that?
At one point the scientific consensus was that the earth was flat and the sun revolved around that flat plane... 97% of scientists agreed!!!

Do you understand that science is never settled?
No it wasn't, that's a myth made up by retards and believed by idiots. Eratosthenes figured out the circumference of the Earth with decent accuracy in 200BC using science. Religious fundamentalists perpetuated the geocentric model until Copernicus again, using science, proved it wrong. Science always proves you idiots wrong, exactly as it's now doing with anthropogenic climate change.

Eat it.
so here's the deal.
If we assume the earth is a hemisphere
How bright is the sun at night where you live? I thought you were in the contiguous US?

If we assume the earth doesn't rotate
I never did that...if you read my post carefully regarding the thermal profile in comparison to a clock face, you'd comprehend that. If you don't understand the term instantaneous, that's not my problem. That's another reason why the application of the StefBo eqn by climastrologists is erroneous. They try to turn it into a time average; it's like they don't even understand what a Watt is.

If we assume the sun is cup shaped and shines radiation perpendicular to the hemispherical non rotating earth at all points
You're making shit up now or don't know how to read equations. More proof you just regurgitated your erroneous math from SkepSci (or some other place of dubious merit), as I expected. If you don't feel it necessary to learn some basics (or have I moved onto a level beyond your definition of the word?), then there's little reason for me to respond, especially in light of your attempts to impugn my character in such a crass manner as you have done.
I wouldn't expect my profs to be as kind to me as I have been to you, had I called them all "retards" to their faces and then essentially begged them to answer my questions.
Smarten up.

If we assume the earth is free of air
How do you define "atmosphereless"? You can't have a water-cycle under such conditions, either, because that would create an atmosphere.
BTW Here's what a "textbook" on "Climate Science" says:
Without the atmosphere , Earth’s temperature would be about −15°C (5°F), too cold to be comfortable for humans.

(G.T. Farmer and John Cook, Climate Change Science:A Modern Synthesis, vol.1, 2013)

You even recreated their mistake, precisely. But now you want to argue that isn't what they did? :-?
FFS your own "cartoon" shows the Earth as a flat DISC! :lol:
At least my approximation allows for the FACT of conduction, in line with the 2nd LoT. That is why the area of effect is so large in the first place even if one takes into account the absent cos(theta) term.
Energy flows from higher density states to lower density states, seeking equilibrium in the most probable macrostate; remember that if nothing else.

Sounds like a climate denier to me.
Nice try at editing your post.
Too bad I didn't refresh the page, eh?
That tells me this is starting to inspire that important change in your paradigm.
Keep going...you'll get there someday. Maybe you'll even learn to LOVE science the way I do. :mrgreen:
Who knows? Maybe you'll even go back to school! I'm not sure how old you are, but Universities do appreciate having "mature" students to offer practical wisdom to the upcoming generations.

As an aside, forest fires DO cool the lower troposphere, which I personally experienced last summer when the lower mainland was literally choked by smoke from the fires in the local mountains. The sun was a peculiar shade of red/magenta, and the air temperatures dropped by at least 2K because of it (the reason should be obvious). What had been uncomfortable in the days prior had suddenly become quite tolerable. Then, thanks to all the added particles in the atmosphere, water vapour was able to effectively nucleate, forming rain clouds in the subsequent days that followed. Blessed Relief...

Burning Sun--BC Fires 2015.JPG

That is the literal colour I saw.
One would've also expected--presuming the GHE was real--all that extra carbon (the damn near closest thing we know of to a BBR) would've "back-radiated" all that absorbed IR. But no...that damn 2nd LoT keeps getting in the way.

Nature clearly laughs at climastrology. Silly humans...:lol:
