Antonin Scalia is dead party thread


Well-Known Member
How much more partisan could you possibly be?
Asking for an investigation is not "politically bias." Why are you so against it?
"fatass old man" is not a cause of death. You just think so, because your IQ barely reaches 80 -on a good day.
His own family decided against an autopsy, it absolutely is politically biased, just like everything you retards try to do is. You think the Obama administration murdered Scalia and is now covering it up just to turn the court progressive. You base this on nothing but your own politically charged beliefs, personal hatred for Obama and the democratic party and the fact that he died on a ranch owned by a guy who won an award by that same admin/party you loathe

I guess his own family is in on the conspiracy too, huh? His wife must be secretly working undercover for the Obama administration, I bet they planted her way back before Scalia was ever on the court just in case. Can't put anything past this administration!



Well-Known Member
With the new progressive court thanks to Scalia's lifelong love affair with cakes, pies and all things fried, it paves the way for big changes in campaign finance reform, gun control and climate change

I can't wait to see the tantrums conservatives are going to throw!


Well-Known Member
With the new progressive court thanks to Scalia's lifelong love affair with cakes, pies and all things fried, it paves the way for big changes in campaign finance reform, gun control and climate change

I can't wait to see the tantrums conservatives are going to throw!
And abortion. :D


Well-Known Member
Scalia had a wife of 55 years, Maureen, nine children and a slew of grandchildren, but yet he died alone in a pile of shit
He spent the evening with "friends and admirers." Do you always sleep in the same bed as your friends and admirers? Not many 80 year old men do. And just because your grown ass adult kids still live with mommy and daddy, that doesn't mean his kids haven't moved on and made a family of their own...

You keep amazing me about how unintelligent you are. Are you joking around, or do you seriously believe the garbage you're posting right now? I was hoping for a rational discussion. Chat with you like a grown up, but if you keep going down this road I'll have to sit you at the kiddy table with Pada.


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to get me and my woman a few of those late term, right up until birth abortions!
Is this the abortion thread now? Your remedial brain is all over the place.
Let's be clear. The only people bitching will be Democrats when Obama doesn't get his senate confirmation.
It will stir up the conservative base, and give us all the more reason to vote.


Well-Known Member
Is this the abortion thread now? Your remedial brain is all over the place.
Let's be clear. The only people bitching will be Democrats when Obama doesn't get his senate confirmation.
It will stir up the conservative base, and give us all the more reason to vote.
If republicans obstruct until after the election, Dem's will fly to the polls in droves to ensure the GOP doesn't win two branches of government. If they don't, court goes progressive.

Win/win for democrats, lose/lose for republicans

Court's going progressive either way because the GOP has no chance to win the white house, so I'll be looking forward to more conspiracy theories and tears!


Well-Known Member
Is this the abortion thread now? Your remedial brain is all over the place.
Let's be clear. The only people bitching will be Democrats when Obama doesn't get his senate confirmation.
It will stir up the conservative base, and give us all the more reason to vote.
LOL you're calling him remedial for mentioning abortion? Helllooooo, Scalia was always deciding against abortions, and deciding for abortion bans. Now that he's passed away, and if Congress does their constitutional duty to duly appoint a new Justice, abortion will become a new issue to the court. Please don't be so thick skulled.


Well-Known Member
He spent the evening with "friends and admirers." Do you always sleep in the same bed as your friends and admirers? Not many 80 year old men do. And just because your grown ass adult kids still live with mommy and daddy, that doesn't mean his kids haven't moved on and made a family of their own...

You keep amazing me about how unintelligent you are. Are you joking around, or do you seriously believe the garbage you're posting right now? I was hoping for a rational discussion. Chat with you like a grown up, but if you keep going down this road I'll have to sit you at the kiddy table with Pada.
Scalia died and his wife did not get a chance to say goodbye.:lol: The evil fuck died alone in bed, on a pile of shit. Very fitting


Well-Known Member
LOL you're calling him remedial for mentioning abortion? Helllooooo, Scalia was always deciding against abortions, and deciding for abortion bans. Now that he's passed away, and if Congress does their constitutional duty to duly appoint a new Justice, abortion will become a new issue to the court. Please don't be so thick skulled.
Congress doesn't have a constitutional duty to appoint any judge. Funny how Daschle and Reid failed to bring hundreds of bills before the Senate and that was no problem even tho the Constitution says they SHALL do so. The Constitution about appointing SCOTUS-- advice and CONSENT.


Well-Known Member
LOL you're calling him remedial for mentioning abortion? Helllooooo, Scalia was always deciding against abortions, and deciding for abortion bans. Now that he's passed away, and if Congress does their constitutional duty to duly appoint a new Justice, abortion will become a new issue to the court. Please don't be so thick skulled.
I'm well aware of Scalia rulings in the supreme court. Probably more so than you.
It's still changing the topic after being cornered. And it's still politicizing the man's death on day 4.
Obama can nominate judges all he wants. Unless Congress approves, it's all for nothing.
But like I said, I have no interest in having that conversation until his body is buried.
If his body gets incinerated without autopsy, there will be a revolt, and it won't be good for Democrats...


Well-Known Member
Scalia died and his wife did not get a chance to say goodbye.:lol: The evil fuck died alone in bed, on a pile of shit. Very fitting
Which is to say, he died peacefully in his sleep after banging some young whoo-er. A well deserved end, we should all be so lucky.


Well-Known Member
I'm well aware of Scalia rulings in the supreme court. Probably more so than you.
It's still changing the topic after being cornered. And it's still politicizing the man's death on day 4.
Obama can nominate judges all he wants. Unless Congress approves, it's all for nothing.
But it's like I said, I have no interest in having that conversation until his body is buried.
If his body gets incinerated without autopsy, there will be a revolt, and it won't be good for Democrats...

Yeah, I can't wait to see that shit!