I said poor people pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than rich people - which is a fact
Let's pause there because from your responses, it's clear you can't even comprehend what that information is telling you. Poor people pay more in sales tax than rich people because they spend more of their money buying things they need. If they spend 100% of their money, 100% of their money was taxed in sales. Rich people don't spend 100% of their money because they can't, because they're rich, they have a lot of it.
0-15% is the income tax rate poor people pay, not the sales tax rate everyone, rich or poor, pays
Since rich people and poor people pay the exact same percentage of sales tax, and since poor people spend more of their money than rich people, poor people end up paying more in taxes than rich people, which is why the conservative idea of a "Flat Tax" is a bullshit scheme designed to fuck poor people and help rich people
You're so stupid you confused the Income Tax rate with the Sales Tax rate, but watch, will you be man enough to admit your mistake? Nah, of course not, that would take integrity and a shred of moral character, both of which you lack.
But I can't wait to see you double down on your stupidity and try to project it back onto me again
Again, you point out one tax while totally discounting AGAIN the income tax which is 30-45% on the rich. And you call me stupid... We can go round and round but you seem to have no ability to do math or understand basic economics...
BTW... If a poor person spends 100% of their income on shit and pay sales tax they pay a rate of 7% If a rich person spends 100% of their income on shit and pay sales tax they pay a rate of 7%. The rates ARE THE SAME...
Your contention is that a rich person does not need to spend all their money and my contention is there are plenty of rich people spending all of their money and quite bit more so your whole argument is totally ridiculous.
It is not supposed to be FAIR....
Rich people make more and pay more. Poor people make less and pay NOTHING in income taxes. They also get tax CREDITS which can be applied to sales taxes.
You got nothin but insults kid.