4x4 cxb3590 first time grower

Um..... no. The 1050 can only run 6 cobs. Not 7. You can only do 12. NOT 14.
The 1750 B (dimmable) can run 4 cobs each, giving each cob 64 watts or so.
It's simple math bud. You times the forward voltage of the cob (36V) by the amperage (1.750) & you get your wattage. So a 1050 would be 36X1.050= 36-37watts.

stop misinforming people bud. the forward voltage isn't 36v when you run at 1050mA. i think you need to go back to diy led 101 for noobs by growmau5 before you come back to fill the boards with your advice. i actually remember explaining parts of this video for you weeks ago. maybe you should take notes this time?

why don't we ask @SupraSPL how many can be run on this driver?
@SupraSPL so is it safer to run 6 or 7 cxb3590 on the 240 at 1050ma? I only bought 12...
You could go with 6 or 7. no problem either way but using 7 gets you more bang for your buck.

who knows @Airwalker16, your bad advice could lead to somebody's death if the wrong people do the wrong thing with high voltage, high current electronics.

@chinuh man 36.5W each, ppfd ~860 factoring in 10% due to optics. look up the diy cob calculator by @bggrass, it allows you to easily estimate the light + power output and more for a multitude of configurations in a given space.
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stop misinforming people bud. the forward voltage isn't 36v when you run at 1050mA. i think you need to go back to diy led 101 for noobs by growmau5 before you come back to fill the boards with your advice. i actually remember explaining parts of this video for you weeks ago. maybe you should take notes this time?

why don't we ask @SupraSPL how many can be run on this driver?

who knows @Airwalker16, your bad advice could lead to somebody's death if the wrong people do the wrong thing with high voltage, high current electronics.

@chinuh man 36.5W each, ppfd ~900

Then why does he say it's like an egg carton and you try to fill it with as many as you can? It's output maximum is 238v. 238/36= 6.6
So tell me, why am I not understanding this here? Explain.
Then why does he say it's like an egg carton and you try to fill it with as many as you can? It's output maximum is 238v. 238/36= 6.6
So tell me, why am I not understanding this here? Explain.

no dude. just sit there, be quiet and try to understand yourself. there is already more than enough information available, you have no excuse for not being able to learn.
If one can really get 1000 grams off 800 watts thats just breath taking in beauty!!!!! Have you tried running any of the lower yielding og's ? SFV or fire og to be exact?
I usually run 4 to 6 5 gal buckets. I always have at least 3 strains. Mostly Sativa leaning hybrids. I am running some og's next. I usually run 3d if I want heavy yields Sativa leaning. I have a Vortex leaning clone I have kept a while. I get 4 z or better of of each plant. This time I have 4 and the 5th I am using to fem and get some seeds I hope. 3d crossed with Strawberry amnesia, ww, slh, and itself.
chinuh man: Here is the chart from @SupraSPL

Okay now im getting confused. Im about to spend over a grand and im not very confident. Is there a thread that explains what the formulas are for all the math everyone is doing? I dont want to be fed, i want to learn how to hunt. I really appreciate the quick responses. Thanks
Help me understand what im looking at.

the numbers on the right side are how many cob's will fit onto the driver. so if you look at hlg 240 c1050 on the left column and the cxb3590 column, it shows 7.0. i think 2 of the drivers running 7 cxb's is a pretty close to ideal setup for a 4x4, because when you space out that many cobs 35w covering each square foot is perfect. i would recommend getting 16 cobs to spread 1 cob per square foot but that would require getting another driver. if you wait a couple months for when the hlg 320h c1050 are available then you can run 16 cob's on only two drivers at 36w each.
Thank you jewbag. So 16cxb3590 and 3 mw hlg240 c1500s? That would run each cob at 35w which would be what ppfd average?
you mean c1400 right? yeah that will work (actually this will only run 15 cobs), you just have to get the b version driver and that gives you the ability to dim it down 25% or however much you want. running it at 100% would be 1230+ ppfd which is where the curve starts to have diminishing returns obviously. also running the cobs at 50w each requires larger heatsinks to cool passively.
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just follow greengenes tutorial dude lol... nothing wrong with being fed, specially when you are still a baby :) Then you can learn to walk
I meant 1050 not 1500. Im going to trust you since you seem like you know what youre talking about. I know im getting 16 cxb3590 for a 4x4. My target ppfd is 900+ please tell me what driver could do this most efficiently. Ill learn the concept as i wait for parts to arrive
I meant 1050 not 1500. Im going to trust you since you seem like you know what youre talking about. I know im getting 16 cxb3590 for a 4x4. My target ppfd is 900+ please tell me what driver could do this most efficiently. Ill learn the concept as i wait for parts to arrive

ok well this is the exact setup that i have begun to build so I have the right info. you should be interested in minimizing the number of drivers, so to reach 16 cob's with at least 35w each the best way to do this right now i believe is to get 2 hlg 240h c1050's to run 14/16 cobs, and then get some other small output inexpensive driver that's not on that list up there to run the other 2 cobs. personally I am just settling for 14 cobs in my 4x4 for now on 2 drivers, but plan on upgrading to a 4x8 pretty soon and at that point I will order 18 more cxb3590s and 2 hlg 320h c1050b's which can run 9 cobs each I believe. then my setup will be 32 cxb's in 32 square feet. but another important point is that without optics (lenses or reflectors which cost an automatic 10% penalty) you may be able to obtain a larger ppfd with this setup and a highly reflective tent, as the uniformity of ppf and low heat allow you to lower the lights very close to the canopy. so 14 cxb3590's at 1050mA in a 4x4 could theoretically reach a ppfd of upwards of 950, that would probably be impossible in realistic terms but 900 is probably about right.
I Will order as soon as jerry sends the invoice. Im pretty excited, this growing bud is way more addicting then smoking it lol. 16cxb3590 @ 1050mA just to get started. There is no way to power all 16 evenly with the same ppfd?
why not, all 16 cob's will be powered evenly when they run in series on separate 1050ma drivers. if you haven't watched growmau5's diy tutorial on youtube that will make a lot more sense out of this build. my knowledge doesn't go too far beyond what's in those 6 vids.
too bad you are going to have lights that far exceed your growing capabilities :mrgreen: My best advice for you, would be to look into the ROLS thread of the organic section of RIU and also for your first round to follow subcool supersoil recipe. As a first time grower, you would be guaranteed an awesome yield of the best quality. ORGANIC IS THE WAY TO GO. I would do 4-6 plants in 10 gallons pots in that space. GOOD LUCK chinuh man, you will thank me later.
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also I wouldnt start bloom until you have the proper light for it, use the extra time to top and train your plants into monster.

chinuh man, If that can make you feel better, I have been growing for a long time now, but as far as DIY COB led I was at your level less than a month ago. I still dont know anything about it but I manage to build my lights and they are up and running.
Thank you @Growmau5 for the diy tutorial. It was very helpful. Someone should make a video similar that goes over all the formulas used when designing a build.

I know i will be getting 16cxb3590 .
If i get 4 mw hlg-185h-c1400b i could run each cob @56w. Would this be overkill? How do i find the ppfd?