EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I always have an attendant on duty who's job is to assure that anyone buying detergent can do so. That is on both sites and that's separate from the employees who work on the cleaners side at one location.
I guarantee once again my math skills exceeds yours. The fact you can't understand what most people type on here, shows your reading comprehension is lacking. There is a reason why people refer to you as DIZZY or DB.
Now back to Bernie.
I like some of his ideas. I hate that is wants to raise my taxes. I also feel he is promising things that he cannot deliver. His foreign policy seems to be rather lacking as well. He seems to be a cranky temperamental old man.
Bernie no está listo en el primer día

and you're an asshat or AH..there's a reason why people here refer to you as such.
and you're a freakshow who's obsessed with me.

Dizzy I'm a very happily married man, to a woman who works as an Nurse Anesthetists. Which means she gets paid very very well. She loves me and our children. I think she is sexy as fuck and she is my best friend.
You are a crazy chick on the internet, who just wants a handout, can't take care of her kids and is divorce. Why in the hell would I be obsessed with you ? You got me confused with someone else.
Now back to Bernie. I don't think he will win.
Dizzy I'm a very happily married man, to a woman who works as an Nurse Anesthetists. Which means she gets paid very very well. She loves me and our children. I think she is sexy as fuck and she is my best friend.
You are a crazy chick on the internet, who just wants a handout, can't take care of her kids and is divorce. Why in the hell would I be obsessed with you ? You got me confused with someone else.
Now back to Bernie. I don't think he will win.

you're bordering on dangerous.

I see you have moved from " no chance he's elected" to "if" ... Next comes " when" ..baby steps..in 3 weeks I'm going to have you voting for him.
I could never vote Repuke in the general election sooooo.
My grandfather, father, and the military taught me to always be proactive. I already have a plan if Bernie is elected...and that is a BIG ASS IF. I truly don't think he will, as some say "the fix is in"
I don't like dem on dem crime.. What's the beef you two have? Is it just Clinton vs Bernie or run deeper?

I dunno..he seems to have some sort of psychological problem(s)..delusions of what he thinks us going on in my life and follows me from thread to thread.

it's pretty sad when multiple male members PM me to apologize for his behavior.
I dunno..he seems to have some sort of psychological problem(s)..delusions of what he thinks us going on in my life and follows me from thread to thread.

it's pretty sad when multiple male members PM me to apologize for his behavior.
If members really cared and disagreed with me they would apologize openly and tell me to stop. I don't follow you from thread to thread. I though you had me on ignore and you came into a thread I started. Damn you delusional
If members really cared and disagreed with me they would apologize openly and tell me to stop. I don't follow you from thread to thread. I though you had me on ignore and you came into a thread I started. Damn you delusional

you're really embarrassing yourself now dude..