Well-Known Member
reading is fundamental
dont sound dirty to me....
sounds like he just want to give his customers that fresh off of 16 feel
Your evil becasue you sell crack. All of my friends died from crack no i don't have any friends. You are going to hell because you want to make a rock. Just quit smoking crackor ur gonna die like all my old buddies stick to the reefar
also just throw away all your powder because its bad you know?
Also, i did not know that we had a crack smoker on the forums this is very alarming.
Just get blazedCrack dealers will die of overdose you know. Don't eat anymore rocks.
Bro. most here are right , that sh*t is poison. You already know that though. I sold coke for many years and made lots of money. Also did lots of time. Careful homeboy, its a dog eat dog world. Having said that, perhaps i can help ya re-rock your girl. You need a "bonding agent". Around here you can buy it in a spray form at the local head shops. For making re-rock a press is not necessary. The final pressing can be done with a few plastic baggies and a heavy book. Cant remember what they called the stuff, but its the same stuff used to keep pills together. The guys that make E use it, so I'm sure if you do the research you will find it. Google, " bonding agent for pills" or something like that. Hope I could help. Just remember, Karma is a motherf*cker. Dealing poison will only result in hardship in the long run. Plant you some seeds and deal you some some love homeboy. IMO Much Love.
CRACK?? ur fuckin crazy man. think about what u just said....
what you wanna dop is basically the same as making crack or at kleast same process just dont add ether or baking soda just get a double boiler pot or a pot with some rocks or something on bottom to contain heat and fill with water then put a mason jar inside of that with your powder and some water enough to mix it all together well then simmer it on a low heat until the water evaporates out and swish it around spome duringn the process you will end up with little coke rocks same as youwould with crack but there was no soda to freebase it
i get some raw diggidies. prob. 65 - 70% --- i cut it.. and i want it to look the way i got it.. thats all
Out of curiosity, what did you cut it with? Way back in the day I watched my friend make some crack by doing something like putting baking soda and the coke in hot water. It worked, we smoked it, then threw it out and continued doing speed. Neither is good, speed is always worse tho.
This thread is 9 years old man. I'm sure he found out how to do it 9 years ago lol.Get inositol powder (can be found at any vitamin retailer) make sure it's pure inositol, 99% or above acetone and high quality coke mix the inositol and coke at a ratio you're looking for ( make sure to grind into a fine powder) add acetone a dropper at a time until you get a paste like consistency then press if you want then allow 15-20 minutes for the acetone to evaporate out put it in the microwave at 10 to 15 second intervals until hard that always worked for me in the past..