Bernie is done he doesn't have a chance. Hillary already has half the super delegate electoral votes plus she beat sander in SC. So Trump will be the next president. We need a business man with good foreign relations anyway. Not a congressmen who pretends to be on the outside. Obviously none of you have ever read Bernies tax plan to basically increase taxes 8 times on incomes below $200,000 or joint incomes below $250,000.
Case n point just on bernies Medicare expanison plan. Will up and taxes on employers from the current 2.2% to 6.7% and employees from the current 1.4% to 2.2% on incomes below $200,000 or joint incomes on below $250,000. The employer tax will be workers cost taken out of employee wages. So employess will be paying an 8.9 % tax on Medicare alone. That's just one part of Bernies 18 trillion dollar plan. More than half your pay check will go to taxes under bernie. Not just 21%.
If you actually have ever read the tax code. People who make over $450,000 a year are taxed doubled than people who make less. But they have smart accountants who make a lot of tax deductions.
Don't fall for the same slimey pandering obama did. Bernie is doing the same thing.
Bernie won't get the nomination anyway. So at this point dicussing bernie being in office is moot.