injunction/court case updates

How Long Until a Decision on the Allard injunction?

It could be weeks or months. No one can really say with any kind of certainty except Justice Phelan. And then there is the possibility of an appeal process. But it is likely that the decision will come down before any kind of legalization can be enacted. And that’s what people seem to have forgotten." are you agreeing what I thought is correct or trying to prove legalization must come before the ruling?
Praying to the God Shiva for an outcome that allows "everyone" to grow their own MMJ or have a DG do it for them.

I expect homegrows will prevail, albeit with stricter Reg's.
The next 48 hours will feel like that part of the roller coaster when your almost at the top about to drop down. 9 am pst Wed can not come sooner. No matter the out come the fight is not over.