Open Show n' Tell 2016

chickens just clip there wings so they can not fly and there great around your pot they eat stuff that like to eat your pot so I been
They talk about head trauma like football players and boxers. Like Jr Seau. Truly sad.
Depression is a bad thing. Bad enough to leave a young family behind in both cases.

i user on here posted it a week ago an i was heartbroken . he had ALOT of folks that say they are close friends .... guess your head has to be in the game 24/7 just takes a few hours of beating yourself up and suddenly life sucks :(
dave i miss that shit eating grin when you landed some unheard of trick :) i stayed up watching xgames reruns of his doulbe backflip . need someone to chat with to feel good about yourself ? call me . you can hear my daughter boss me around the house like my wife does ... its hilarouse till its not of that ...i got a wall to build . mad respect to my homie @Garden Boss , @doublejj,and @Dr.D81 for getting this cherry pie out to the RIU family ...:hug:102_3610.JPG :shock: growing in 9 hours direct sun just water sulpomag , SST"s and soil
dr.d81 you just need them chickens when when the buds start not befor.plenty people in cal, do it when like 2 months befor harvest and I have sean it work on videows.probley some on youtube still.there poop is good just let it dry for a year and grind it up good nitrogen for a grow.but wear a mask when working with shit.bat shit here is free by the truck load just get it after dark lots of caves.
Here is the trainwreck x pck what she should look like well should have close pheno never know something new can come out of it thats what i love about F1's and more in F2's Dr maybe this fall we might swap some seeds i think people are going to go nuts over this one shortly :) some buds off same seed batch 2 different pheno;s gallery_11738_4816_1023.jpg gallery_11738_4816_14566.jpg gallery_11738_4816_41754.jpg
I made a trip to the "big"city today a picked up some interesting genetics that I've been eyeing for a while.
It's a Romulan IBL from a local breeder,
The male was Romulan from Federation
And the mother was Romulan from Next Generation (lemon pheno) Can't wait to pop these babies. Good deal too, 13 regs for $60. Also got a capillary mat seed start kit and a 20l bag of worm castings. So far this is all the prep work I've got done.


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BC you should really start a worm bin i started one like 2 months ago 1 tote now i have 3 totes and worms coming out my ass lol let alone castings will post some pictures of some super rich soils, i put `10 worms in my second bin and in like 2 weeks i had hundreds of eggs as well as hundreds of new worms it fascinating how fast one can get a worm bin going rather idiot proof seriously to simple only thing was sourcing out couple pounds of live worms and like i said man o man so looking forward to transplanting new seedlings into 50 / 50 mixture then 100 percent mixture
Now with a well balance greens there is no slowing down waiting for soil to break down so plant can obsorb nutrients its just like chelated and ready to go add good green ratio to top soil and compost and water only :)