Oregon's govt. control freaks - Man Gets Prison Sentence For Collecting Rainwater On His Property

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
If Trump wins I leave, that part of the bet is still on the table. I can't help the fact you're a total fucking moron and are completely incapable of comprehending even the most simplest of things.
There you go, that wasn't hard. Then I guess we both leave. Cool TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
There you go, that wasn't hard. Then I guess we both leave. Cool TRUMP!
So you're taking the bet?

If Trump wins, I leave. If Trump loses, you leave immediately. Deal?

The stipulation that if Trump wins and you leave [30 days after] is all on you and has no bearing on our deal.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
wow this is bullshit
It is bullshit in the sense that this guy is not what he is made out to be by Ben.
First, the artificial lake shown in Cheezus 's post is only one of that guy's ponds. He had two others.
Second, it is legal to store rainwater, with a permit and with specific conditions that that nut obviously didn't meet.

Basically, wingnuts like Ben like to get all angry and up in arms about those liberals. It doesn't matter to them if they are being fed a lie. They get their nut off regardless.

I’ve taken a look at some mighty impressive rainwater collection systems in the past, but it appears that Gary Harrington, 64, takes the proverbial cake when it comes to hoarder-esque rainwater collection activities: over the years, the Oregon resident has built three massive reservoirs — in actuality, they’re more like proper man-made ponds — on his 170-acre property on Crowfoot Road in rural Eagle Point that hold roughly 13 million gallons of rainwater and snow runoff. That’s enough agua to fill about 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

Of course, it boggles the mind as to what a single man needs that much rainwater for. One would assume that Harrington is reusing it both for irrigation purposes and for non-potable indoor use as well, which, unlike in many states, is permitted in Oregon. But 13 million gallons?

Apparently Harrington, who has stocked at least one of the reservoirs with largemouth bass and built docks around it, believes that his watery stash is a much-needed necessity when wildfires pop up in the area.

“The fish and the docks are icing on the cake," Harrington tells the Medford Mail Tribune. "It's totally committed to fire suppression."

The bigger story here is that rainwater collection is indeed kosher in Oregon, provided that you’re capturing it from an artificial, impervious surface such as a rooftop with the assistance of rainwater barrels.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
So you're taking the bet?

If Trump wins, I leave. If Trump loses, you leave immediately. Deal?

The stipulation that if Trump wins and you leave [30 days after] is all on you and has no bearing on our deal.
Thats to fucking bad for you because its the only deal you are getting from me. TRUMP wins and we both go. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
Thats to fucking bad for you because its the only deal you are getting from me. TRUMP wins and we both go. TRUMP!

You're not very bright.

The deal is: If Trump becomes President, I leave. If Trump does not, you leave. If you don't take that deal, I don't leave if he wins. That's all that's available.

You leaving if Trump wins is all on you. That's not the deal I've set forth.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Oregon is on the other side of the rockies so west of TX and OK only goes so far. I believe this year there has been record rain fall and a enormous amount of snow pack in Oregon so what you said doesn't really fall into the common sense category, kinda like the liberal thought process in Oregon. IMO

I like your bad ass sig, TRUMP is crushing it. right fucking on. TRUMP!
Hey Nitro how can you square the fact that 59% of NATIONWIDE VOTERS don't like the dumpster and 89% of Hispanics hate him, how then can you say he's going to win with numbers like that? Ain't enough bigots out there to put him over the top! Fuck the dumpster!



Well-Known Member

Collecting rainwater
on your own property can now lead to jail time, as proven by a man from Oregon who was sentenced to prison for doing just that. Who owns the rain? The US government, apparently so it seems.

“They’ve just gotten to be big bullies and if you just lay over and die and give up, that just makes them bigger bullies. So, we as Americans, we need to stand on our constitutional rights, on our rights as citizens and hang tough. This is a good country, we’ll prevail,” he said.

The court has given Harrington two weeks to report to the Jackson County Jail to begin serving his sentence.

According to Oregon water laws, all water is publicly owned. Therefore, anyone who wants to store any type of water on their property must first obtain a permit from state water managers.

Harrington said he applied for three permits to legally house reservoirs for storm and snow water runoff on his property. One of the “reservoirs” had been on his property for 37 years, he said.

Though the state Water Resources Department initially approved his permits in 2003, the state – and a state court — ultimately reversed the decision.

“They issued me my permits. I had my permits in hand and they retracted them just arbitrarily, basically. They took them back and said ‘No, you can’t have them,’ so I’ve been fighting it ever since,” Harrington told CNSNews.com.

Poor guy needs to move to Texas & out of that liberal shit stain. Texas doesn't screw with you here. Quite the contrary, rain water collection has become very popular with new building starts and folks that want clean, pure water especially in central Texas, Austin area, AND, you don't need ask permission and pay permits to sustain dumb ass office jobs.

Uncle Ben
you mean home of the roadside cavity search?..THAT Texas?

once again the reason for government..you right wing assholes just can't/won't follow rules.

the pic of rain barrels are a really nice touch though.:lol:
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Well-Known Member
Snopes says this story is almost entirely false

Harrington stored and used water illegally by placing dams across channels on his property and preventing the flow of water out of these artificial reservoirs without obtaining a water right permit. The height of each dam varies; two dams stand about ten feet tall and the third stands about 20 feet tall. The total amount of water collected behind these dams totals about 40 acre feet; enough to fill almost 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools. These man-made reservoirs feature boat docks, boats, and were stocked by Harrington with trout and Bluegill for recreational fishing.

The state first identified Harrington's illegal water use more than ten years ago and initiated enforcement action to discontinue his illegal use of water. After numerous attempts by OWRD and the Watermaster to achieve voluntary compliance, the Department enlisted the assistance of the Oregon State Police in 2002. Citations were issued, and Harrington pleaded guilty to several violations. He was assessed a nominal fine and ordered to drain the three reservoirs, which he did. However, Harrington again closed the headgates in 2004 and refilled the reservoirs. As a result, OWRD and the Oregon State Police submitted reports to the Jackson County District Attorney's Office alleging additional violations of Oregon water law. That office filed misdemeanor charges against Harrington, and in 2008 he pled guilty to one count. He was issued another fine, placed on one year probation, and was again ordered to drain the reservoirs.
so @Uncle Ben wasnt completely truthful in his citation?


Well-Known Member
He had one as shown in my post.

By law Oregon is unrestricted. Pretty stupid as it all returns to the ground via septic or thru a treatment plant.

True and false.
Texas dosen't like you to think any farther then your TV set.

The depletion between 2001 and 2008, inclusive, is about 32% of the cumulative depletion during the entire 20th century.[17] In the United States, the biggest users of water from aquifers include agricultural irrigation and oil and coal extraction.[18]"Cumulative total groundwater depletion in the United States accelerated in the late 1940s and continued at an almost steady linear rate through the end of the century. In addition to widely recognized environmental consequences, groundwater depletion also adversely impacts the long-term sustainability of groundwater supplies to help meet the nation’s water needs."[17]

Most Texas High Plains agriculture relies on irrigation from the Ogallala, which underlies 36,515 square miles of Texas across 48 counties.[19]

Edit: Link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogallala_Aquifer

The 5 year business plan that Texas sells....Is very short sighted, but if you are in it for the tax cut. Hurry. Free tax dollars are waiting.

Fuc*ing Science.
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Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
View attachment 3614422

That's a lot of rain water ---------------not
Catchment is done all over Texas by landowners, especially where I live. People damn creeks all the time & every catchment whether private or public has an overflow, which would be into Butte Creek for this buy, I would guess. When his reservoir can hold no more it's gotta go somewhere, duh.

I'm no attorney but I believe In Texas, by law, the water you are able to contain on your property whether by damn, tank, etc. AND what is under your land belongs to you, not some fuckin' liberal govt. That's what's great about Texas. :clap:

Being good stewards of water conservation, not beholden to ag corporations like in California, we DO have water conservation districts which monitor water usage, aquifer levels, etc. For example, I had to submit an app to our local underground water district before setting up my irrigation system. I was allotted a whopping 1,203,000 gallons annually which I have never come close to pumping. I don't even have to meter, just estimate previous year's usage when I report to the district in January. Here's that app FWIW:


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Pretty much, thats whats happening. I went to a chicken match a week ago, but its not my thing really, interesting but I will stick with fishing. Just last week I had a world class day at south point fishing with my kite set up. I hooked up a Marlin and fought it for about 45 minutes and got it up to the cliff and the hook was snagged on the very end of its bill and I couldn't get the slide gaff into him and the hook ended up pulling out, but it swam away to fight another day. Then the very next bait a hundred pound sail fish hit my bait and I fought it for around 45 minutes and landed it. It took three of us to pull it up the cliff and it actually tasted pretty good on the barbecue, then I went and got a smoker and made Hawaiian candy out of the rest of it.

Two bill fish from shore in one day was pretty world class fishing. I don't know of anywhere else in the world a guy can fish from shore and land game fish like that so we are stoked. TRUMP!
Unbelievable! Must be nice.

I have no use for greedy low lifes that use animals or fowl as a source of their stupid pleasures. The subject has no choice and the bastards ought to put away for life, that's how deeply I feel about it.


Well-Known Member
Ever been near a damn? Ever seen the excess water flow over it? Now, if the state really needs that trickle which will not overflow, they need to revise their outlook on water conservation.

Grow up.

You have been reported.

View attachment 3614740
aren't you understanding this yet Ben? rules are rules..they are in place because they went through this with someone else..has nothing to do with 'what the state needs' some yahoo along the line, blew it for others..you don't get to negotiate them..you follow them or get fined..and if that isn't enough of a detterent..you go to jail..obvi fines weren't enough of a slap on the wrist.

and now you can see where rulezzz and big gubbermint come from..
