injunction/court case updates

You won the right to grow. You won the right to fair access that allowed DGs in the 1st place. Now you have to wait until HC dicks around over beers to get you a grower oh and it will take 6months to the day im sure those fucking assholes.

There needs to be some sort of consent for a person to be DG. Fax confirmation, old pinks...something.

i like how the judge didn't like any of the defendants evidence

[241] For fire risk as noted earlier, the Defendant relies on the expert evidence of Len Garis, the Fire Chief of Surrey, British Columbia. This evidence is unreliable for many reasons. Most importantly, this witness was not credible and was biased. He was an active public advocate against cannabis cultivation. His Report provided no analysis or context for the Court to accurately judge the purported fire risks. Instead, it was painfully obvious that his entire study was motivated to support a cause – his own personal view against residential growing operations.


How's it feel to be legally outed as not credible with a personal agenda against cannabis.

Couldn't have happened to a better person.
There are a LOT of people in Surrey that got fucked over royally by this guy and his crew and some where only a few lighters.
Ive heard of this, come in with the "Green Team" and issue 10-20-30k in renos and the fixed income pensioner cant afford it
hmmmm Great representation that was....sarcasm

[160] Mr. Jason Wilcoz and Ms. Danielle Lukiv were plaintiff witnesses who provided affidavit evidence on the correspondence they received from MMAR patients. I would give their evidence little weight and find that the issues around the MMPR are more adequately addressed by the other evidence.
What about the last line in the decision on court costs. Any idea what this means?

[298] The Plaintiffs have been successful and have brought a case that benefits the public at large. They shall have their costs on a substantial indemnity basis in an amount to be fixed by the court.
