The Dons' Organic Garden


Well-Known Member
Good on you to only try and pollinate with one male for the first go. Thats how i would do it too. Then you know there is no cross-pollination. Cool stuff. I want testers of all of them.

Cancel the stress.

Gonna do all the Blak4 crosses.

Then the Durban poison crosses

Then the chocolate Thai ones..

Each round at least 7 months apart or so


Well-Known Member
Yes so many things to do and not enough space to do all...and time too!
I will try to make my first seeds this year outdoor...I will do it with 2 male is it ok to do it the same day or is it better to wait a week between?
If i do that is it going to be 3 pheno?
One more dad one more mom and one who is going to be a mix of both parents?


Well-Known Member
Yes so many things to do and not enough space to do all...and time too!
I will try to make my first seeds this year outdoor...I will do it with 2 male is it ok to do it the same day or is it better to wait a week between?
If i do that is it going to be 3 pheno?
One more dad one more mom and one who is going to be a mix of both parents?
I'd Keep them separated on different weeks if u can bro, different floors.. Different everything-possible and when they about to drop id change clothes a lot or shower between plants, lol

That pollen can travel

i might keep em under a one foot hood fan u can get for 40.. til the pollen sacs are fat and girls are on their 2nd - 3rd week

I wonder what effects a pollen sac pinch (forced pollen extraction) would have on its viability if the timing was very close as is..


Well-Known Member
Good eye, Dp
I think you're right, G

Ps. Look at all these ugly lights on the market..
These are wayyy nicer.

Why aren't you starting a consulting page on IG

They'd call you .. VeroDoctor

Ppl are revolving websites around your work, son
Hmmm....well we do have a few working just not going to have much if any time to build any lights for awhile.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice don!
I will take care...
I was planning on grow the male indoor and keep polen for 3/4months in a freezer...but I read that polen don't like it sometimes...but I can't grow male outdoor (guérilla! So a lot to walk and uneasy access!)
When I will harvest polen do I just have to put it right in the freezer or should I dry it a bit before? Best way to store it?
Very nice SLCh!
And the seed in the long was it in water?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice don!
I will take care...
I was planning on grow the male indoor and keep polen for 3/4months in a freezer...but I read that polen don't like it sometimes...but I can't grow male outdoor (guérilla! So a lot to walk and uneasy access!)
When I will harvest polen do I just have to put it right in the freezer or should I dry it a bit before? Best way to store it?
Very nice SLCh!
And the seed in the long was it in water?
Put some dry rice grains in with the pollen to make sure no moisture is getting to it and it will be fine; the key to keeping pollen is to make sure NO moisture gets to it. Some people mix it with flour to make it go further. I just bagged mine up and then poured some rice in the bag, works fine. I keep mine with my seeds in the refrig.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice don!
I will take care...
I was planning on grow the male indoor and keep polen for 3/4months in a freezer...but I read that polen don't like it sometimes...but I can't grow male outdoor (guérilla! So a lot to walk and uneasy access!)
When I will harvest polen do I just have to put it right in the freezer or should I dry it a bit before? Best way to store it?
Very nice SLCh!
And the seed in the long was it in water?
It was in water for like 2 days. All 12 sprouted but not crazy like these..

Pollen doesn't keep well at all, from what I hear, but @Vnsmkr how long does yours last viable with rice? In fridge..

Me, I like to go same time and keep it fresh but for you, I would try half your pollen one way and the rest the other way and keep em labeled

Dry freeze batch
And dry fridge batch*


And thanks about the SLCh!


Well-Known Member
Not sure how long it will keep, but have seen folks on here which have no reason to bs say a few years if kept dry. Mine is a year old. Will let you know soon on seeds whether its still viable :). Those worms look the biz, good