Thanks for the advice don!
I will take care...
I was planning on grow the male indoor and keep polen for 3/4months in a freezer...but I read that polen don't like it sometimes...but I can't grow male outdoor (guérilla! So a lot to walk and uneasy access!)
When I will harvest polen do I just have to put it right in the freezer or should I dry it a bit before? Best way to store it?
Very nice SLCh!
And the seed in the long was it in water?
It was in water for like 2 days. All 12 sprouted but not crazy like these..
Pollen doesn't keep well at all, from what I hear, but
@Vnsmkr how long does yours last viable with rice? In fridge..
Me, I like to go same time and keep it fresh but for you, I would try half your pollen one way and the rest the other way and keep em labeled
Dry freeze batch
And dry fridge batch*
And thanks about the SLCh!