How did she know this ? Lol. Get a bunch of girls in a office together and it spells trouble. Lol
Yepp. That explains it. LolShe works with nurse....all her main cooworkers are female, except the doctors.
Nah, I have an idea what that is...I lost my lunch many moons ago bc someone working offshore with me pulled up this clip that involved an ass and another person and a plate. I think I want to throw up thinking about itUrban dictionary " chilli dog "
looks tasty mate, whats in it?
Its beef pho (vn noodles) with a bunch of different fresh herbs and some oyster & chili sauce. Breakfast from my local pho shop, about 1.50 usdlooks tasty mate, whats in it?
I like different ethnic foods.
Yes the screen is there for the birds, little fuckers. I usually put them out once birds cant pull them up or chew them down. Though I think theyve found what they love in my lettuce eskys as they bathe in there in the mornings chewing lettuce and worms.
Chucking some pollen for more seeds yes.. will have some trimmed bud shots soon. Nothing worth taking pictures of yet. Wife has plenty of hot cousins no sisters.