Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal


Well-Known Member
Ive watched clips of Medicroppers grows before. He's a grower, what am i supposed to be all jacked up about. A 20k grow? I think he's cool. Im super happy he's doing what he's doing.
Put down the ego for a sec man. It's okay to learn from successful people, we all ride on the backs of giants, after all.


Well-Known Member
You want me to start claiming some shit, I can go right on ahead. Nothing I've said to do is even slightly impractical, what makes you think strangers on the internet are incapable of going to Wal-greens and purchasing a cool mist unit? Why are you crying?



Well-Known Member
Hyroot saaaaaaaaalty. Dude, please, I went to school for this shit. None of my professors endorse organic nutrients, nor would any chemist that understands mobile elements in a plant. It's anti-science greenwashing bullshit. Sorry man, you're wrong, and Medicropper grows way danker nugs than you do. I don't care if you've been doing this for X amount of years, I can live in a scrapyard my whole life without assembling a honda civic from scratch.

All you guys have to do is listen to people that know what they're talking about. Take the bananas out of your ears and you might be successful in this industry.

NO NO NO, no experiment. All or nothing, is what I'm trying to say. If you try it for a day, you're going to get mold when your temperatures drop back down.

Not salty at all. Just realistic. You're just a fan boy and talk alot bs. You said you went to school for molecular biology. Studying acids n shit not botany and horticulture. Otherwise you would know my so called over simplified explanation of a plants metabolism is actually very simple. Higher temp and co2 increase transpiration. That's why it speed up metabolism.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Yea really. The thought of jumping off the cob train is seriously going through my mind right now. I don't even know if this is serious shit or not. Like some prank or something. Hardly any one challenging this guy. And then dude shows his plants and I'm like what the fuck......... Im pretty fucking saddened right now. This is fucked sorry, I've got to go re group my thoughts here.


Well-Known Member
Yea really. The thought of jumping off the cob train is seriously going through my mind right now. I don't even know if this is serious shit or not. Like some prank or something. Hardly any one challenging this guy. And then dude shows his plants and I'm like what the fuck......... Im pretty fucking saddened right now. This is fucked sorry, I've got to go re group my thoughts here.
Just give me eight weeks.


Well-Known Member
If you guys actually know what you're doing, what region of a western-blot would that occupy and which topomerase would you order to do that job? How would you isolate that in a population? Come on, you champions of botany, can you answer some simple questions that any "professional" could answer? Run from the light, you cockroaches. Delete my posts and scatter like rats off a ship.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
If you guys actually know what you're doing, what region of a western-blot would that occupy and which topomerase would you order to do that job? How would you isolate that in a population? Come on, you champions of botany, can you answer some simple questions that any "professional" could answer? Run from the light, you cockroaches. Delete my posts and scatter like rats off a ship.
Please don't be angry with us. Your very emotional right now, just because your not being agreed with there is no need to run around your house with your lap top going all crazy and shit. Its late, you have neighbors.


Well-Known Member
Just give me eight weeks.
Yea really. The thought of jumping off the cob train is seriously going through my mind right now. I don't even know if this is serious shit or not. Like some prank or something. Hardly any one challenging this guy. And then dude shows his plants and I'm like what the fuck......... Im pretty fucking saddened right now. This is fucked sorry, I've got to go re group my thoughts here.

Hey mongo p.m. me. I've got an idea for you.... Also I must of missed his plants. New born baby...... My sleep hours are officially f..ked.
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