EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
I do agree Pada (stop being so reasonable:cuss:) and will grudgingly cast my vote for her against a republican.


perhaps two steps back for 4 years is what's required to get the rest of electorate to wake up?..we only had daddy bush for 4 and the country didn't explode..although it WAS a kinder gentler time pre 9/11.

I can see it now..Trump Wall..guilded in gold with his name in lights set in a Tim Burton-esque America.
I thought this might happen to Reagan. No. Bush '41? Nope. Shrubbery '43? Newp.

I shudder to think what it WILL take for fat, lazy, apathetic Americans to wake up to what's being done to them.


Well-Known Member
maybe all of Sanders' should sit the presidential out..I've read many people are planning on doing just that..

what do you think would happen if we did? that's actually a good question..any takers on the answer?
The election would be handed to the right on a silver platter and let the games begin! Pass laws prohibiting people from complaining about drinking water, so we can save money neglecting municipal water supplies! Gin up even MORE weak ass excuses to send the sons and daughters of poor families into battle to support defense company profits. Cuz jobs!



Well-Known Member
I thought this might happen to Reagan. No. Bush '41? Nope. Shrubbery '43? Newp.

I shudder to think what it WILL take for fat, lazy, apathetic Americans to wake up to what's being done to them.
but daddy bush was only for 4 years soooooo..that would be a 'yes'..and looky at what he gave us: IRAQ and we've been there ever since..the gift that keeps giving..

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The election would be handed to the right on a silver platter and let the games begin! Pass laws prohibiting people from complaining about drinking water, so we can save money neglecting municipal water supplies! Gin up even MORE weak ass excuses to send the sons and daughters of poor families into battle to support defense company profits. Cuz jobs!


Bernie Sanders supports the military industrial complex. He voted to fund the Pentagon multiple times. He's voted to bomb innocent people.

He goes into protectionist mode for the F-35 aircraft contracts awarded in Vermont.

Weren't you just saying something in another post recently about "critical thinking" ?


Well-Known Member
Bernie Sanders supports the military industrial complex. He voted to fund the Pentagon multiple times. He's voted to bomb innocent people.

He goes into protectionist mode for the F-35 aircraft contracts awarded in Vermont.

Weren't you just saying something in another post recently about "critical thinking" ?
why aren't you asking this of Clinton?

seems as if you are partial to the Clinton machine.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Are you really trying to pass off Cruze and Rubio as "minorities"? Lol
You're the one calling all latinos "minorities". I know better. Where I moved from the whites were a true minority by population counts but there was still no end to the black and latino whiners in spite of all the (disgraceful) quotas, Affirmative Action programs, etc. Guess "minorities" need those programs since they consider themselves inferior both in intelligence and motivation, right? "The man" aint keeping them down, nah sah. They're their own worst enemy.

BTW, it's Cruz, not Cruze.


Well-Known Member
You're the one calling all latinos "minorities". I know better. Where I moved from the whites were a true minority by population counts but there was still no end to the black and latino whiners in spite of all the (disgraceful) quotas, Affirmative Action programs, etc. Guess "minorities" need those programs since they consider themselves inferior both in intelligence and motivation, right? "The man" aint keeping them down, nah sah. They're their own worst enemy.

BTW, it's Cruz, not Cruze.
Uh huh.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="ttystikk, post: 12369311, member: 324297"I shudder to think what it WILL take for fat, lazy, apathetic Americans to wake up to what's being done to them.
Didn't happen with the libtards voting in Obama & they are taking the same irresponsible path with the two Dorks.


uncle Ben now goes back to what he was doing..humph..humph..ci-gar smokin'..whisk-aaaaay drink in'..mine all mine..I got mine mindset.


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Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
uncle Ben now goes back to what he was doing..humph..humph..ci-gar smokin'..whisk-aaaaay drink in'..mine all mine..I got mine mindset.
Speaking of whiners....

Yes, I do have mine, and that includes damn good whiskey. You're not getting any of it either. ;)

Aren't you late for your Sunday-day-in-the park pity party? They're waiting fer ya....


Well-Known Member
with the privatization of incarceration you have to ask that?

30% of our African American brothers and sisters here in Florida may NOT vote due to felony conviction for as little as some weed in their pockets.

do you think voter suppression is limited to how many booths are available or unexpired photo ID for an 89 year old who no longer drives?


thank you for asking nicely rather than jumping to conclusions..
When I sent that apology to you in the PM I meant it. I would rather discuss our difference on politics in a civil matter , not resort to the shit that the Repukes are doing. I can understand why you would not want to vote for Clinton if Bernie loses. I just fear what would happen to America if we allow the the likes of Trump in the white house. Sitting this out would mean a vote for Trump or who ever the Repukes put forth. If Hillary does get the nod I will hold my nose and still vote and hold her accounting for everything that she has promised. If she does not hold her promises that itch will be out in 4 years.

Here's something that should make you happy . My wife and my oldest daughter are both voting Bernie. I'm still sticking with my decision to put up the worst GOP nom so we can assure a Dem win
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