EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I missed the debate but I see CNN saying he was " rude" .. The clip I saw was not rude.. That bitch don't know what rude is, she will soon if she beats Bernie n takes Trump on.
He beats republicans by more than Clinton does. He would absolutely win the general election if he won the democratic nomination, I have no doubt about that. I don't think you're considering a couple things; 1. there are about 12-13 million more registered democrats than republicans in the US, 2. on the issues, Americans are largely progressive, about 60-65%

While Trump, the most likely GOP nominee, is universally hated among most people

and second most universally hated is Clinton..but let's still vote for her.
I'd like to see Bernie fist this bitch n stop being so polite, tear into her about her in laws and keep pressing on the Goldman Sachs transcripts, be relentless.. Then pound her on the emails n Benghazi.. Take the gloves off, be ruthless..Trump will be, that I can guarantee.

and that's the sad part..gentlemen candidate is no longer en vogue..people want bloody altercations which is another reason why trump is so popular..this is a world of cage matches, kardashians and not knowing if your kindergartener is coming home.

our priorities are really fucked up.
The media won't cover Ron Paul. How come the media won't report how popular he is?
Ron Paul is the only sensible candidate.
If Ron Paul doesn't win the primary, I'm writing in Ron Paul in the general election.


But for real, thats lol funny right there.

in the last 40 years we've gone from nuclear family to working 2-3 jobs to survive..this is now the new norm..how many generations does this effect? if you've never had it you don't know what you're missing..I remember a time when you could work one job on minimum wage, pay your bills and have money leftover..those under age 50 cannot. means of production has slowly shifted the tax burden (the double whammy) on to those who are working 2-3 jobs because they already have taken you away from the 40 hour work week and surely if you work 2-3 you will find a 4th soes you can eat at Ruby Tuesday wit da white folk.<schuylaar's shuck in' and jivin'>:wink:

Bernies message is, its NOT normal,even though they (MOP) having you believing it because you were BORN into it..again a type of Stockholm Syndrome in which you identify with your captors..means of production.

one thing I disagree with on her commentary, is that no matter what color including white..if you have no close family, friends..you have NO safety net in this country..if there is no one to help you, you are shit out of luck..not everyone has a granny or auntie and even if they do, those people are struggling too.

I've posted this government statistic before, a single person NEEDS $29k for basic SURVIVAL in the US.

Rather than taking means of production/special interest to task and forcing a higher wage we've resigned ourselves to lower wages and several jobs because it was the easier of the two..now MOP is running amok..we didn't fight, we took the easy way out and let them have Carte Blanche in Washington and resigning ourselves to 'this is the way it is'.

this is why I stand with Sanders and will continue to do so..it MUST stop somewhere. are we going wait another 8 years of mediocrity? that's a whole other generation that will end up accepting the way things are..again.

when did we lose the fight in us?

this is tough love men..we MUST repair the broken system..if not NOW..WHEN?
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Bernie actually said When you’re white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto. You don’t know what it’s like to be poor.

I disagree. I'm sure we have white people who knows what it is like to be poor. . I'm sure that we have white people living in the ghetto.

Category / Number in poverty / Poverty rate

Americans of all races / 46.7 million / 14.8 percent

White / 19.7 million / 10.1 percent

African-American / 10.8 million / 26.2 percent

Hispanic / 13.1 million / 23.6 percent


Bernie is just wrong when he says whites are not poor

Bernie actually said When you’re white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto. You don’t know what it’s like to be poor.

I disagree. I'm sure we have white people who knows what it is like to be poor. . I'm sure that we have white people living in the ghetto.

Category / Number in poverty / Poverty rate

Americans of all races / 46.7 million / 14.8 percent

White / 19.7 million / 10.1 percent

African-American / 10.8 million / 26.2 percent

Hispanic / 13.1 million / 23.6 percent


Bernie is just wrong when he says whites are not poor

the question was 'what is your racial blind spot'? to which neither Clinton or sanders really answered .

in my opinion it was from an economic standpoint as in the context of what his overall message is..by and large the billionaire class (white people) have no idea what it's like to walk in a minorities shoes..there are way more middle and upper middle class whites that have not a clue either..there is no empathy for the have-nots this is the justification in their minds for not paying fair share of taxes.

blacks are viewed as lazy in general which is incorrect..see 'welfare queen' comment Ronald Reagan..another justification by wealthy whites.

I commented a while ago on how all poor people are financially taken advantage by whites..check cashing store..pawn shop..bank charging $8 to cash a payroll check etc..prices keep going up everywhere but wages are stagnant..want more money? get another job..because they are born into it it's normal..

slavery was very much this way too..but that didn't make it right, did it?
Bernie's problem with AA voters is quite simple. He can't seem to effectively separate "race" from "class". All of his answers with regards to race, always end up being about an economic solution. And, quite frankly, it makes him come off as tone deaf. He needs to understand that me having all of the money in the world means nothing if my white neighbors don't want me living in the neighborhood.
I'd like to see Bernie fist this bitch n stop being so polite, tear into her about her in laws and keep pressing on the Goldman Sachs transcripts, be relentless.. Then pound her on the emails n Benghazi.. Take the gloves off, be ruthless..Trump will be, that I can guarantee.

Amen! He's trying to run a clean campaign... but fuck that. Drag her through the coals!