My phone's not doing them justice but they look frosty as took to me. I'll have to check em on my bigscreen.
What's your regime pinhead?soil/ Nute line etc
Thanks guys!
I grow organically. I use compost teas and organic cal-mag supplements.
Fresh compost and high grade worm castings and microbes are all a must.
Pretty much my plants never get straight water.
The compost is by far the most important part. Reinoculant for new plants with recharged/ recycled soil.
I save all the soil from my best plants and reuse it. I recharge it with worm castings, neem seed cake, guano, Epsom salt, crushed oyster shells, and gypsum to stabilize ph. Most importantly I make sure to keep the soil enriched with massive amounts of glomus intraradices which is the dominant beneficial microbe that cannabis grows with in symbiosis...
When ever I up pot a plant I use some of the supercharged compost from the previous plants in the bottom of the pot so they start with an already thriving microbial environment. Passing down the good to the next generation of plants.
My microbe sources are
'mykos' (granular for soil mixtures) - I use this to mix into soil when up potting
Great white (powder for water mixtures) - goes into the water for seedlings and once a week on the water/cal-mag days
For organic grow and bloom concentrates I use roots orgsnic Buddha grow and bloom.
I also use their fish emotions (surge) and Liquid guano (HP2).
I have 2 different nutrient teas one for veg and a different one for flower but my plants get nitrogen in their teas all the way to their last day alive. The flower teas has a lot more phos and the veg is packs with extra nitrogen.
On alternate days I water in with cal-mag and on alternating alternate days I add more microbes.
For cal mag I use general organics liquid cal mag on seedlings and clones just being potted. In soil and in teas use the power form from roots organic.
I've also use general organics for the grow and bloom. I have had virtually the exact same results with both lines. I don't use a lot of it. Just a quarter cup each per 5 gallon tea bucket ever other water. It's more like a slow trickle. I guess kind of like an iv drip to the roots.
The biggest most important part is by far maintaining a thriving microbial life within the soil and sustaining living soils. Without that all the crap from the bottles just pours right through and the plant can't uptake shit.....