
Well-Known Member
If Sanders could somehow beat her I would likely vote democrat for the first time in my life in a presidential election.

Sanders has more credibility than integrity than the rest of the field put together on both sides.

The only trouble is that it's a rigged game and the democratic party isn't about to let Clinton lose. He'd have to been her by a rout to overcome her super delegates.


Well-Known Member
There is no viable alternative to Sanders. The whole field sucks. But I wont vote for Sanders either. His economic ideas wont work and he doesn't have a chance in the general election
geeze, I would be levereging that degree in economics if I were you instead of working 2 machinist jobs..easier on the feet imho.


Well-Known Member
The only way bernie has a chance at getting the nomination is if Hillary gets indicted. Then she won't be able to run. But everyone in the scandal was granted immunity. Hillary is destroying Bernie. Cruz has a chance to catch up to Trump.

Rubio won Puerto Rico. They don't have any electoral college votes there and can't vote in November so Rubio is dillusional if he thinks he has a chance.
so Hillary was granted immunity? why are they even investigating?


Well-Known Member
so now everyone is starting to see..

I was hoping you were in the audience last night n clawed that moderators eyes out @ the commercial break.. What a shitty job on moderating.

Bernie still won, despite being constantly interrupted by the mods..if he takes Florida, the rest of these states fall like dominos.. Hillary will panick.


Well-Known Member
I was hoping you were in the audience last night n clawed that moderators eyes out @ the commercial break.. What a shitty job on moderating.

Bernie still won, despite being constantly interrupted by the mods..if he takes Florida, the rest of these states fall like dominos.. Hillary will panick.
no I couldn't make it to either function Tuesday or Wednesday. I went to see Obama in 2012 and learned that they say the same speech over in every city..didn't hear anything new..waited a long time in the hot sun (had to walk really far) at the Deltay Beach Tennis Club in their stadium with no shade..he wasn't on time, either.

as far as the debate, that was in Kendall bum-fucked-Egypt part of Miami..heavy Latino area..traffic would've been a nightmare and I have the best seat right up front on YT.

it's no surprise or secret that the mods (and media) have been very unkind to Sanders.


Well-Known Member
who said they could ? Also when has the last write in candidate won ?
Well there`s a small chance Bernie could grow some and take a page out of Trumps book and show a little leverage he has now that he didn`t five months ago. Hillary could have all the delegates and Bernie could be the threat by independent or write in votes away from killary.


Well-Known Member
Well there`s a small chance Bernie could grow some and take a page out of Trumps book and show a little leverage he has now that he didn`t five months ago. Hillary could have all the delegates and Bernie could be the threat by independent or write in votes away from killary.
Write in votes for Bernie only helps the GOP, but I think you know that already


Well-Known Member
I have to be honest here. In my gut i know who will be the next potus. As much as i like Bernie....its not going to happen. It will be Trump and Clinton in the general and there will be a nice size voter turnout. And Hillary Rodham Clinton will be without a doubt the next President. Thats how its going to go can bank on that.


Well-Known Member
And as far as Congress is concerned....GOP is going to need to pull off major damage control in order to not lose seats. That party is imploding.


Well-Known Member
I have to be honest here. In my gut i know who will be the next potus. As much as i like Bernie....its not going to happen. It will be Trump and Clinton in the general and there will be a nice size voter turnout. And Hillary Rodham Clinton will be without a doubt the next President. Thats how its going to go can bank on that.
Hillary offers the same ole career politician. The one`s that put us where we are today. Even Barry was a Senator first. That`s why no progress was gained.

Hillary cares about Hillary making History books. Not me and you.


Well-Known Member
Hillary offers the same ole career politician. The one`s that put us where we are today. Even Barry was a Senator first. That`s why no progress was gained.

Hillary cares about Hillary making History books. Not me and you.
and what does Trump care about ?


Well-Known Member
Doesnt matter what clinton is about....nor trump. To be honest i dont think he even knows. Hes just feeding on emotions and portrays himself as an outsider. Conservative or liberal....Republican or Democrat he is not. Personally....the dude kinda freaks me out. He will have the launch codes to our nuclear arsenal...i dont like that. Doesnt matter. None of it matters. Its all charades. Clinton will be our President. Whether you i or God above likes it or not....thats the truth.


Well-Known Member
Hillary offers the same ole career politician. The one`s that put us where we are today. Even Barry was a Senator first. That`s why no progress was gained.

Hillary cares about Hillary making History books. Not me and you.
I agree wholeheartedly....but that doesnt change anything.


Well-Known Member
I think all us here at RIU are in general agreement that all of the choices for potus this election year suck. NONE of them are worth a shit. I cant believe any of them are popular. None of them are real leaders. The choices arent worth a damn.