
Well-Known Member
Well there`s a small chance Bernie could grow some and take a page out of Trumps book and show a little leverage he has now that he didn`t five months ago. Hillary could have all the delegates and Bernie could be the threat by independent or write in votes away from killary.
Effectively splitting the Dem vote and guaranteeing a Rep win.


Well-Known Member
Effectively splitting the Dem vote and guaranteeing a Rep win.

Not if Trump and Cruz run. Fuck the conventions, that`s same ole same ole,....we need to do a four way.

Oh ya, they wont let us.
Think about that for a second,....they wont let us.


Well-Known Member
Trump has gotten so many people fired up because of his fat mouth that if its down to him and
Clinton (it will be) that people will come out in huge numbers just to vote against him. More people hate Trump than like him. Its because of the shit that mouth of his spouts off. If he wouldnt of said shit about muslims and mexicans being rapists and talking about other retarded shit he could sway alot more to his side. People dont necessarily like Hillary ( but they will come out in droves just to vote aginst Trumps mouth. Its too late to do anything about it too. He done let it all out. Even the Republican establishment knows this. Thats why they are trying to stop him. They know he will never be President. Hillary doesnt even have to do much in the general. Just let Trump and his mouth do all the work. Hes his own worst enemy. Alot of Americans that are neither Liberal nor Conservative see him as a fukin trainwreck. And they will come out on election day and shut that mouthpiece down. Hes not really converting any new blocks or demographics to his side either. Just has a very loud initial core group. Thats not going to cut it in the general election. Nope. Hillary Clinton has got this. I cant stand the lying bitch but that doesnt matter.
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Well-Known Member
I know Bern sounds like a quack to alot of you. But understand....Bern knows that expensive big government shit would have to be compromised greatly. Theres no way the country is going to 15$ an hour minimum wage in 5 years. His proposals would get watered down big time. But at least the old fuker has integrity. At least hes never waivered. Hes clearly the best choice. He dpesnt try and bullshit like the rest. I like him. I trust him a hell of alot more than the others. Hes not the sweetest cookie in the jar...but hes worth putting in the jar.


Well-Known Member
No matter who the Republican candidate, it would be the same exact rhetoric as every other election.
Trump is only a target because his lead threatens the establishment. Either way, it's the same old BS
Republicans are racist, bigots, sexist, and homophobic. Blah blah blah.
It's about time somebody like Trump comes along to smash political correctness in the face.
Ducking, dodging, weaving through libtards. Floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Donald Trump will be president about as much as Bernie Sanders will be. Its not going to happen. Hope all you want. Sounds good. But sorry. Clinton has it. Everyone deep down knows it. More of the same ole bullshit.
It is bullshit & wishful thinking and a poor choice for any one who has any sense of integrity. She's the epitome of evil and should not be elected to lead our country.

I'm not real comfortable with the justice system on the Hill but when the FBI reports the facts regarding the criminal investigation into the possible mishandling of classified information, breaking the law, the bitch is finally going down. Again, it depends on our justice system though. If they take no action based on the same old tawdry politics, she might still have a chance. The FBI can only present what they found in their investigation. They can't prosecute.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
But at least the old fuker has integrity.
Excuse me? Define "integrity". He's a fuckin' crook like all phoney democrats.

What's your news source? Not only the porn writing scandal from the basement but he was caught funneling campaign contributions, YOUR donations, to members of his own family SINCE 2002.

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is a self-described “socialist”… but he may have just found out he can’t redistribute his own campaign funds in unethical ways.

While Sanders claims to be a champion of the poor and middle class, it appears he’s acting exactly like his opponent Hillary Clinton. Are you surprised to learn of this new report?

Sanders paid his wife more than $90k in campaign services… and hired his daughter for $65,000. Read this…

Following 16 years as a member of the House, Sanders was elected to the Senate in 2006. His political campaigns were an early vehicle for payments to his family members.

According to Jane O’Meara Sanders, the senator’s wife, Sanders’ House campaigns paid her more than $90,000 for consulting and ad placement services from 2002 to 2004. She pocketed about $30,000 of that money.........