Clinton is the next POTUS

Who is going to be the next President?

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You go with that Not GOP. Drump - Carson. Pretty much ensuring a Democrat POTUS. Fuck man, why not bring the airhead back? Drump - Palin 2016
It doesn't have to be Carson, but see4 how Ben just gave his endorsement, it's an idea I can get behind.
Trump has already said he is going to run with a political insider, see4 how he is an outsider, I don't see4 how it will be Carson. But nice try at a lame insult anyway. I see4 you even had to change your signature just to pull it off...
It doesn't have to be Carson, but see4 how Ben just gave his endorsement, it's an idea I can get behind.
Trump has already said he is going to run with a political insider, see4 how he is an outsider, I don't see4 how it will be Carson. But nice try at a lame insult anyway. I see4 you even had to change your signature just to pull it off...

You need to work on your English comprehension.
What the fuck are you going on about? Lose what? Wrong about what?

Trump - Carson or Trump - Palin?

I'm with you kiddo. Go Trump/Palin 2016!!
You brought it up, not me. Now you don't understand all of the sudden? Your remedial brain can't even carry on basic dialogue? You poor, sad, confused individual
Why not? Their all true, and you know that deep down inside, don't you?
They are. It's two words, not one
Wrong, "their" does not equal "they are". You're a dumbass. And you are wrong.

It doesn't have to be Carson, but see4 how Ben just gave his endorsement, it's an idea I can get behind.
Trump has already said he is going to run with a political insider, see4 how he is an outsider, I don't see4 how it will be Carson. But nice try at a lame insult anyway. I see4 you even had to change your signature just to pull it off...
There you go babbling about some nonsense that bares no resemblance to cognitive thought. And I call you out on it, because you're my bitch.

see4 loser? It's bad enough you're wrong all the time
Here you were crying like a little bitch. Trying your hardest to divert the conversation away from the fact that you're wrong, and you're my bitch.


Their ≠ they're = they are.

You corrected him, incorrectly.

Here I am proving that you're wrong and you're my bitch.

You corrected me incorrectly
You brought it up, not me. Now you don't understand all of the sudden? Your remedial brain can't even carry on basic dialogue? You poor, sad, confused individual
And this is where you start lashing out like a little bitch because I proved you wrong, as I do time and time again. And justifiably you're upset, like a little bitch would be.

Prove it bitch. Now go make me a sandwich.

Brought what up? The fact that you're my bitch and you need to go make me a sandwich?
And here I am asking you to prove that I corrected you incorrectly. And for you to explain your off the wall nonsense.

Last time somebody made you a sandwich, two mandigos tapped on both ends. You couldn't eat or a shit right for a week
And here you are finally completely losing all sense of maturity and showcase your bigotry by trying once again to divert the conversation away from the fact that you're wrong, you always will be wrong, and you're my bitch.

Have a nice day, little boy. I own you.