bodhi seeds


Well-Known Member
What a coincidence ! I happen to have about a dozen Cherry Limeade, from Brisco County Genetics. :cool: TGA Chernobyl male x Cabin Fever Cherry White. Untested.
Not the same bro. The Cherry Limeade they are talking about is from Aficionado Mendocino. They seem to have great stuff but they're seeds are dumb high $200+. Had a buddy who was gonna get me one of their rare/heirloom strains he lives out Cali they quoted him $500 had to pass. 78 OG LA Affie was the strain and from what they Aficionado is that it's the mother of La Confidential which me they bred La Affie but always heard it was an Afghan but Aficionado lists the genetics as (Heirloom Lemon Thai x '78 Colombian Gold x '78 Vintage Pakistani)


Well-Known Member
I too have heard that hollow stems is a good trait and linked to high potency. No clue though but it seems most of the plants I have grown have hollow stems.
Mine aswell. But i havent seen a correlation to potency. Not thats it not, but i havent seen it.
And i prefer the solid stalks. They r sturdier.Almost all the ssdd x wookies r solid. And the #3 appy dom keeper is one of my better plants. Im also keeping #7 ssdd dom for abit.


Well-Known Member
I need to familiarize myself more with the PK Suge x g13hp but I keep dipping into the Guava HP. :)
Yea def let me know how that one is. I'm sure it's great the male is banging stud and my favorite from Bodhi

I too have heard that hollow stems is a good trait and linked to high potency. No clue though but it seems most of the plants I have grown have hollow stems.
Good to know for sure bro. Something I need to pay attention too


Well-Known Member
Yea def let me know how that one is. I'm sure it's great the male is banging stud and my favorite from Bodhi

Good to know for sure bro. Something I need to pay attention too
I'm gonna vape some of this nugget right now. Just snapped the pic. I've vaped some before but just not too familiar with it yet. First puff of the day, or as we say in Canada, first hoot of the day. My gamer friends to the south always razz me when I say hoot. :D



Well-Known Member
Hollow stem pipes... seen these?View attachment 3634500 NOT my pic or my pipes, but damn Ima copy this design just as soon as I harvest a hollow stem sizable enough to be a worthwhile tool...
That's super cool! If I was a dry pipe smoker I would totally want one! what a great way to utilize the stocks but wow probably gotta grow some cali outdoor monsters to get stocks like that!


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna vape some of this nugget right now. Just snapped the pic. I've vaped some before but just not too familiar with it yet. First puff of the day, or as we say in Canada, first hoot of the day. My gamer friends to the south always razz me when I say hoot. :D

View attachment 3634504
Everywhere has their own language :lol: can't knock it and I feel it. Might have to steal it from you since nobody where I lived says it :) looks awesome tho as your att does always but everything from this stud is so frosty!!!! I gotta have Dank Sinatra


Well-Known Member
Romulan is a really good one for PTSD. And if you cut it at the beginning of its window it doesn't get super couchlock you and you can be fairly productive on it. Ssh hybrids would probably also be decent.

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I just had some newly harvested Silver mnt. I think that it does fit the bill... I really dont know how to find Romulan?

I didnt mean to sound like I was abusive towards my wife! She is about the only person that I do get along with!!! A couple of weeks ago, I hired a friend to help me build, and he showed up drunk for 3 days straight and was fucking everything up! It might have been the wrong time to judge a new strain...
DSC00316.JPG DSC00317.JPG DSC00322.JPG


Well-Known Member
I just had some newly harvested Silver mnt. I think that it does fit the bill.

I didnt mean to sound like I was abusive towards my wife! She is about the only person that I do get along with!!! A couple of weeks ago, I hired a friend to help me build, and he showed up drunk for 3 days straight and was fucking everything up! It might have been the wrong time to judge a new strain...
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Lol I think you have a right to be pissed there. And I feel that. My fiancé is about the only person I can stand most of the time.

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Well-Known Member
I have no scientific data to back this so take it for what you will.... I usually get hollow stems on girls that are really hungry for cal/mg or are/have been underfed for a long time.. If I can get the strain dialed 90% of the time the stems fill back white and solid.
Oh I understand bro but this is good info to know and I know your not gonna tell me bullshit so it's good to know. I never seriously paid attention if my hollow stem plants were underfed or not and I never paid attention to see if those ladies smoked better then the others but imho if the person is genuinely tell the truth then all info is whether it may be backed by data or not it's good to know cus it may be something you encounter one day.
Ive noticed a correlation between hollow stems and zero root retrictions ( if we re talking about the same thing). Ive noticed the hollow rounded ridge-like stems on seedlings and veg plants, that seem to fill in, round off, and get woody by the time theyre harvested. Especially the lower stems. Plants w all hollow stems seem to be extremely vigorous and healthy, ime.

I saw 1 plant one time that finished w these stems, even the lower main. The buds looked kickass. The plant was in a big raised bed. It wasnt my plant and i didnt smoke the buds, so i cant comment on potency. But it appeared to have reached its highest potential.

Ive harvested plants w top colas that still have hollow stems, but the lower main stem isnt. One in particular i remember the top cola was huge 'tall boy can" size. But like akiymjames i didnt notice a potency increase, but only because i wasnt paying attention. This plant was in a 30gal pot flowered when its was a very small clone.

This is only a personal observation and i have zero scientific evidence, just trying to help figure this out. ive always seen these hollows as a good thing. Just wish i knew exactly whats up. I bet B would have our answers...


Well-Known Member
Just chillin w the boys...image.jpeg Ssdd male hopefuls

Chopped some BHP last night at 62 days...image.jpegimage.jpeg image.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpeg image.jpegFirst n last pic same plant blueberry bubblegum. Noted a buttery smell similar to the ssdd that i didnt notice til trimming. Coinsidence, dnt think they share lineage. Could be interesting
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Well-Known Member
More cowbells(gsc forum x 88g13hp)image.jpegimage.jpeg image.jpegimage.jpeg golf ball rocks. Very strange looking plant, unique and a pleasure to watch grow. One 1 fem from a pack of 13. Some interesting stuff, but will not be kept. Busted pollen nuts on almost all preflower locations. These slipped by me, but i believe it happened late enough to prevent pollination. No seeds found, yet.


Well-Known Member
I think the info for that may be over at BB but I could be wrong. If you can't find anything def means it's time to grow them :)

Hollow stems is a trait in cannabis it doesn't pertain to a specific breeder. Word has always been that if you have hollow plants then it's greater chance for high potency. There isn't any data to verify this but that's been the word
I have also heard its a sure sign of calcium and silicon shitty nutes if you ever manage to make it disappear in a strain by changing them.


Well-Known Member
Almost all nute feeds short your plants calcium regardless of how much liquid Ca gets used. Has something to do with what the industry generally tend to chelate calcium to I believe.


Well-Known Member
I have been meaning to ask you what kind of strains that you get for PTSD? Knock-out indicas are the obvious choice, but what about a functional strain? Man, I started getting more sativa dom plants like Silver mnt and it almost gets me aggressive! I realize that my heart rate is going and I feel great, but it also feels like a short circuit of nerves in my stomach. It feels like it triggers my adrenal gland, which is what PTSD is! Adrenaline is probably my biggest problem, it gets triggered too easily and it leaves me exhausted when it is over. I did a report over the effects of PTSD when I was going to college. It basically scars your hippocampus and amygdala. There are physical changes that happen in the brain with PTSD!!!

I just dont like the idea that I have to be sedated to "behave".... My wife tells me to smoke something when she sees me getting this way

Edit: I didnt mean to sound like I am abusive towards my wife! It is the males in my family and my friends that cause problems.
To be completely honest with ya my man, I haven't found it yet. This snow lotus narco deal can be a bit overwhelming, if I smoke too much that is. Absolutely amazing if I don't overdo it. I really don't puff a lot compared to a lot of people I know. Maybe a couple bowl's or a joint a day. Of course sometimes more. Something about this plant(all strains) makes me turn down that instinct to be over the top towards others. I'm kinda in this phase of really putting a effort into watching people in a non protective way. I know you know what I'm talking about. I really think it puts people on edge to see someone scanning and postured near them. I constantly have people looking at me. And I can't figure it out. I'm super low pro, I think it's the way I carry myself or something.
The second I find a strain that does it all for me, you're the first to know.

Funny you said it's only toward your male friends and family. I have that same problem, even though I don't trust chicks much either. maybe i don't find them the primary target initially which means my training is slipping away from me.. haha
I'm always open to a PM to talk if you want brother.

edit: not just smoking this plant helps me. I feel the growing part is just as important to my mental health. For whatever reason my energy has been tied to this plant. And I'm just finally looking at it that way instead of money influenced. I think most on here from the way they grow and carry themselves with positive vibes and kindness towards others have it already. I admire them, and what they do. growing good grade is a love and something i hope to do someday.
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for opening yourselves up and sharing this, brothers. I had no idea ptsd did this to people. I wish you all the best, peace and happiness:peace:
I have been meaning to ask you what kind of strains that you get for PTSD? Knock-out indicas are the obvious choice, but what about a functional strain? Man, I started getting more sativa dom plants like Silver mnt and it almost gets me aggressive! I realize that my heart rate is going and I feel great, but it also feels like a short circuit of nerves in my stomach. It feels like it triggers my adrenal gland, which is what PTSD is! Adrenaline is probably my biggest problem, it gets triggered too easily and it leaves me exhausted when it is over. I did a report over the effects of PTSD when I was going to college. It basically scars your hippocampus and amygdala. There are physical changes that happen in the brain with PTSD!!!

I just dont like the idea that I have to be sedated to "behave".... My wife tells me to smoke something when she sees me getting this way

Edit: I didnt mean to sound like I am abusive towards my wife! It is the males in my family and my friends that cause problems.
To be completely honest with ya my man, I haven't found it yet. This snow lotus narco deal can be a bit overwhelming, if I smoke too much that is. Absolutely amazing if I don't overdo it. I really don't puff a lot compared to a lot of people I know. Maybe a couple bowl's or a joint a day. Of course sometimes more. Something about this plant(all strains) makes me turn down that instinct to be over the top towards others. I'm kinda in this phase of really putting a effort into watching people in a non protective way. I know you know what I'm talking about. I really think it puts people on edge to see someone scanning and postured near them. I constantly have people looking at me. And I can't figure it out. I'm super low pro, I think it's the way I carry myself or something.
The second I find a strain that does it all for me, you're the first to know.

Funny you said it's only toward your male friends and family. I have that same problem, even though I don't trust chicks much either. maybe i don't find them the primary target initially which means my training is slipping away from me.. haha
I'm always open to a PM to talk if you want brother.