I'm considering moving to the Philippines

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mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
No it's not like that, nothing has changed with me. But I do consider you guys as family. I make a thread about a serious decision that I am (considering) and I am asking for serious answers.

But hey brother I asked to keep things respectable to allow for culture differences. Since she will reading this. I have no one to really ask, so I asked my only family that I have, which is RIU.

I knew full well when I posted this but I thought we could be grown adults here.

So far Sunni has gave the answers that I respect. And that is why RIU is the way it is. Sunni has been a great mod, I should have been banned a long time ago. But this forum is different than others. This is my home.

I love all you guys.

I ask stuff here, because I trust yall.

Sorry I have had a couple drinks.

But all in all I respect every last one of you.

I respect Zara
I respected Yessica
I respected anohaze
I respected pinny

The beautiful thing about RIU is different personalitys can mix together.

I know the truth about zara, I will continue to the post.

I do not judge and I ask others to do the same.

Mj is all about love.

Some people are different.

We need to respect everyone as an individual.

As a forum we should share one love.

That one love is MJ

I dunno.

I dont have time to proof read this..

But much love to everyone
Is sunni short for sunshine?


Well-Known Member
I think as an American citizen you should definitly try and live some time abroad just to see what the real world is like.
I say go for it man, but dont do it mostly just because of the girl in case you know..... I moved to Spain 50% gf 50% weed. I used to make about 6 to 8 times as much money as i do no (i had good phone line going with a couple drivers tho..), tho tbh im sure id be in jail by now for a few years had i stayed in uk, i was just smelling it before i moved.

Bro best of luck, I admire your will! If you need any advice from a guy whos 26 and has lived on his bill since 15 in 5 different countries pm me.
Respect brother..


Well-Known Member
Let me give you a word of advice. Don't talk about politics with her.. what are you thinking o dank? Sorry this isn't going the way you wanted bro. It's not that everyones a hater. We just don't want you to get taken advantage of and hurt.
No bro it is going exactly the way I thought it would, I troll too. it's all good..


Well-Known Member
I'd be hiring a Qatarian attorney or private investigator to do some kind of background check on her or her family before I committed to moving there or investing money.
But see that is American thinking she hasn't asked me for a dime. And I am very honest with her with exactly how much I make. So how in world could she take something I don't have (money)?


Well-Known Member
My marriage is going well I'm happy I relocated
So I mean not everyone who does isn't happy
That's cool but is there really that big of a culture change from the US and Canada? At least more than north and south? Probably not so much as Asia... But some guys are happy with Asians just I would go down and find one, even working in a Thai restaurant they all wanted me. Also the arguing don't really start until you have kids and you realize you're fucked so there is that...


Staff member
That's cool but is there really that big of a culture change from the US and Canada? At least more than north and south? Probably not so much as Asia... But some guys are happy with Asians just I would go down and find one, even working in a Thai restaurant they all wanted me. Also the arguing don't really start until you have kids and you realize you're fucked so there is that...
The comment I was responding to said

"Never relocate for anyone you will always regret it "
Had nothing to do with culture issues just that if you relocate you will regret always
Which isn't true of course lol


Well-Known Member
So all in all this was a good thread, A lot people got a lot of likes. I respect all of your opinions. And I do know you guys are looking out for me..


Well-Known Member
Seriously though, what's considered trolling? Seems like a word the girls made up, it's something that describes men , I think. People say I'm a big ass troll and I'm just trying to figure out what they're talking about.
I think trolling brings out peoples real emotions. In my book trolling is fair game..
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Well-Known Member
any of you fucks remember this song??

maybe I should have posted this in my Gayest thread ever.. but:finger:

fucking earning respect one day at a time, Danksta AF


Well-Known Member

but there is like this big volcano in the Philippians and erupts like once every three years and kills everybody and then more people move there to like loot and take advantage of the lawless lands and prostitution..then the volcano erupts again and *restart* Dont get caught up in that vicious cycle..plus I was stationed on Guam for like six months and it sucked ass
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