Yet another terrorist attack


Well-Known Member
What the hell is going on,what are we gonna do with these twats,its hard to fight a man or woman dressed in normally clothing ,but with a bomb belt on.what a religion that is,what the hell kinda world is my grand kids gonna grow up in,i have never hated any one has much has i hate these fuckers,

Lets pray for those who lost there lives and there family's very sad.


Well-Known Member
They just caught one of the suspected leaders of that organization a few days ago.

I wonder what techniques we could have used to persuade him to notify us of any plans to murder mass amounts of innocent people that might have been in the works?

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
neither of you will be able to cite this because it is not true.

torture only got us false leads.

we got all of our best information by bribing people with false promises. there's tons of documented information about this from the people who did the bribing and false promises.

you two are sim,ply racist idiots.
Boom goes the logic...

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
do you need me to cite some of the racist things they have said on this forum in the past?

because i promise that even they would admit they are racists.
Admittedly, I haven't followed them closely. You win.
Labels and stereotypes aren't flattering mostly to the person hurling them. People who love to hate usually die young.
Relax. Life is good!


Well-Known Member
Admittedly, I haven't followed them closely. You win.
Labels and stereotypes aren't flattering mostly to the person hurling them. People who love to hate usually die young.
Relax. Life is good!
so there are two people who admittedly hate other people based on their skin color, and you think it is not flattering to me because i point it out?


Well-Known Member
so there are two people who admittedly hate other people based on their skin color, and you think it is not flattering to me because i point it out?
Get over it buck. I admitted I make statements and jokes which I think are funny that are based on stereotypes, no different than Chris Rock, tosh, chapelle, etc- I think it's funny, you don't. I don't hate anyone for their skin color, never have never will. If comments about snorting crushed up negro penis and spinning rims make you uncomfortable so be it, but I joke about everyone equally.