Flushing tonight! One more week!

What really gets me is the amount of anger and ruffled feathers this one topic causes.
I mean, so what if someone flushes or someone does not flush?
It isnt that big of a deal either way, but some on this particular site act as though it is life and death.

Get over it. It is just water.
Im going to make some pipes and a couple of walking stick's from the stem's this time around i normally grind them up and put them into my water tank out doors and it helps with making compost tea's
You mean a few assholes being complete dickheads EXPRESSING IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS THEIR WAY IS THE ONLY MOTHERFUCKING WAY EVER is trying to help people..

I will pass on their so-called help... hah

That's right!
Even when we try and play nice (us dickheads). There are always those who never believe the facts and will always "flush"...Fine by me! Do what works for you!

Now then, from all us "dickheads" directly to you......:finger: :spew:
^ I have seen a whole lot of opinions, very few facts. When I do see facts, those facts often do not align with the agenda.

Its water. If you run water
That's right!
Even when we try and play nice (us dickheads). There are always those who never believe the facts and will always "flush"...Fine by me! Do what works for you!

Now then, from all us "dickheads" directly to you......:finger: :spew:
I am still waiting on facts. I see a lot of opinions, but I rarely ever see facts. When I do see facts, they don't actually go hand-in-hand with the agenda presented.

Here is a fact, done by testing... The lower the nitrogen level in soil at harvest, the higher percentage of THC. Proven tested fact.
Waiting on facts?

Do you not know how to google basic plant biology?

Plant breaks down salt into sugar. Flushing your medium does not remove processed sugars from the plant.

I don't think it can be explained any easier.
^ I have seen a whole lot of opinions, very few facts. When I do see facts, those facts often do not align with the agenda.

Here is a fact, done by testing... The lower the nitrogen level in soil at harvest, the higher percentage of THC. Proven tested fact.

Got a source for this?

Cause I call BS
Got a source for this?

Cause I call BS
Of course I do....
It is a trick used with Hemp to lower the thc levels because THC is not wanted in hemp...


These experiments show that the THC content of leaves decreases with increasing N doses. This phenomenon is favorable for agricultural production, because nitrogen fertilization will increase stem yield and simultaneously decrease THC content of the plant significantly. Additional studies are necessary to determine optimal N dose/ha, time of application, fertilizer type and the lowest THC content achievable under field conditions.

If any of you have ever farmed, you will know that near harvest is when rain starts moving in, on top of the fact that soil is generally depleted of nutrients. It is as natural as it gets.
^ I have seen a whole lot of opinions, very few facts. When I do see facts, those facts often do not align with the agenda.

Its water. If you run water

I am still waiting on facts. I see a lot of opinions, but I rarely ever see facts. When I do see facts, they don't actually go hand-in-hand with the agenda presented.

Here is a fact, done by testing... The lower the nitrogen level in soil at harvest, the higher percentage of THC. Proven tested fact.


What doesn't ad up here?

Yuppers on the N vs. THC levels = agreed..

Look dude. If you want to flush - please do. That's your thing, if even after reading truth.....It's YOUR choice! The thing is if you follow how the plant reacts naturally. Your reducing your N as you approach the last weeks by reducing the amount you put in....The best synthetic nutrient lines do that for you! I only put enough N source in my organic water only bloom soils to carry me to the finish! Flushing and hiding your plant in the dark for days.......Does nothing!

But, don't come on here and call me a "dickhead" when YOUR the one acting that way! I told the kid I could have done my post better, BEFORE you butted in calling names like a little kid!
^ Yeah, ok I apologize.

Just get tired of everytime someone comes on here and even mentions flushing he is immediately bombarded.

This dude was all excited about his upcoming harvest and posts about it and what was once an exciting happy thing immediately turned into him getting hit from all sides.
Of course I do....
It is a trick used with Hemp to lower the thc levels because THC is not wanted in hemp...


These experiments show that the THC content of leaves decreases with increasing N doses. This phenomenon is favorable for agricultural production, because nitrogen fertilization will increase stem yield and simultaneously decrease THC content of the plant significantly. Additional studies are necessary to determine optimal N dose/ha, time of application, fertilizer type and the lowest THC content achievable under field conditions.

If any of you have ever farmed, you will know that near harvest is when rain starts moving in, on top of the fact that soil is generally depleted of nutrients. It is as natural as it gets.

woah woah woah, you said N levels in the soil during harvest.

This article explains the effects of N and THC on various leaves of the plant, and by no means shows any support for "flushing". In fact, this article is support of why you shouldn't flush, and instead maintain a healthy feed schedule.

And hello, growing weed 101, you shouldn't be hitting your plants with high doses of N in flower anyways. This article you posted is simply supporting that very fact, and is the reason why growers don't need high levels of N during flower.
^ Yeah, ok I apologize.

Just get tired of everytime someone comes on here and even mentions flushing he is immediately bombarded.

This dude was all excited about his upcoming harvest and posts about it and what was once an exciting happy thing immediately turned into him getting hit from all sides.
Yea, it's sad that it happens that way. Everyone has their two cents. I gave mine, I think it's pointless to flush. But if the OP wants to grow his the way he likes, and flush so be it. Who am I, to tell him what to do with HIS grow. I'll grow mine my way, he can still grow his the way he chooses.
I always saw RIU as a place were we can share out styles and not be criticized by others, or let someone's post turn into a giant debate. But lately it seems anyone who says "flush" on a thread brings the trolls out of the wood work.
Yea, it's sad that it happens that way. Everyone has their two cents. I gave mine, I think it's pointless to flush. But if the OP wants to grow his the way he likes, and flush so be it. Who am I, to tell him what to do with HIS grow. I'll grow mine my way, he can still grow his the way he chooses.
I always saw RIU as a place were we can share out styles and not be criticized by others, or let someone's post turn into a giant debate. But lately it seems anyone who says "flush" on a thread brings the trolls out of the wood work.

I thought we all come here to share experience and knowledge so that we can all grow better buds.

I'm sorry, but the age old myth of flushing needs to be destroyed. It goes against the very biology of the plant and honestly has no place for discussion in the growing community anymore.

It's beating a dead horse. Don't flush. Time to move on
^ Yeah, ok I apologize.

Just get tired of everytime someone comes on here and even mentions flushing he is immediately bombarded.

This dude was all excited about his upcoming harvest and posts about it and what was once an exciting happy thing immediately turned into him getting hit from all sides.

Thank you - accepted and respected!

In a way, I agree. I did enter the idea to him rather the wrong way and later stated so - MY bad!

It's HARD to try and show opposing views in an educating way without being hit back with a stick.....I guess I too am tired of the topic...It's just ponderous.

Look. I respect that you choose to flush, after reading our (real) information given. I only have 1 problem with your reasoning on nature "flushing".....

I farm and I run/manage a 4 organic farm co-op. Your right that as the harvest approaches. The nutrient levels of the soil have dropped. But that has nothing to due with the final flavors or nutritional value of the crop. Your also a bit mistaken on the increase in natural rain playing a part. We (farmers) leave grain crops out to REDUCE moisture levels INSIDE the "fruit" to proper harvesting levels and sometimes have to "dry" them further in grain driers that cost us profit margin to do. So, we really try and leave it out till proper levels have been reached. If that involved MORE rain. We would see our products sit out in the field longer and risk other delaying problems like overly wet ground so harvesters can't traverse the fields.

Any way, the significant rain increase's usually start after harvest and no where near the harvest of the "fleshy" produce harvest that you feel would BE effected by increased rain (like a flush)..... Sorry on that theory but, I hope you take my last statement as a teaching moment like it was intended and NOT as a slight!

If you are using salt based nutrients, flushing can help clear the medium of salt build up. Flushing is not a myth....I don't flush my organic buds but if I were to be using salt fertilizers I might think about a nice gentle water only flush towards the end of harvest to ensure the highest quality buds. Residual fertilizer salts left in the medium can lead to a harsh smoke and black ash, curing will not fix these problems.
The guys telling me flush are growing in warehouses for the shops in NV and the guys winning cannabis cups. Soma is a good friend of ours. And all my edible friends agree to flush too. Even the guys blowing oil out to all the shops. They say flush.
It got so fluffed up because everyone feels so strongly about their opinion and like Dr. Who said, it's a good stress relief. We can't kick each others asses and have a drink online so we have to slander and make up and then become friend in the long run.
If you are using salt based nutrients, flushing can help clear the medium of salt build up. Flushing is not a myth....I don't flush my organic buds but if I were to be using salt fertilizers I might think about a nice gentle water only flush towards the end of harvest to ensure the highest quality buds. Residual fertilizer salts left in the medium can lead to a harsh smoke and black ash, curing will not fix these problems.

I just harvested a branch early off my plant, no flush. Smoked it for the first time last night NO CURE AT ALL for a test, the weed I buy off the street is harsher than it... it also had white ash just like any other weed.

Taste was a bit off but that's probly cuz I quick dried in a dehydrator and no cure
I've smoked much worse tasting lol
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I'm growing 3 night queen and 1 LSD 25 auto fems this next grow. I won't defoliate or flush and they'll be in the same tent the whole time instead of being moved three different times: ladder, make shift tent to where they sit now.