Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....


Well-Known Member
that speaks more to the stagnation of wages under trickle down economics though, since premiums are rising at the slowest rate in history.

Still with the trickle down, really? A parrot can be trained to use the toilet, and you can't help but shit all over the floor.


Well-Known Member
Somebody pick flowers, light candles, and buy balloons. This is how we defeat ISIS

Yeah, you have to strawman the opposition in order to try to argue with that

The solution you propose has proven not to work and not only that, but it's made things much worse

This is a fact


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you have to strawman the opposition in order to try to argue with that

The solution you propose has proven not to work and not only that, but it's made things much worse

This is a fact
Liberals are too predictable. The element of suprise is one of the greatest strengths a military commander can have.
Obama announces his plans ahead of time, leaving our troops vulnerable.


Well-Known Member
Liberals are too predictable. The element of suprise is one of the greatest strengths a military commander can have.
Obama announces his plans ahead of time, leaving our troops vulnerable.
Another strawman

You want to go in and commit war crimes, we've done that and all it's done is wasted trillions and cost hundreds of thousands of lives. So what do you think will be different this time we do it?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I can't help wondering how long it will be before the backlash from these attacks leads to more and more Western nations banning immigration of any and all Muslims. Not that it will solve the problem, because the horse is already out of the barn, but that's the usual type of "too little too late" knee-jerk reaction that one would expect from this continued and escalating pattern of attacks.
Trump called it correctly months ago and the PC freaks freaked - "let's not have immigration of Muslims until we can sort this thing out".

He was right.
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Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
yes. this is established historical fact. ISIS arose because of our point;ess invasion of iraq under the george w bush administration.

to deny this is to deny that the sky is blue. it is that simple of a fact.
As usual you got it as backasswards as you are. ISIS arose because we pulled out of Iraq leaving the middle east hopeless and vulnerable thanks to Obama. Bush took out the Islamic terrorist regime, got Iraq restored and the other countries stabilized and back to normalcy thanks to the invasion and brilliance of his general's and staff. That's a fact.

Obama's is as retarded and twisted as you.

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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
what i'm saying is that we should turn the united states into an authoritarian police state in order to stop all terrorism. checkpoints, random searches, the modern day equivalent of the gestapo and SS. we should even make known muslims wear some type of symbol so that they can be identified, just like hitler did with the jews.

we should also abolish the first amendment so that we can stop all muslims from entering.

that would stop all terrorism and we would win the war of terror.

do you disagree because you are a terrorist, or do you agree because you are a patriotic american?

The United States is already an authoritarian Police state. On the world scene it has hundreds of bases in about 150 countries.

Domestically, it has the most people incarcerated of any country.

As an aside, could you fart some more ponies for my friend Vermin Supreme? You can't imagine how many free ponies he's going thru just on the campaign trail.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
As usual you got it as backasswards as you are. ISIS arose because we pulled out of Iraq leaving the middle east hopeless and vulnerable thanks to Obama. Bush took out the Islamic terrorist regime, got Iraq restored and the other countries stabilized and back to normalcy thanks to the invasion and brilliance of his general's and staff. That's a fact.

Obama's is as retarded and twisted as you.

Wouldn't the question then become, "why was the USA in Iraq in the first place" ?


Well-Known Member
As usual you got it as backasswards as you are. ISIS arose because we pulled out of Iraq leaving the middle east hopeless and vulnerable thanks to Obama. Bush took out the Islamic terrorist regime, got Iraq restored and the other countries stabilized and back to normalcy thanks to the invasion and brilliance of his general's and staff. That's a fact.

Obama's is as retarded and twisted as you.

oh my...I'm embarrassed for you.

I feel for you, I really do.

I wish people could leave their domestic politic confirmation bias alone when discussing international politics.

Your reply made me cringe. So inaccurate.

Stick to facts, not opinions


Well-Known Member
you quote piers Morgan for fucks sake, he's a tit!

It is Americans like you who the rest of the world laugh at. Outstanding ignorance.

Take a bow


Well-Known Member
Oh ok,

I expected a mindless defence of right wing policy and you actually asked an interesting question.

I'm at work just now but as soon as I get a spare few mins I will answer your (very pertinent) question :)

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Oh ok,

I expected a mindless defence of right wing policy and you actually asked an interesting question.

I'm at work just now but as soon as I get a spare few mins I will answer your (very pertinent) question :)

My rejection of idiotic "left wing policy" doesn't mean I adopt "mindless right wing policy".

I appreciate your left handed compliment too, thanks.