Hey man I get it. It makes some who may not be in the most MJ friendly states a wee bit on te paranoid side. Of course. So also does walking out of the only coop in the area, in January when the temps are down in the low 30's. With a giant and very colorful bag of "Happy Frog" soil.

lol Especially since the people who run it are an older family, but they generally give you the benefit of the doubt. Nevertheless. It does invoke a little paranoia. They probably sell the same stuff to others who are growing house plants as well.
As far as UPS goes. They probably see all kind of stuff lol. I do agree with your sentiment tho. Whatever is on those packages shouldn't be advertised. It could encourage thievery from your porch. And provokes meddling minds to invent conspiracy theories. I mean there are avid gardeners out there who never even consider marijuana, yet they have a houseful of flowers and other plants just because they love to grow. Ordering seeds really puts me over the edge even tho I've never had good reason. The stress.