The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Well-Known Member
can anyone name another candidate that is better qualified than her on any matter, foreign or domestic?

her track record is unbeatable on many fronts. she is the most qualified candidate with respect to foreign policy and knowledge, she has overseen a booming economy with massive job creation and GDP growth, secured healthcare for millions of children, stood up for and advanced women's rights, and so much more.

also, LOL.

Screenshot 2016-03-23 at 5.47.40 PM.png
can anyone name another candidate that is better qualified than her on any matter, foreign or domestic?

her track record is unbeatable on many fronts. she is the most qualified candidate with respect to foreign policy and knowledge, she has overseen a booming economy with massive job creation and GDP growth, secured healthcare for millions of children, stood up for and advanced women's rights, and so much more.

also, LOL.

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That is funny,.....the fox news people got it right on the money.
can anyone name another candidate that is better qualified than her on any matter, foreign or domestic?

her track record is unbeatable on many fronts. she is the most qualified candidate with respect to foreign policy and knowledge, she has overseen a booming economy with massive job creation and GDP growth, secured healthcare for millions of children, stood up for and advanced women's rights, and so much more.

also, LOL.

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She voted for the Iraq war - she's just as bad as republicans on foreign policy

She's also just as bad as the republicans on regulating the financial industry
And that, she voted for the Iraq war for her political career. She feared voting against it would imperil her senate seat. And for that I hate her as well.
I feel the same way about that

That was a vote that she gave specifically to benefit herself and her career. She put herself above the lives of thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands if not millions of Iraqi civilians, the same as the Neocons who were in charge at the time.

Nobody should forget that and she shouldn't be forgiven for it

She voted for the Iraq war - she's just as bad as republicans on foreign policy

She's also just as bad as the republicans on regulating the financial industry
She IS a republican, atleast her voting record says so, regardless of what lies comes out of her mouth.

but idiots will vote for her regardless because of the D next to her name. They are just as bad as the IDIOTS that will be voting for Trump.
lol i do not know what it is shes a crook but you will still vote for here ??? i mean wtf is it most americans feel safer when there government lies to them. I do not get it From white water to Benghazi she stinks like shit
That fact that some people are unfamiliar with the operation of the Constitution of the United States says more about those people than it does about Hillary.

P.S. Just as an aside, I personally believe that the issue around Hillary's mail server is very substantial, and if I were an American voter it would be enough to make me not vote for her.

Sad thing is many have already forgotten most of her scandals
travel gate scandal
File gate scandal
And what about the cattle futures miracle scandal
Looter gate they started stealing white house furniture WTF
Anyone remember Vince Foster Jr ????
Well you are obviously voting hillary. I pointed out her policies negatively affecting black people and views towards black children.

She helped create the bank crisis, voted for the Iraq war and reduced aid for the low income family.

She is a manipulative, racist, lying, hypocritical woman.

Who trump is or isn't does not change the fact that America does not trust Hillary.
This is a reply to a post from a thread on Trump. It made more sense to reply here.

- Hillary is racist? really? Do you have some proof to put forth here?
- The bank crisis is entirely a Republican fiasco. It was within Bush's administration that banks were given the authority to self regulate those financial weapons of mass destruction that led to the credit default swap melt down. Also, do you really think Hillary created the real estate bubble by herself?
- Can you give me some details about Clinton's policies that specifically affect black people and their children in a negative way? I searched and checked your posts for references on this and couldn't find anything other than your unsupported theory that Trump's jobs policies will somehow make inner city black people's lives better. But could find nothing about Hillary.

Remember, she is not running against herself. She is running against Trump, or will be after the conventions are done, unless something really big happens between now and then. The violence and racist authoritarian rhetoric coming from Trump's camp is pushing me towards Hillary. Also, Trump has no experience in political office. He's not even a good business leader, witness his bankruptcies and fraud investigations, not to mention his treatment of women.

As far as the matter of trust is concerned, well, that will be decided in an election. Polls say she is much more trusted by the people of this country than Trump.

Do I like her? No
Would I rather have Sanders as Prez? Yes
Will I vote for her? Maybe but I don't have to make my mind up on that just now. Trump will not get my vote.
US funded of course right or do you deny that
Yep, this thread is going to reel in all the kooks.
No sir, Hitler funded the Holocaust entirely from looted Swiss bank accounts taken from jews that he then had tortured and killed. Denying something like that takes a person with a very dark side to them.

Hillary on the other hand, well, you have some points there.
The furniture thing belongs in the WTF category
as does File gate and Travel gate

The cattle futures scandal is worthy of another investigation.

It bears saying, however that File gate, Travel gate, cattle futures scandal, and China gate were all investigated by a hostile Republican congress. You are aware that investigations by themselves are political acts that are used to make an otherwise innocent person look guilty? It is a matter of record that nothing was found by a hostile prosecuting authority. Call up all the right wing conspiracy wind-baggery blogs that you like to cite. NOTHING was found in those investigations that warranted legal proceedings. NOTHING was found that makes her unsuitable as president. I call bullshit here.

The Vincent Foster deal? I'll just file that onto the rather long list of other strange, weird and psychotic conspiracy theories that you've named before, including holocaust denial. Then brush you off.

You don't like her. OK, you have lots of company there. Me included.
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