Wal-Mart ... The Evil Doer.

Vred, you just don't get it. You must concede, that to have a civilised society, we must have some form of governence, to run this public entity, you must have taxation. I'll admit that our govt. is out of control. The free part means it is free to citizens for health care. Your right nothing is free, it's just deciding on how to spend the tax money that is supposed to better our society. I feel (emotion again) that spending our taxes on health care is a far better thing than spending it on war so the rich can get richer and the young men Die! There has been taxation as far back as you want to look. I'm no scholar on taxation, but I believe the Romans had a form of tax. You must have a monetary source for public programs. If left up to the Rich, the only bridges that would be built would be the ones to their private islands. fornicate, fornicate, fornicate!
the us. goverment could free up billions of dollars. if they stoped the war on pot:roll: . let the poor hippy that just wants to grow enough to suport his owen habet alone:mrgreen:
I think the short term is asshole! (Thats not out of Merriam-Webster)

There you go again, forgetting the terms Nazi, Facist, Racist and Homophobe. Oh, and I forgot ... "Non-Military Server."


PS: Again Med ... personal attacks are an indication that your mind is devoid of rational, cogent thought. May I suggest that instead of resorting to personal attacks that you just simply strengthen your arguments?

"Takes too much time and effort."

In addition to time and effort, strengthening one's arguments also takes knowledge ... something that you are almost completly devoid of. Nice try though ...

Just for the record ... you would be doing yourself a BIG favor if you were to read DankDude's posts. Dank and I are pretty much on opposing sides politically. He and I have been bantering back and forth on the Net for over five years now. With the exception of only ONE time that he told me that I was full of shit, and one time that I told him that he was full of shit, personal attacks have been left out of the discussion. Again, read DankDude's posts. When he makes claims, he usually accompanies them with documentation ... something that you NEVER do.

Read "takes too much time and effort" Yes I agree with most every thing Dankdude says, The fact that you say I have no knowledge, is that not calling me ignorant, please, I'm sure I have at least as much knowledge as you, It just bores me to death to play schoolboy. I gave up homework years ago. Maybe you didn't get enough education so you like looking things up like a 10 year old schoolboy. Facts is facts, If you son't like my posts, please excuse your self and forget the homework. I think this is an opinion forum, If you want facts, read the encyclopedia! And yes, an asshole is still an asshole, I say if the shoe fits......................
"The fact that you say I have no knowledge, is that not calling me ignorant"

I was referring to your knowledge of political issues and the functions of free markets. I'm sure that on other issues you are VERY knowlegable. BUT, on political issues and markets you are totally ignorant. Mind you ... I am not calling you stupid, just lacking knowledge. Big difference. Too bad about your dislike of research. It is in research that one forms valid opinions.

You are calling me ignorant on political issues from your point of view. I have a view not unlike George Carlin or Bill Maher. Those individuals do not ascribe to any political party as I myself don't, example: I am voting for a republican leutenant governor as her opinion on immigration rather mimics mine, a democratic governor as her opinion (except immigration) also mimics mine Plus the republican candidate for governor was accused of rape then she took it back, can you say payoff! In my world, nothing is black and white, I vote on the issues that a candidate proposes and expect them to adhere to them. At the present time, I'm almost certain to vote against any incumbent as they have done such a lousy job, congressional or otherwise. I won't go into my anti-Republican rant here, but you can be assured I'm voting against any incumbent republican that is on the ballot!
You are calling me ignorant on political issues from your point of view. I have a view not unlike George Carlin or Bill Maher. Those individuals do not ascribe to any political party as I myself don't, example: I am voting for a republican leutenant governor as her opinion on immigration rather mimics mine, a democratic governor as her opinion (except immigration) also mimics mine Plus the republican candidate for governor was accused of rape then she took it back, can you say payoff! In my world, nothing is black and white, I vote on the issues that a candidate proposes and expect them to adhere to them. At the present time, I'm almost certain to vote against any incumbent as they have done such a lousy job, congressional or otherwise. I won't go into my anti-Republican rant here, but you can be assured I'm voting against any incumbent republican that is on the ballot!

Gawd! Finally a great post! Now we're getting somewhere!


PS: Don't take offense ... that was a compliment. :)
I doubt if you'll ever approve of my posts as I've said before we're about 180 degrees apart, and I really don't like perusing the net for backup, not to say I couldn't find refutations for right wing posts. there are certainly enough anti-Bush sites to fill several libraries. My posts are basically my opinions gathered from my exposure to all sides of the arguements. I have friends that are as for Bush (though not so much lately, even though they won't admit it) as I am against him. We've had heated exchanges and almost went high noon a few times. I guess you either love or hate him, I am definently in the latter! You should read "Bushwhacked" By Molly Ivins. It might surprise you!
And oh yeah, I forgot Israel, The most paranoid nation on Earth, can you say KABOOM!


We can only hope Israel takes out the Iranian nuke threat (unless you think they want it for energy efficiency?), so we (the USA) don't have to before they blow up Tel Aviv or sell it to Osama.
I really don't think it will matter who "takes out Iran" as they are becoming heavily allied with Russia (you know how many nukes they have) The only sanity here involves dialogue with Iran and North korea. 2 party 6 party or 25 party, as long as we keep avoiding conversation with the "axis of evil" countries, nothing will get better. Unilateral first strikes are viewed by the rest of the world as demonic, we will garner no good relations with that. When the genie will be let out of the bottle (nuclear holocast) is to be deferred as long as possible and untill diplomacy is proven to be absolutely futile, First strike mentality should be on the back burner. Remember, China borders N.Korea and a nuclear strike on N. Korea might not be viewed with such a friendly eye, plus S. Korea would be obliterated! The big gun philosophy Of G.W.Bush has aggravated the rest of the world to no end!
What unilateral dialogue has the USA had with Iraq, Iran and N. Korea?

We have been engaged in multi-party talks the whole time. Iran hangs up the phone, N Korea won't return our calls...

Russia has more to lose if they back N Korea or Iran in WWIII than if they assist the lessor of two evils: the USA. Likewise for China.

N Korea was stockpiling weapons and building it's military for almost a hundred years, I suppose that is Bushs' fault. Iran and the radical Islam has been anti-western since (at least) the 6-Day War in 1967 and considering the source of their religious texts, much longer indeed.

... Or is that just what Halliburton would have us believe?
I guess you don't get it, Unless you live in Australia or some other far away place, like maybe Mars, I don't think it will matter who starts WWIII, the end will be horrendous, Say "armageddon"! I'm saying hell man you gotta talk to your enemys. Even the Bible says "Know thine Enemy", If you don't talk to them, whats the frickin use. You might as well just bomb them back to the stone age and hope that Russia or China doesn't get pissed off. The deal is, N. Korea wants something from the rich industrial countries to give up their nukes and we're not willing to give it, In Irans case, I think the mullahs hold too much sway to ever convince Iran to give up it's nuke program. So it's a waiting game with the clock ticking, What harm would talk do?
See your just a stubborn old goat, How do you know what your enemys are doing if you don't read. I have read some stuff that is pro-Bush, I usually don't get too far before I throw it in the trash, but there is no comparison between Molly Ivins And Ann fucking Mad Dog coulter. Molly Ivins backs up her rhetoric with footnotes and facts about how Bush failed in every Business enterprise in Texas And was backed by saudi Money Etc. Maybe you should read "Bushwhacked", you might find it interesting rather than your Ann Mad Dog Coulter lies. I guess you are as Ignorant about Bush as You have appeared. I wondered about that, I didn't think anyone could have read about Bush in Texas and be behind him. He was the biggest failure ever. If it weren't for his father and The Saudis he would be hanging out in some Pool hall in Corpus Cristi, God I wish that had happened!
Well if you like Wal * Mart or not, look at it this way. Wal Mart is the Chinese Governments biggest outlets for their goods in the US, as you buy from Wal Mart you are helping to riun our own economy and widen the trade deficit.
"If med had it his way I'm sure they'd roll back the Bush tax cuts" AfuckinMen! I wouldent wait one frickin minute and I'd make it retroactive for those making over 1,000,000 dollars a year, all the way back to when they started. Those robber barrons have been gettin filthy rich off the backs of working people way too long. Peace!
Med ...

You are an honest-to-goodness throwback to the 19th Century.


PS: And the Dankster isn't very far behind you either.