Vred, you just don't get it. You must concede, that to have a civilised society, we must have some form of governence, to run this public entity, you must have taxation. I'll admit that our govt. is out of control. The free part means it is free to citizens for health care. Your right nothing is free, it's just deciding on how to spend the tax money that is supposed to better our society. I feel (emotion again) that spending our taxes on health care is a far better thing than spending it on war so the rich can get richer and the young men Die! There has been taxation as far back as you want to look. I'm no scholar on taxation, but I believe the Romans had a form of tax. You must have a monetary source for public programs. If left up to the Rich, the only bridges that would be built would be the ones to their private islands. fornicate, fornicate, fornicate!